United Nations University
World Institute for Development Economic
Nancy Birdsall:
Days on an Open Field: Asymmetries in the Global Economy
(PDF 241KB)
Openness is not necessarily good for the poor. Reducing trade
protection has not brought growth to today’s poorest countries, and
open capital markets
have not been good for the poorest households in emerging market
economies. In this
paper I present evidence on these two points. First, countries highly
dependent on
primary exports two decades ago, despite their substantial engagement
in trade and a marked
decline in their tariff rates in the 1990s, have failed to grow.
Second, within
high-debt emerging market economies the financial crises of the last
decade, whether induced by
domestic policy problems or global contagion, have been especially
costly for the poor
(in welfare terms if not in terms of absolute income losses). I discuss
the asymmetries in
the global economy that help explain why countries and people cannot
compete on equal terms on the ‘level playing field’ of the global
Deepak Nayyar:
through Globalization? (PDF
This paper seeks to analyze the prospects for development in a changed
international context, where globalization has diminished the policy
space so
essential for countries that are latecomers to development. The main
theme is that, to use the
available policy space for development, it is necessary to redesign
strategies by
introducing correctives and to rethink development by incorporating
different perspectives, if
development is to bring about an improvement in the well-being of
people. In redesigning
strategies, some obvious correctives emerge from an understanding of
theory and a study
of experience that recognizes not only the diversity but also the
complexity of
development. In rethinking development, it is imperative to recognize
the importance of
initial conditions, the significance of institutions, the relevance of
in economics and the critical role of good governance. Even if
difficult, there is also
a clear need to create more policy space for national development, by
reshaping the rules of
the game in the world economy and contemplating some governance of
K. S. Kavi Kumar and Brinda Viswanathan:
to Globalization in India: Relative Rankings of States Using Fuzzy
Models (PDF 187KB)
The net impact of globalization on developing countries, and more
specifically on the poorer sections of population in these countries,
is complex and
context dependent, and hence needs to be analysed empirically. This
study in the context of
globalization attempts to develop regional level indices of
vulnerability with
respect to welfare loss in India using a methodology based on fuzzy
inference systems. The
vulnerability of an entity is conceptualized (following the practice in
global climate
change literature) as a function of its exposure, sensitivity and
adaptive capacity. Empirical
analysis based on such multidimensional conceptualization demands use
of indicator-based
approach which is attempted in this study and uses fuzzy models that
capture vagueness inherent in such approaches.
The contribution of the study is three folds: conceptualization of
vulnerability and linking it with formalization being attempted in
other disciplines,
development of a new methodology to measure vulnerability, and apply
the methodology to rank
Indian states
Mihály Simai:
Human Dimensions of the Global Development Process in the Early Part of
the 21st Century: Critical Trends and New Challenges
Alice Sindzingre:
Threshold Effects of Globalization on Poverty: An Institutional
Perspective (PDF 131KB)
Alan V. Deardorff and Robert M. Stern:
Bystanders: Does Trade Liberalization Hurt Countries that Do Not
Participate? (PDF 105KB>
Anthony P. D’Costa:
Development, and Mobility of Technical Talent: India and Japan in
Comparative Perspectives (PDF 215KB)
Eric Rauchway:
Role of Federalism in Developing the US during Nineteenth-century
Globalization (PDF 483KB)
The IMF point of view on the current world
economic crisis
December 2008
Finance $ Development
World Economy Under Stress
From the BBC World Service
Global Financial Crisis
The United Nations says the world economy faces its worst downturn
since the Great Depression.
It expects world economic output to shrink by as much as 0.4% in 2009,
due to a slump among developed countries - particularly the US and in
This would mark the world economy's first year of contraction since the
1930s, the UN said. The report added there had been complacency about
the impact of the financial crisis on poorer countries.
"It seems inevitable that the major countries will see significant
contraction in the immediate period ahead and that recovery may not
materialise any time soon, even if the bail-out and stimulus package
succeed," it says.
Global Financial Crisis 2008
An analysis by the
Real-World Economic Review
Big banks are failing, bailouts measured in hundreds of billions of
dollars are not nearly enough, jobs are vanishing, mortgages and
retirement savings are turning to dust. Didn’t economic theory promise
us that markets would behave better than this? Even the most ardent
defenders of private enterprise are embarrassed by recent events: in
the words of arch-conservative columnist William Kristol,
There’s nothing conservative about letting free markets degenerate into
something close to Karl Marx’s vision of an atomizing, irresponsible
and self-devouring capitalism.2
So what does the current wreckage of the global financial system tell
us about the theoretical virtues of the market economy?
United Nations Conference on Trade and
Globalization and
Development Statistics 2008
Facts and Figures
This second issue of UNCTAD’s “Development and Globalization: Facts and
Figures” is more
than an update of the 2004 edition. With economic globalization
challenging much of our
traditional wisdom, the 2008 edition is meant to increase the
analytical emphasis and to offer
some explanation for new and emerging economic trends.
Note - Foreword - Acknowledgements and explanatory notes
1 Global
growth and composition of demand -
Growth trends - Gross domestic product by economic activity and
expenditure - Growth and trade balance - Primary commodity prices
- Terms of trade and impact on gross national income
2 Payments
balances and determinants - Current account
balance - Capital flows - Inflation rates and interest rates - Unit
labour costs - Nominal exchange rates - Competitiveness and real
effective exchange rates
3 External
resources - Foreign direct investment trends
- Industrial pattern of foreign direct investment - Official
development assistance and debt relief - Migrants’ remittances -
External debt trends - External debt indicators - International
International trade in merchandise and services
- Geography of merchandise trade - South-South merchandise trade
- Trade of primary commodities - Primary commodity dependence - Market
access - Patterns in services trade of developing countries -
Services trade performances of developing countries by category of
Population - Population and poverty -
of the world - Definitions - Abbreviations
United Nations - Economic
Comission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Twenty-Ninth Session, Brasilia, Brasil
6-10 May 2002
Globalization and Development
The process that has come to be known as globalization, -i.e.,
the progressively greater influence being exerted by worldwide
economic, social and cultural processes over national or regional
ones— is clearly leaving its mark on the world of today. This is not a
new process. Its historical roots run deep. Yet the dramatic changes in
terms of space and time being brought about by the communications
and information revolution represent a qualitative break with the past.
In the light of these changes, the countries of the region have
the secretariat to focus the deliberations of the twenty-ninth session
ECLAC on the issue of globalization and development.
Globalization clearly opens up opportunities for development.
We are all aware -and rightfully so- that national strategies should
be designed to take advantage of the potential and meet the
requirements associated with greater integration into the world
This process also, however, entails risks:
risk generated by
new sources of instability in trade flows and, especially, finance;
risk that countries unprepared for the formidable demands of
competitiveness in today’s world may be excluded from the process;
and the risk of an exacerbation of the structural heterogeneity existing
among social sectors and regions within countries whose linkages with
the world economy are segmented and marginal in nature.
of these risks are associated with two disturbing aspects of
the globalization process:
first is the
bias in the current
form of market globalization created by the fact that the mobility of
capital and the mobility of goods and services exist alongside
severe restrictions on the mobility of labour. This is reflected in the
asymmetric, incomplete nature
of the international agenda that accompanies the globalization process.
