Theories and Perspectives on Environment and Development
Brief graphics notes for Strand 2 in Unit 5 (Theories and Perspectives on Environment and Development)
Dr. Róbinson Rojas –January 2010
From Monthly Review - May 2004
Ideology and Economic
Development Michael A. Lebowitz
theory is not neutral, and the results when it is applied owe much to the
implicit and explicit assumptions embedded in a particular theory. That such
assumptions reflect specific ideologies is most obvious in the case of the
neoclassical economics that underlies neoliberal economic
UNU-WIDER - December 2006
The World Distribution of Household
Wealth Pioneering
Study Shows Richest Two Percent Own Half World Wealth
The richest 2% of adults in the world own more than half of global household
wealth according to a path-breaking study released today by the
Helsinki-based World Institute for Development Economics Research of the
United Nations University (UNU-WIDER).
The most comprehensive study of personal wealth ever undertaken also reports
that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year
2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world
total. In contrast, the bottom half of the world adult population owned
barely 1% of global wealth.
From Sustainability 2010
Eco-nomics: Are the Planet-Unfriendly Features of Capitalism Barriers to Sustainability?
Merrill Singer
This paper argues that there are essential features of capitalist modes of production, consumption,
and waste dispersal in interaction with the environment and its built-in systemic features
that contradict long-term sustainable development. These features include:
(a) contradictions in the origin and meaning of sustainability;
(b) the central role of the productivity ethic in capitalism and its reproduction in emergent green capitalism;
(c) the commodification of nature and the continued promotion of expanding consumption;
(d) globalism and the contradictions of continued Western-style development; and
(e) the emergence of anthropogenic ecocrises and crises interaction.
In light of these barriers to capitalist sustainability, an alternative social narrative
is needed, one that embraces values, understandings, and relationships
that promote ecological stability and justice.
Recommended reading:
Sustainable Development: Mainstream and Critical Perspectives
Carlos J. Castro - 2004 - University of Oregon - U.S.A.
Published in Organization and Environment 2004; 17; 195
The online version of this article can be found at
"Like democracy and globalization, the concept of sustainable
development has become one of the most ubiquitous, contested,
and indispensable concepts of our time. Although the concept
was first introduced in response to environmental concerns, it
has been defined primarily by the mainstream tradition of economic
analysis, which tends to marginalize the issue of ecological
sustainability itself. Recently, however, scholars advancing
various critical perspectives challenged the mainstream economic
analysis of sustainable development. This essay examines the
presuppositions, logic, and major themes of mainstream sustainable
development theory, primarily within economics, and explores
the critiques of mainstream analysis offered by various
poststructuralist cultural theorists and ecological Marxists.
Although considered to be superior in their greater emphasis on
ecological sustainability, neither of these critical approaches is
deemed adequate in itself. The argument here instead leads to the
conception that an adequate approach to sustainable development
requires combining insights from various critical approaches and
10th Raul Prebisch Lecture, Delivered at the Palais des Nations Geneva, 11 December
Markets, Politics and Globalization:
Can the Global Economy be Civilized?
By Gerald Karl Helleiner
Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics and Distinguished Research Fellow,
Centre for
International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
Market forces are powerful ... and they can be powerful for good. But every professional
economist, and all but the most ideologically encrusted, recognize that, left unchecked, they can
yield socially deleterious outcomes. The economic theory of perfectly competitive markets takes
careful account of market failures in the forms of externalities, public goods and the like; and
begins, it is important to remember, by entirely abstracting from the equity of income distribution
and the distribution of power. Empirical reality also presents us with an imperfection-ridden
market system - imperfectly competitive, imperfectly informed, with many markets missing
entirely. It also presents us with grotesquely inequitable initial conditions. To many, if not indeed
by now the majority, inequities in the distribution of income, wealth and power are both the most
important determinants of economic outcomes in market systems and the most important targets
for international economic policy.
UN: World Economic Situation and Prospects
Economic Situation and Prospects 2010
The global economy is on the mend
The world economy is on the mend. After a sharp, broad and synchronized global
downturn in late 2008 and early 2009, an increasing number of countries have
registered positive quarterly growth of gross domestic product (GDP), along
with a notable recovery in international trade and global industrial
production. World equity markets have also rebounded and risk premiums on
borrowing have fallen.
… but recovery is fragile
Economic Situation and Prospects 2009
It was never meant to happen again, but the world economy is now mired in the
most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression. In little over a
year, the mid-2007 subprime mortgage debacle in the United States of America
has developed into a global financial crisis and started to move the global
economy into a recession. Aggressive monetary policy action in the United
States and massive liquidity injections by the central banks of the major
developed countries were unable to avert this crisis. Several major financial
institutions in the United States and Europe have failed, and stock market and
commodity prices have collapsed and become highly volatile. Interbank lending
in most developed countries has come to a virtual standstill, and the spread
between the interest rate on interbank loans and treasury bills has surged to
the highest level in decades. Retail businesses and industrial firms, both
large and small, are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain credit as
banks have become reluctant to lend, even to long-time customers. In October
2008, the financial crisis escalated further with sharp falls on stock markets
in both developed and emerging economies. Many countries experienced their
worst ever weekly sell off in equity markets
UN: World Economic and Social
Economic Prospects and the Dev. Countries (GEPDC)
(various years)
Development Finance (GDF) (various years)

Statistical Indicators for Asia and the Pacific
Data Center
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific
Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2009
World Bank: Africa
Development Indicators(ADI) (various years)
ILO: Global
Employment Trends and Related Reports
- Economic and Labour
Market Analysis Department (EMP/ELM)
- Employment
- Policy
Analysis and Research (EMP/ANALYSIS)
- Employment
Policy Department (EMP/POLICY)
- Country
Employment Policy (EMP/CEPOL)
- Employment-Intensive
Investment Programme (EIIP)
- Job Creation and
Enterprise Development Department (EMP/ENTERPRISE)
- Boosting
Employment through Small Enterprise Development (EMP/SEED)
- Cooperatives
- Multinational
Enterprises (EMP/MULTI)
- Skills and
Employability Department (EMP/SKILLS)
Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction (ILO/CRISIS)
- Social
International Trade Statistics (ITS) (various years)