This agenda does not, for
example, include labour mobility. Nor does it include mechanisms for
ensuring the global coherence
of the central economies’ macroeconomic policies, international
standards for the appropriate
taxation of capital, or agreements regarding the mobilization of
resources to relieve the
distributional tensions generated by globalization between and within
Report of the Secretary-General of
Globalization for Development: Opportunities and Challenges
(7/4/2007), 85 Pages
Accra, Ghana - 20-25 April 2008
Addressing the opportunities
and challenges of globalization for development.
By now it is widely
acknowledged that globalization has generated remarkable wealth and
prosperity for particular countries and particular industries. But
those benefits have not reached large swathes of the world population;
in numerous developing countries, and even within some of the more
prosperous countries, there are many people who have not benefited or
who are even worse off. Given that globalization will continue for the
foreseeable future, the conference will explore ways to harness
globalization to raise living standards, reduce poverty and ensure
sustainable development.
The GTAP Eleventh Annual
Future of the Global Economy
June 12 -14 2008
General Information
- 2008 Conference Papers
The goal of the conference is to promote the exchange of ideas among
economists conducting quantitative analysis of global economic issues.
Particular emphasis will be placed on applied general equilibrium
methods, data, and application. Related theoretical and applied work is
also welcome.
A global network of individuals and institutions conducting
economy-wide analysis of trade, resource, and environmental policy
issues has emerged. Thousands of these researchers now use a common
data base supplied by the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP). The
project is coordinated by the Center for Global Trade Analysis at
Purdue University with the support of a consortium of national and
international agencies. Participants are given an opportunity to
present their work, interact with other professionals in the field, and
learn about the most recent developments in global economic analysis.
The themes of the Eleventh Annual Conference are:
-- Globalization and economies in transition;
-- Development, poverty and vulnerability;
-- Energy and environment; and
-- Wealth, aging and income distribution
Journal of World-Systems Research
December 2006
JWSR is currently operating on absolutely no budget.
Please consider making a donation or buying a mug at the JWSR Store.
From Center for Global Development
The World is not Flat:
Inequality and Injustice in our Global Economy
By Nancy
Birdsall - 10/31/2005
Nancy Birdsall addresses the challenge that global inequality poses for
managing globalization so that it works for the developing world. She
first argues that inequality matters to people. Moreover, in developing
countries, where markets and politics are far-from-perfect, inequality
can be destructive, reducing prospects for growth, poverty reduction,
and good government. She then turns to a fundamental problem of
globalization--that it is asymmetric, i.e. that it benefits the rich
more than the poor, both within and across countries. Birdsall argues
that the world is not flat as argued by New York Times columnist Thomas
Friedman. Rather, what appears to be a level playing field to people on
the surface is actually a field full of craters in which poor people
and poor countries are stuck. Birdsall discusses the implications of
these craters for shared prosperity, global security, and global social
-------------------- |
The New Economic Geography:
effects and policy implications
A symposium
sponsored by The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
August 24-26, 2006
- Shift in
economic geography and their causes
- Consequences for production and prices, employment and wages
- Consequences for financial markets and global savings and investment
- Strategies for growth - Implications for monetary policy - Overview
From The Economist
On the hiking trail
is generating huge economic gains. That is no reason to ignore its costs
Aug 31st 2006
----------------------- |
From Global Agenda - 2006
Noam Chomsky and Maria Ahmed
Noam Chomsky sets out his
vision of fair globalization in conversation
with Global Agenda’s Maria Ahmed
For the record, I am in
favour of globalization. That has been true of
the left and the labour movement since their modern origins. That’s why
every union is called an international; why there were several abortive
attempts to form internationals; and why I’ve always taken for granted,
and repeatedly written, that the global justice movements of the past
few years, meeting annually in Porto Alegre, Mumbai, and elsewhere (and
now having spawned many regional social forums) are perhaps the seeds
of a real international. That is, globalization that prioritizes the
rights of people – real people of flesh and blood.
----------------------- |
From The Guardian - 13 July 2006
The death of Doha signals the
demise of globalisation
As developing
countries acquire a powerful voice, the US shuns multilateral trade
deals because it can no longer get its own way
By Martin Jacques
The freer movement of trade and capital has been a fundamental
characteristic of the past 25 years of globalisation. The Doha round,
initiated in 2001, was the latest attempt to keep the process rolling.
It now looks doomed. The deadlock between the US, the EU, Japan and the
developing countries seems final. And with the fast-track powers of the
US president - which enable trade agreements to bypass Congress -
scheduled to come to an end in 2007, any agreement later than this year
will be subject to the unpredictability and delay of Capitol Hill. In
other words, it is now or never, and it looks more and more like never.
---------------- |
From Finance and Development - March 2006
Examining Global Imbalances
Philip R. Lane and Gian
Maria Milesi-Feretti
A new data set on external assets and liabilities reveals that U.S.
investors have earned much higher returns on their assets than they pay
on their liabilities. As a result, the United States has been able to
run large current account deficits over the past four years without
experiencing a major deterioration in its net external liabilities.
----------------- |
London - 4 April 2006
biggest 25 food companies not taking health seriously enough
The world’s top 25 food
companies appear not to be taking the new global diet and health agenda
seriously enough, says an 80 page report from The City University out
Researchers at City’s Centre for Food Policy studied the annual
reports, accounts and HQ websites (to Autumn 2005) of the top 10 food
manufacturers, top 10 food retailers and top 5 foodservice companies
(top 3 fast food and top 2 contract caterers).They were rated for
whether the companies were doing anything about the health agenda
agreed by the world’s governments at the World Health Organisation.
In May 2004, a Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
was passed by the World Health Assembly (the WHO’s governing body).
This made recommendations to companies as to what they could do to
health tackle the world’s diet crisis – not just obesity but heart
disease, cancers and diabetes.
------------------------- |
The process that has come to be known as globalization
the progressively greater influence being exerted by worldwide
economic, social and cultural processes over national or regional
ones- is clearly leaving its mark on the world of today. This is
not a
new process. Its historical roots run deep. Yet the dramatic changes in
terms of space and time being brought about by the communications
and information revolution represent a qualitative break with the past.
In the light of these changes, the countries of the region have
the secretariat to focus the deliberations of the twenty-ninth session
ECLAC on the issue of globalization and development.
ECLAC: Twenty-ninth Session - Brasilia, Brazil
6-10 MAY 2002
Globalization and development
------------------ |
The neoliberal point of view
Freer Trade?
Special Edition,
December 2005 Web Exclusive
Sixty years of multilateral trade negotiations have resulted in
ever-lower barriers and ever-higher economic growth worldwide. There is
still a chance that the Doha Round — the current series of trade talks
— could continue this pattern, but on the verge of the WTO's Hong Kong
ministerial meeting, the prospects do not look good. In this special
edition of Foreign Affairs, some of the world's top experts on
international trade consider what will be necessary for the Doha Round
to succeed — and what might happen if it does not.
-------------------- |
From UNRISD - October 2005
Methodological and Data Challenges to
Identifying the Impacts of Globalization and Liberalization on
By Albert Berry
Globalization (the increasing degree of economic interaction among
countries) and liberalization (reductions in government intervention in
markets, partly with respect to international interaction but also more
generally) are two of the defining features of the last couple of
decades. Both have given rise to contentious debate, with views ranging
from the very optimistic to the very sceptical. In this paper, Albert
Berry reviews the evidence on how the two trends have affected
inequality (and hence poverty) at the world level and within countries.
The sources of
neoliberal globalization
By Jan Aart Scholte
In reflecting on the future fate of neoliberalism, it is important to
understand where the doctrine has come from and what sustains it: know
the past and present in order to shape the future. On this inspiration,
this paper offers an account of the institutional and deeper structural
forces that have given neoliberalism its primacy in shaping
globalization over the past quarter-century...What, more precisely,
does globality entail? It is argued that globalization involves the
growth of transplanetary—and in particular supraterritorial—connections
between people. Hence, globality is in the first place a feature of
social geography. A distinction therefore needs to be rigorously
maintained between globalization as a reconfiguration of social space
and neoliberalism as a particular—and contestable—policy approach to
this trend.
The Search for Policy Autonomy in the South:
Universalism, Social Learning and the Role of Regionalism
By Norman Girvan
This paper argues the need for the South to secure greater autonomy in
development policy... It utilizes a political economy analysis in the
historical context of decolonization and contemporary globalization...
in the 1950s, the new subdiscipline of development economics made a
significant contribution to policy autonomy in the global South by
legitimizing the principle that their economies should be understood
within their own terms and by providing justification for policies that
built up its industrial capabilities...However, the marginalization of
development economics and its policies in the 1980s resulted in a
marked discontinuity in the accumulation of policy experience in much
of the South and the squandering of much of intellectual capital
developed in the earlier period. Neoclassical economics and neoliberal
policies ruled out the notion of an economics sui generis for the
developing countries. Nonetheless, developments since the late 1990s
have shown that the triumphalism was premature, as global social
movements, financial crises, contradictions in the World Trade
Organization (WTO) process and the shifting political climate in the
South have served to undermine the Washington consensus and have
re-opened space for academic enquiry and policy experimentation in the
South and North.
--------------------- |
Globalization: Themes in
Theories of Colonialism and Postcolonialism
-- The
Concept of Globalization
-- Postcoloniality
and the Postcolony: Theories of the Global and the Local
-- English
in Carthage; or, the "Tenth Crusade"
-- Globalization,
Its Implications and Consequences for Africa
-- Imagining
a Global Democratic Public Sphere: Reclaiming Feminism, Schooling and
Economic Justice --A review of Robin Goodman's World, Class, Women
From The Washington Post - August 19th 2005
Break on Foreign-Profit Tax Means Billions to
U.S. Firms
By Jonathan Weisman
Prompted by a one-time tax holiday on profits earned abroad,
pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and Co. announced early this year that
it would bring home $8 billion to boost research and development
spending, capital investments and other job-creating ventures. Six
months into the year, Lilly's R&D spending had increased by 10
percent. But that $134 million is only a small fraction of the $8
billion that is boosting the company's coffers.
-------------------- |
April 2005 - From The World Bank Group
Prospects for the Global Economy
Global growth: 2004
was a record for developing country growth, but activity began to slow
in the second half and this slowing trend is expected to continue
through 2007.
Global imbalances, exchange rates and inflation : Higher U.S. interest
rates should reverse the upward trend in the current account and
prevent a disorderly decline in the dollar. Slower growth should help
moderate incipient inflationary pressure, especially among developing
World trade: Trade flows are expected to remain high, but slower growth
will slow the pace of export and import volume growth during 2005-07.
-------------------- |
Andrés Solimano - 2002
Globalizing talent and human capital:
implications for developing countries
---------------------- |
27 March 2005 - The Observer
Super-rich hide
trillions offshore
· Study reveals assets
10 times larger than UK GDP
· Exchequers deprived of hundreds of billions in tax
The world's richest individuals have placed $11.5 trillion of assets in
offshore havens, mainly as a tax avoidance measure. The shock new
figure - 10 times Britain's GDP - is contained in the most
authoritative study of the wealth held in offshore accounts ever
----------------------- |
BBC World News: - 17 March 2005
Wolfowitz to spread neo-con
By Paul Reynolds World
Affairs correspondent, BBC News website
By nominating Paul Wolfowitz to be head of the World Bank, President
George Bush appears to be sending a message to the world that he
intends to spread into development policy the same neo-conservative
philosophy that has led his foreign policy.
seeks to calm critics
at Wolfowitz's nomination
backs hawk for World Bank
quits World Bank
Paul Wolfowitz
at World Bank's door?
The right choice?
quotes: Wolfowitz reaction
What the World Bank does IMF and World
Bank: reform underway?
-------------------- |
17 March 2005
Brazil: navigating the straits
of globalization
By Mark S. Langevin
Back in the 1500’s, Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigated the Americas by
daring to sail through the dangerous straits of its rugged Southern
edges. Nearly five centuries later, Brazil stands poised to navigate
the straits of globalization as a “world trader,” the leader of Latin
America — and the voice of the majority who languish at the margins of
the global economy. Mark Langevin explains.
----------------------------- |
The Prebisch Lecture |
Lecture, September 2004), by Rubens Ricupero Secretary-General of
UNCTAD (PREBISCH 12th Lecture)
14/09/04, 56 Kb
BE CIVILIZED? (10h Prebisch Lecture, December 2000), by Gerald Karl
Helleiner, Centre for International Studies University of Toronto,
Canada. (PREBISCH 10th Lecture)
11/12/00, 25 Pages, 118 Kb
October 1998), By Dr. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Senior Vice President and
Chief Economist, The World Bank (PREBISCH 9th Lecture)
19/10/98, 34 Pages, 166 Kb
Prebisch Lecture, October 1997), By Dany Rodrik, Rafiq Hariri Professor
of International Political Economy, John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University (PREBISCH 8th Lecture)
24/10/97, 21 Pages, 433 Kb
Structural Adjustment Participatory
Review Initiative:
April 2002
Policy Roots of Economic Crisis and Poverty. Full report
A multi-country
participatory assessment of structural adjustment.
Executive Summary |
The World Bank Group acknowledges the
dramatic social and economic damage caused by its economic policies
(mainly structural adjustment programmes) imposed on developing
societies in the last 30 years, and launches a new neo-liberal recipe
called "development policy lending". Of course, being The World Bank
Group the "visible hand" of the big international capital, its new
development policy lending looks very much the same old wine in new
bottles. Below are the official press releases and papers by the World
Bank Group
(Dr. Róbinson Rojas) (August 2004)
From Adjustment Lending
to Development Policy Support Lending
From BBC World:
World trade blocs: an
- EU -
The World Bank Group
Global Economic
Prospects 2005
Trade, regionalism and
Rivers Run Black, and
Chinese Die of Cancer
September 12, 2004
By JIM YARDLEY, The New York Times
Note by Róbinson Rojas: This investigation by Jim Yardley illustrates
what the Chinese capitalist ruling class is doing in China to make of
its economy a "powerhouse" for the enrichment of the few and the
suffering of the many. This is what some of us define as
"savage capitalism". Of course, this local environmental catastrophe
help to make even more dramatic the global environmental catastrophe,
both driven by the partnership between the Chinese capitalist class and
the international capitalist class. It seems to me that international
public action is necessary to stop this crime against the Chinese
population and life on planet earth.
Development and
Globalization: Facts and Figures 2004
Analyses supported by
detailed statistical documentation. The report is aimed at a broad
audience, including readers with little or no background in economics.
It provides an overview of the evolution of developing countries in the
context of globalization. It is a quick-reference tool for evaluating
the growth prospects of developing countries. General topics covered
include population and economic trends, external finance and debt,
foreign direct investment, transnational corporations, international
trade, production and trade of commodities and manufactures, and
information and communication technologies (ICT). 119 pages. |
Foreign Direct
Investment Statistics
The Industrial
Development Report 2002/2003. Competing through innovation and learning
July 28, 2004
Report on the evaluation
of the role of the IMF in Argentina, 1991-2001
World Development Report 2005 Draft
Improving the
investment climate for growth and poverty reduction
Table of Contents
A better investment climate—for everyone
Part I:
Improving the Investment Climate: Table of Contents
1: Unleashing growth and poverty reduction
2: Challenges to improving the investment climate
3: Making progress
II: Focusing on the Basics: Table of Contents
4: Security and stability
5: Regulation and taxation
6: Finance and infrastructure
7: Workers and labor markets
III: Beyond the Basics: Table of Contents
8: Selective intervention
9: International rules and standards
IV: How the International Community Can Help: Table of Contents
Chapter 10:
How the international community can help
Over the last 70 years or so, an
international capitalist class have been trying to create a world order
ruled by oligopoly capital. U.S. ruling elites have being leading this
process. After the collapse of bureaucratic socialism they are
implementing a Project for the New
American Century which is unleashing, once again,
U.S. State Terrorism all over the world. To understand better how the
international capitalist class enforces its domination mainly through
U.S. State Terrorism, I include here two texts ( Carroll & Carson,
and Fraser & Beeston). More reading on this is available at http://rrojasdatabank.org/pfpc.
(Dr. Róbinson Rojas)
W. K.
Carroll & C. Carson:
Forging a New Hegemony?
The Role of Transnational Policy Groups in the Network and Discourses
of Global Corporate Governance
Fraser and M. Beeston:
The Brotherhood
Part 1: Introduction.
The Main Manipulating Groups
Part 2: The Main
Part 3: Economic
Control. Steps Towards a Global Bank
Part 4: Political Control
Part 5: The World Army
Part 6: Population
Part 7: Who We Are &
Mind Manipulation
Part 8: Further Examples
of Manipulation
Part 9: The
Pharmaceutical Racket
Part 10: Seeing Beyond
the Veil
R. Rojas, 2001
International capital: a menace to human dignity
and life on planet earth
Notes on globalisation
and its effects on developing societies as explained by structuralism
and dependency theory |
International Financial Institutions
Watch Net
Institution: ADB (Africa)
| ADB (Asia)
| EBRD | EIB | IADB | IMF | World Bank Group
| IFIs general
Topic: Environment
| Finance and debt
| Future of the
governance | Private Sector
| Social issues
| Structural
adjustment | Trade
Region: East
Asia and Pacific | Eastern
Europe and Central Asia | Latin America
and Caribbean | Middle East
North Africa | North America
| South Asia
| Sub-Saharan
Africa | Western Europe
| International
for Economic Policy Research
D. Dutta ( Sept. 2002)
of Globalisation on Employment and Poverty in Dualistic Economies: The
Case of India
R. Jha (July 2002)
Poverty in India: Structure, determinants and suggestions for policy
promise and reality. Lessons from Mexico for the Hemisphere
J. Audley, S. Polaski,
D.G. Papademetriou, and S. Vaughan
(November 2003)
Introduction in English
or Spanish
1: Jobs, Wages, and Household Income
2: The Shifting Expectations of Free Trade and Migration
3: The Greenest Trade Agreement Ever? Measuring the Environmental
Impacts of Agricultural Liberalization |
Breaking the Mould: an
institutionalist political economy alternative to the neoliberal theory
of the market and the state
Ha-Joon Chang,
... (full
text) |
An opportunity to influence
Experts recommended Southern governments not to overload the
World Trade Organization with new issues and to see the coming UN
summit on Financing for Development as an opportunity to start
reforming the IMF. See the document.
The World Bank's strategy for Uruguay
In its
document of strategy for the next five years, the World Bank announces
a reduction of its loans to Uruguay. It also demands the privatization
of the state banking system and social policies.
See the whole document.
North-South negotiations online
A daily report on the
diplomatic negotiations around key globalization issues is now
available on line: www.sunsonline.org.
The publication of the
prestigious South-North Development Monitor information service on the
Internet is the result of a colaborative effort between SUNS, Third
World Network and the Ngonet programme of the Third World Institute.
The General Agreement on Trade and Commerce
- debate
- corporate
- energy
financial services
- gender
- health
- labour
- labour
- libraries
- local
- postal
public services
- retail /
- tourism
- water
of World-Systems Research:
Volume X Number 1
Winter 2004:
Social Movements Before and After 9-11
the entire issue as a single PDF file. (2.5 MB) Alternate Download
Material (Cover, Table of Contents, Masthead)
Bruce Podobnik &
Thomas Ehrlich Reifer
Globalization Protest Movement in Comparative Perspective
Jeffrey M. Ayres
Collective Action Against Neoliberalism: The Case of the
"Anti-Globalization" Movement
Frederick H. Buttel
& Kenneth A. Gould
Social Movement(s) at the Crossroads: Some Observations on the
Trajectory of the Anti-Corporate Globalization Movement
Lesley J. Wood
the Bank & Taking to the Streets: How Protesters Target
Kenneth A. Gould,
Tammy L. Lewis, &
J. Timmons Roberts
Coalitions: Constraints and Possibilities in the Post 9-11 Political
Amory Starr
Can Anti-Imperialism Not Be Anti-Racist? The North American
Anti-Globalization Movement
Thomas D. Hall &
James V. Fenelon
Futures of Indigenous Peoples: 9-11 and the Trajectory of Indigenous
Survival and Resistance
Gianpaolo Baiocchi
Party and the Multitude: Brazil's Workers' Party (PT) and the
Challenges of building a Just Social Order in a Globalizing Context
Peter Waterman
of Emancipatory Labour Strategy as the New Global Movement Challenges
Institute |
The Berkeley Roundtable on
the International Economy:
Selected Working Papers (For use in the class
room only. Dr. Róbinson Rojas):
*The External
Sector, the State and Development in Eastern Europe. Barry Eichengreen and Richard Kohl. March 1998
Patterns, FDI, and Industrial Restructuring of Central
Eastern Europe. Paolo Guerrieri. July 1998
Participation in US-Funded R&D: the EUV Project as a
Model for a New Reality. Michael Borrus. March 1998
*Reunifying Europe in an Emerging World
Economy: Economic
New Industrial Options, and Political Choices.
John Zysman and Andrew
Schwartz. March 1998.
*China's Financial
Reform: Achievements and Challenges.
Barry Naughton. April 1998.
*Can Japan Disengage?
Winners and Losers in Japan's Political
and the Ties That Bind Them. Steven K. Vogel. December 1997.
Implications of WTO Accession for China.
Richard Steinberg. November 1997.
*Advanced Displays in
Korea and Taiwan. Greg Linden, Jeffrey Hart
and Stefanie Lenway. December 1997.
*Integrating Central
and Eastern Europe In the European Trade
and Production
Network. Françoise Lemoine. July 1998.
*The Agricultural and
Food Sectors. Integration of Eastern Europe
Russia. Tim Josling and Stefan Tangermann,.July 1998.
*Left for Dead: Asian
Production Networks and the Revival
US Electronics. Michael Borrus. April 1997.
*From partial to
systemic globalization: international production Networks in the
electronic industry D. Ernst |
Working Papers
by Gernot Kohler:
The Structure of Global Money
What is Global Keynesianism?
Unequal Exchange 1965 - 1995: World Trend and World
A theory of world income
A simulation of global exploitation
Globalization as a Shaikh-Pasinetti Dynamic
Surplus Value and Transfer Value |
Is there a new economy? Kevin Stiroh. 1999 |
Microeconomics for tomorrow's economy Delong/Froomkin |
From market madness to recession. F. Lebanon (1998)
Is globalisation inevitable and desirable? A
public debate
How the "new
emperors" determine the destiny of the world I. Ramonet (1996) |
Ninth Ministerial
Meeting of the Group of 77 and China on globalization (1999) |
World Trade
The Environment
International Trade
Documents on line
Trade and
Development Centre |
The World Bank: Financial
structure and economic development |
International Organizations
Permanent Missions to the
United Nations
The United Nations System
The World Bank
International Monetary Fund
Development Report 2000. Human rights and human development |
Investment Report 2000 |
The World Bank: Financial
structure and economic development |
World Bank: Can Africa Claim the 21st Century? |
Development Reports |
Economic Outlook. April 2000
Economic Outlook. Oct. 2000 |
Reference Tables |
Development Indicators 1999
Development Indicators 2000 |
Progress of Nations 1999 |
Development Finance 1998 Volume I
Development Finance 1999 Volume I
Development Finance 1999 Country Tables
Development Finance 2000 Volume I
Development Finance 2000 Country Tables |
Economic Prospects and the Developing Countries 2000 |
State of Food Insecurity in the World 1999 |
State of Food and Agriculture 1998 |
Resources 1998-99: Data Tables |
Resources 1998-99: Global Trends |
Resources 1996-97: Database |
Data Center for Human Interactions in the Environment |
Development Report Indicators |
Literacy |
Literacy |
Marx, K. Capital, volumen 1 |
Marx, K. Capital, volumen 2 |
Marx, K. Capital, volumen 3 |
Marx, K. Grundisse |
Marx, K. Production, Consumption, Distribution, Exchange |
Marx, K. Wage-labour and capital |
Marx, K./Engels, F. Bourgeois and proletarians(1848)
Marx/Engels Library |
WCC: Ecumenical Reflexions on Political Economy (1988) |
UNDP: Growth as means to human development (1996) |
UNDP: Ten years of Human Development (1990-1999) |
UNDP: Human Development
Reports 1999
1998 1997 1996 1995 1994
1993 1992 1991 1990 |
R. Rojas: Sustainable development in a globalized economy? The
odds. 1999 |
R. Rojas: Sustainable development in a globalized economy. 1997 |
R. Rojas: Making sense of development studies
R. Rojas: Notes on the philosophy of the
capitalist system |
R. Rojas: Notes on economics: assuming scarcity |
R. Rojas: Notes on economics: about
obscenities, poverty and inequality |
R. Rojas: Notes on structural adjustment programmes |
R. Rojas: Agenda 21 revisited (notes) |
R. Rojas: 15 years of monetarism in Latin America: time to
scream |
R.Rojas: Latin
America: a failed industrial revolution |
R.Rojas: Latin
America: the making of a fractured society |
R.Rojas: Latin
America: a dependent mode of production |
S. Saumon: The
IMF and the World Bank, tools of "Development Diplomacy"? |
S. Saumon: From
state capitalism to neo-liberalism in Algeria: the case of a failing
state |
S. Saumon: External
domination via domestic states: the case of Francophone Africa |
S. Saumon: French
neo-colonialism in Francophone Africa? The role of the state in
processes of foreign domination |
Globalisation and
Europeanisation Network in Education |
Artefacts |
Calculator |
Index and
Conversion Factors |
World Economic
Outlook Reports
World Economic Outlook (WEO)-- April 2004
Description: The April 2004 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: April 14, 2004 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO)-- September 2003
Description: The September 2003 World Economic
Outlook (WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF
Date: September 13, 2003 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO)-- April 2003
Description: The April 2003 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: April 09, 2003 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO)-- September 2002
Description: The September 2002 World Economic
Outlook (WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF
Date: September 25, 2002 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), April 2002--Contents
Description: The April 2002 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: April 18, 2002 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), The Global Economy After September 11,
December 2001--Contents
Description: The December 2001 World Economic
Outlook (WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF
Date: December 18, 2001 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), The Information Technology Revolution,
October 2001--Contents
Description: The October 2001 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: September 26, 2001 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic
Stability, May 2001--Contents
Description: The May 2001 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: April 26, 2001 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), Focus on Transition Economies, October
Description: The October 2000 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: September 19, 2000 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), Asset Prices and the Business Cycle, May
Description: The May 2000 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: May 12, 2000 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), Safeguarding Macroeconomic Stability at
Low Inflation, October 1999 -- Contents
Description: The October 1999 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: September 22, 1999 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), International Financial Contagion, May
Description: The May 1999 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: May 01, 1999 |
Economic Outlook and International Capital Markets--Interim Assessment,
December 1998 -- Table of Contents
Description: The December 1998 World Economic
Outlook (WEO) and International Capital Markets Interim Assessment
Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: December 21, 1998 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), Financial Turbulence and the World
Economy, October 1998--Contents
Description: The October 1998 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: October 01, 1998 |
World Economic Outlook (WEO), Financial Crises: Causes and Indicators,
May 1998--Contents
Description: The May 1998 World Economic Outlook
(WEO) Table of Contents with links to the full text in PDF format
Date: May 01, 1998 |
9 June 2005
Economic Terrorism
by Róbinson Rojas: Free-market
fundamentalism, which can be described as capitalist economic
terrorism, is creating a world with a small bunch of super rich and a
big majority just surviving on their income. United States is a telling
case study of this. What began with the Reagan Administration is
reaching obscene features with the Bush Administration. Statistics show
that "for every additional dollar earned by the bottom 90 percent of
the population between 1950 and 1970, those in the top 0.01 percent
earned an additional $162. That gap has since skyrocketed. For every
additional dollar earned by the bottom 90 percent between 1990 and
2002, each taxpayer in that top bracket brought in an extra $18,000."
The New York Times is publishing a special section ("Class Matters"),
from which I select here some important texts. They show how capitalist
economic terrorism (free-market fundamentalism) can disjoint a society.
The winners are the ones who have at their service a political class
serving their interests by unleashing political and economic terrorism
(otherwise known as globalization) all over planet Earth. They are
building a larger U.S. empire. Modern Caligulas like Bush et al are the
top layer of that political class.
The Bush
Economy (7 June 2005)
Richest Are
Leaving Even the Rich Far Behind (5 June 2005)
Upward Mobility (7 June 2005)
Class Matters.
A special section
The Mobility
Myth (6 June 2005)
The New York Times - 10 June 2005
Losing Our Country
By Paul Krugman
"The middle-class society I grew up in no longer exists. Working
families have seen little if any progress over the past 30 years.
Adjusted for inflation, the income of the median family doubled between
1947 and 1973. But it rose only 22 percent from 1973 to 2003, and much
of that gain was the result of wives' entering the paid labor force or
working longer hours, not rising wages.
But the wealthy have done very well indeed. Since 1973 the average
income of the top 1 percent of Americans has doubled, and the income of
the top 0.1 percent has tripled."
--------------------------------- |
December 31st, 2004
Confessions of an
Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor
Countries Out of Trillions
"Interview with John
Perkins, a former respected member of the international banking
community. In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man he describes
how as a highly paid professional, he helped the U.S. cheat poor
countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them
more money than they could possibly repay and then taking over their
economies. [includes rush transcript] "
---------------------- |
A three Kings’ January 6, 2005, Year of the
Rooster Offering
Meet Uncle Sam -without clothes- parading
around China and the world
Observed From the Top of the Great Wall through the Eyes of the
Innocent Little Boy
by Andre Gunder Frank
Introducing Uncle Sam - Without Clothes
Uncle Sam has just reneged and defaulted on up to forty percent of its
trillions of dollars [$] foreign debt, and nobody has said a word
except for a line in this week’s Economist. In plain English that means
that Uncle Sam runs a world-wide confidence racket with his self-made $
based on the confidence that he has elicited and received from others
around the world, and he is a also a dead-beat in that he does not
honor and return the money he has received. How much of our dollar
stake we lost depends on how much we, the creditors, originally paid
for it. He let, or rather through his deliberate political economic
policies, drove his $ down by over 40 percent from one Euro at $ 80
cents at its highest to now 135 cents against the Euro, Yen, Yuan and
other currencies. And $ is still declining, indeed apt to plummet
Samir Amin on:
Imperialism and Globalization
Notes of a talk
delivered at the World Social Forum meeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil in
January 2001.
Imperialism is not a stage, not even the highest stage, of capitalism:
from the beginning, it is inherent in capitalism’s expansion. The
imperialist conquest of the planet by the Europeans and their North
American children was carried out in two phases and is perhaps entering
a third.
The first phase of this devastating enterprise was organized around the
conquest of the Americas, in the framework of the mercantilist system
of Atlantic Europe at the time. The net result was the destruction of
the Indian civilizations and their Hispanicization- Christianization,
or simply the total genocide on which the United States was built.
----------------------- |
Tax Justice Network
The global Tax Justice
Network arose out of meetings at the European Social Forum in Florence,
late 2002, and at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, early 2003.
It is a response to harmful trends in global taxation, which threaten
states' ability to tax the wealthy beneficiaries of globalisation.
These trends have disturbing implications for development, democracy,
public services and poverty, as explained further in the network's
------------------- |
From the
for Economic and Policy Research
Scorecard on Globalization 1980-2000
Twenty Years of Diminished Progress
M. Weisbrot, D. Baker,
E. Kraev and J. Chen - July 2001
This report looks at economic and social indicators for all countries
for which data are available and compares the period of 1980-2000 with
the previous 20 years. Indicators include: the growth of income per
person, life expectancy, mortality, literacy, and education. It finds a
very clear decline in progress as compared with the period 1960-1980.
Mark Weisbrot, Dean Baker, and David Rosnick
Scorecard on Development:
25 Years of Diminished Progress - September 2005
This paper looks at the available data on economic
growth and various social indicators — including
health outcomes and education — and compares the
last 25 years (1980-2005)1 with the prior two decades
(1960-1980). The paper finds that, contrary to popular
belief, the past 25 years (1980-2005) have seen a sharply
slower rate of economic growth and reduced progress
on social indicators for the vast majority of low- and
middle-income countries.
Numbers: The Impact of Trade Liberalization on World Poverty
M. Weisbrot, D. Rosnik,
and D. Baker - November 2004
Many economists and policy analysts have promoted trade liberalization
in rich countries as the most effective way to reduce poverty in the
developing world. Cline (2004), one of the leading references on this
topic, projected that rich country trade liberalization would lift 540
million people out of poverty. This paper analyses Cline’s projections
and finds that the impact of trade liberalization on poverty would be
very small.
Down with the Dollar: The Cost to Developing Countries of a Declining
M. Weisbrot, D.
Rosnick, and D. Baker - September 2004
In the years since the East Asian financial crisis in 1997, many
developing countries have sought to increase their holdings of foreign
reserves to protect their currencies against financial instability.
This paper shows that, because the dollar is overvalued, this strategy
may actually increase risks.
Trends: The Growth of Debt in the U.S. Economy
D. Baker -
September 2004
This paper looks at how two forms of debts that have received little
attention in the media – household debt and foreign debt — will
pose large burdens on the economy.
Bubble: The Implications of the Over-Valuation of the Stock Market and
the Dollar
D. Baker - June 2000
This report examines the over-valued stock market and dollar and finds
that current stock prices are inconsistent with plausible projections
of future profit growth.
More papers here
Social Watch Annual Reports:
2008: Rights is the answer
2007: In dignity and rights
2006: Impossible Architecture
2005: Roars and Whispers. Gender and
promises vs. action
and Want. Obstacles to Human Security
2003: The Poor and the Market
The social impact of globalisation in the world
Much ado...
From the summits to the grassroots
From the summits to the grassroots
Equity and social development
From the summits to the grassroots
Women and citizenship in Latin America
Saul/C. Leys,
Sub-Saharan Africa in Global
Capitalism, 1999
Africa Claim the 21st Century?, 2000
Coeur de Roy,
African challenge: internet, networking and connectivity activities in
a developing environment
F. Mayor,
and globalization: the challenges of democracy and governance.
Marcos Arruda,
Neo-liberal Financial
Globalization: capitalism's grave illness.
Journal of
Sustainable Development in Africa,
Market tells them so: the World Bank and Economic Fundamentalism in
Nations University,
and Development in Africa: online papers
and Development:
in Africa, Dec.
United Nations University (2004):
Globalization and Development in Africa
Journal of
World-Systems Research:
Number 2 (Summer 2003)
Globalization and the Environment
Andrew K. Jorgenson
& Edward L. Kick
and the Environment
Alf Hornborg
or Zero-Sum Game? The Epistemology of Sustainability
Stephen G. Bunker
Space, Energy, and Political Economy: The Amazon in the World-System
Peter Grimes & Jeffrey Kentor
the Greenhouse: Foreign Capital Penetration and CO2 Emissions 1980–1996
J. Timmons Roberts, Peter E. Grimes & Jodie L. Manale
Roots of Global Environmental Change: A World-Systems Analysis of
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
R. Scott Frey
Transfer of Core-Based Hazardous Production Processes to the Export
Processing Zones of the Periphery: The Maquiladora Centers of Northern
Thomas J. Burns, Edward L. Kick, & Byron L. Davis
and Rethinking Linkages Between the Natural Environment and the Modern
World-System: Deforestation in the Late 20th Century
Review Essay
Andrew K. Jorgenson
Pressure and Deforestation A Review Essay of
Environmental Impacts of Globalization and Trade: A Systems Study by
Corey L Lofdahl
Book Reviews
Franz J. Broswimmer
A Short History of Mass Extinction of Species
Reviewed by Florencio R. Riguera
Arthur Mol and Frederick Buttel (eds)
Environmental State Under Pressure
Reviewed by Bruce
International Labour Organisation (2004)
World Commission on the
Social Dimension of Globalization
A Fair Globalization: creating opportunities for all
"...The current process
of globalization is generating unbalanced outcomes, both between and
within countries. Wealth is being created, but too many countries and
people are not sharing in its benefits. They also have little or no
voice in shaping the process. Seen through the eyes of the vast
majority of women and men, globalization has not met their simple and
legitimate aspirations for decent jobs and a better future for their
children. Many of them live in the limbo of the informal economy
without formal rights and in a swathe of poor countries that subsist
precariously on the margins of the global economy. Even in economically
successful countries some workers and communities have been adversely
affected by globalization. Meanwhile the revolution in global
communications heightens awareness of these disparities."
J. Brecher, T. Costello and B. Smith:
Globalization from below |
Corporate Europe Observatory
Corporate Europe
Observatory (CEO) is a European-based research and campaign group
targeting the threats to democracy, equity, social justice and the
environment posed by the economic and political power of corporations
and their lobby groups |
Investment Watch |
Friends of the Earth Europe
Trade |
the Washington Consensus
Jeremy Clift
In 1989, economist John Williamson coined the term Washington
Consensus. It referred to a set of reforms that many economists and
policymakers believed Latin America would have to undertake to recover
economically from the debt crisis of the 1980s. The reforms soon came
to be seen as a model for other developing regions to follow. Results
have not met expectations, however, and today, there is fresh debate
about the reform agenda outlined in the Consensus.
(From "Finance and Development", Sept. 2003)
Reform Agenda to Damaged Brand Name
John Williamson
The author of the term Washington Consensus explains how he came up
with the 10-point reform package set forth in the Consensus. He says
the term has acquired such different meanings that it is time to drop
it from the vocabulary and describes what the policy agenda should look
like now, given the disappointing results of the reforms of the 1990s.
(From "F&D", Sept. 2003)
America: Overcoming Reform Fatigue
Guillermo Ortiz
The governor of Mexico's central bank talks about the disappointing
results of the "first-generation" reforms of the Washington Consensus
and emphasizes the importance of "second-generation reforms"—building
the right institutional framework. (From "F&D", Sept. 2003)
Finding the Right Path
Trevor A. Manuel
South Africa's Minister of Finance says that some of the reforms in the
Washington Consensus did not apply to Africa the way they did to Latin
America, and that the Washington Consensus failed to address three of
Africa's main problems: the dual economy, lack of social capital, and
weak states. (From "F&D", Sept. 2003)
Global capitalism, deflation and
agrarian crisis in developing countries
Patnak, 2003 |
Social policy in a development
Mkandawire, 2001 |
External dependency and internal
transformation: Argentina confronts the long debt crisis
Schwarzer, 2000 |
Globalization and its impact on developing
12-14 September 2001 |
Global Built Environment Review
A journal for
architecture, planning, development and the environment GBER is being
launched as a refereed quarterly electronic journal with a yearly
printed edition. It aims to have a wide international readership
comprising of architects, planners, developmentalists,
environmentalists and students from both the western and the developing
world. Although the main focus of GBER is the 'Built Environment' it
also intends to include debates from the perspectives of the related
macro socio economic, political and developmental issues. Its editorial
policy particularly welcomes the views expressed through the socio
culltural determinants of the present day 'multi cultural' society
which influences the contemporary 'Global Built Environment'. The
journal is genuinely interested in debates on the built environment of
both the developing and the developed world. The idea is to foster an
effective north south solidarity and provide a forum to encourage a
better understanding and communication on a wide variety of built
environment issues including the emerging 'globalisation and its impact
on both Eastern and Western multicultural built environment'. |
Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology
World Bank :
Economic Prospects 2004
Realizing the Development Promise of the Doha Agenda
G. Monbiot (6 June, 2003):
by free trade
Papers on various aspects of
globalisation and the discourses of global capital
Language in the New Capitalism |
J. Berthelsen (23 May, 2003):
greenback highlights trade deficit
Fidel Castro (12 April, 2000):
A. Gunder Frank ( 20 June, 2003):
d'Etat in Washington
and Silent Surrender in America and the World
IMF: Effects
of Financial Globalization on Developing Countries: Some Empirical
In this study published in 2003
by the IMF the authors state that globalisation may actually increase
the risk of financial crisis in the developing world and, more
importantly, there is no empirical evidence that globalisation has a
significative positive effect on growth. |
M. Chossudosvky: : Centre
for research on Globalization |
UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics, 2002
Trade and Development
Least developed Countries 2002 Report
World Investment Report 2004
Statistics Online
Fact Sheets
documents and papers |
B. Epstein (2001)
Anarchism and the
anti-globalization movement |
The World Bank assesses globalisation facts and fears.Sept.
World Bank Report: Globalization, Growth and Poverty, Dec. 2001
IMF: Globalization in Africa, Dec. 2001
R. Ebbs: Global Finance or Economic Crimes Against Humanity?
J. Williamson: Globalization:
the concept, causes and consecuences
J. Williamson: Has globalization gone too far?
J. W. Smith: Economic
democracy: the political struggle of the 21st century
M. Bienefeld and M. Godfrey (eds): The
Struggle for Development. National Strategies in an International
Context. Introduction
M. Bienfeld: The
International Context fort National Development Strategies: Constraints
and Opportunities in a Changing World
J.S. Saul/C. Leys: Sub-Saharan
Africa in Global Capitalism, 1999
W. K. Tabb: Globalization
is AN issue, the power of capital is THE issue, 1997
Greenhill/A. Pettifor: The United States as a HIPC. How the poor are
financing the rich, 2002
The Other Path: Interview
with Hernando de Soto
International forum on globalization
the IMF and the World Bank
Boston Review: A
political and literary forum
Democracy Forum
the Cold War: the North/South Divide
and Development Report, 2000
Least Developed Countries 2000 Report
Ajit Singh: Global
Economic Trends and Social Development, 2000
CAPACITY 21 Resource Library (UNDP) |
UNRISD: Adjustment,
Globalization and Social Development 1995 |
UNRISD: Globalization
and Civil Society: NGO influence in international decision-making |
Economic Situation and Prospects 2000 |
UNRISD: Report
on the World Social Situation 1997
The Economist: Stages
of Development. Stranded on the farm? 1997
Anup Shah: Global
Issues that Affect Everyone |
J. Williamson: What
Should the Bank Think about the Washington Consensus?
J. Stiglitz: More
Instruments and Broader Goals: Moving Toward the Post-Washington
Washington Consensus vs. the East Asian Model?
J. Aziz: Policy
Complementarities and the Washington Consensus
M. Naim: Fads
and Fashion in Economic Reforms: Washington Consensus or Washington
B. Martin: New
leaf or fig leaf? The Challenge of the New Washington Consensus
WOODS Project
BWP: Briefings |
on the Global Economy (Yahoo)
Forum on Globalization
T. J. Lewis: Persuasion,
Domination and Exchange: Adam Smith on the Political Consequences of
J. Pinera: A
Chilean Model for Russia
M. Rupert: Globalization
and the reconstruction of common sense in the U.S.
Oxford Analytica: Capital
flows |
Discussion Papers 2000
What did Frederick List actually said?
The debate on the international financial architecture: reforming the
Globalization and the South: some critical issues
Foreign investment in developing countries. Does it crowd in domestic
Copyrights, competition and development. The case of the music industry
INSIGHT of the globalized economy. 1996
Speech Delivered by
Cuban President Fidel Castro at the World Trade Organization in Geneva
1998 |
Papers Read on November 14, 1998 at the
Autumn Meeting of the American Philosophical Society:
of the World Economy
Gerard Piel, Moderator: Introduction
James Tobin: Financial
Kuttner: Can
the Global Economy Be a Mixed Economy?
James K. Galbraith: Globalization
and Pay
Taylor: Globalization,
Liberalization, Distribution, and Growth: Developing and Transition
A. Tausch: Globalization
and European Integration |
The Copenhagen Consensus Project
organised by
Denmark's Environmental Assessment Institute with the co-operation of The
Economist, aims to consider and to establish priorities among a
series of proposals for advancing global welfare. The initiative was
described in Economics
Focus of March 6th.
Copenhagen Consensus 2004
(oficial website) |
From Mount Holyoke College:
Documents relating to global economy issues
Documents on Globalisation economy issues
International Relations Theory
Vincent Ferraro Site |
Development Group for Alternative Policies -GAP-
Y. Fall: Gender and Social
Dimensions of IMF policies in Senegal
Civil Society
perspectives on IMF and World Bank Structural Adjustment policies
Debt relief and Adjustment creates conditions for more debt
all too visible hand: a five-country look at the long and destructive
reach of the IMF |
A. Ferrer: Globalization:
fact versus fiction
H. Jaguaribe: MERCOSUR
and alternative world orders
A. D. Ouattara: The challenges of globalisation for Africa
I. Wallerstein: The
Twentieth Century: Darkness at Noon?
J. B. Foster: Monopoly
Capital and the turn of the millenium
A. Einstein: Why
P. M. Sweezy: The
communist manifesto today
H. Magdoff: A note
on the communist manifesto
E. Meikisins Wood: The
communist manifesto after 150 years
J. Petras: Imperialism
and NGOs in Latin America
IMF: Social Dimensions of the IMF's Policy
Dialogue |
The Millenium
Year and the Reform Process: Global Governance |
D. C. Korten:Economic
Myths |
D. H. Meadows:The
Global Citizen |
Reith Lectures 2000:
About globalisation and sustainable development
On Health and Population
On Poverty and Globalisation
On Governance and Globalisation
On Biodiversity and Globalisation
On Business and Globalisation
------------------------- |
Reith Lectures 1999:
Anthony Giddens lectures on a
"Runaway World. How Globalisation is reshaping our lives"
Globalization, Risk, Tradition, Family, Democracy, and
Politics after Socialism
---------------------------- |
Bradford De Long's Web Site
-------------------- |
Foreign Policy IN FOCUS:
Drug Control
Human Rights
U.S. Agencies
Financial Flows
Food and Farm
Global Governance
World Wide Web Virtual Library:
International Affairs Resources |
University of Toronto: G8 Information Centre
P.M. Johnson and K. Mayrand: Beyond trade: Broadening the Globalisation Governance
J. Kirton: The G7 and China in the management of the
International Financial System
M. C. Webb: The Group of Seven and Political Management of the
Global Economy
UNCTAD X:Beyond the Unification of
the Markets
Trade, external financing and economic growth in
developing countries. 1999
The largest transnational corporations and
corporate strategies. 1999
World Summit for Social Development
Global Public Goods: International Cooperation
in the 21st Century
Discusion Paper Series
UNDP: Publications |
World Bank 2000: Rethinking
Development. Challenges and Opportunities. Globalization with a human
Growth, and Poverty. Building an inclusive world economy The World
Bank, 2002
The World Bank: Assessing Globalization
World Bank: Exchange Rate Misalignment: concepts
and measurement for developing countries
World Bank predicts
lowest growth rates for developing countries since eighties' debt
crisis. Outlook to improve by 2000
Bank: record year for private capital flows is hurt by East Asian
downturn. Development aid to poor countries keeps falling (1998)
World Bank: The East Asian financial crisis
World Bank: Commodity markets and the developing countries. 1997
World Bank: World development report 1999
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World Bank: World
development report 1999
World Bank: Global Economic Prospects 1998/99. A Summary
World Bank: Global Economic Prospects and the Developing Countries
1998-1999 (Press briefing)
High Frequency Debt Data (BIS, IMF, OECD, World
High Frequency Debt On-line Database (OECD)
Economic Forum 2001: Governing global finance: the role of civil society
Global Investing News
House Committee
on Banking and Financial Services (U.S.A.)
Institute for
International Economics
International Investment Promotion Network (IPAnet)
World Economic Outlook and International Capital
World Economic Forum
Washington Post: International Markets and Indices
New York Times: World Financial Crisis
U.S. Department of Commerce: Big Emerging Markets
Information Resource
Brookings Institution: Reforming the Global Financial
Cold War
International History Project
Cold War
International History Project Document Library:
*Archives *Arms Race
*Bibliographic Abstracts and Sources
*Culture and Economics
*Book Review and Issue Discussions
*Cold War Crises *Cold War Leaders
*Cold War Origins(1917-47)
*End of the Cold War (85-89/91)
*Stalin Era (1945-53) *Khruschev Era
*Reagan Era (1980-88)
*Rise and Fall of Detente (1962-80)
Penn World Tables 5.6
UNCTAD 1998: International Financial Instability and the East Asian
UNCTAD 1998: The Management and Prevention of Financial Crises
M. Borrus: Left for Dead: Asian Production Networks and the
revival of US Electronics
M. Borrus: Foreign Participation in US-Funded R&D: The EUV
Project as a New Model for a New Reality
F. Bar: Information and Communications Technologies for
Economic Development
D. Ernst: From Partial to Systemic Globalization: International
Production Networks in the Electronics Industry
Social Crisis in Asia (World Bank)
K. Watkins: Globalization and Liberalization: Implications for
Poverty, Distribution and Inequality, 1997
W. Bello: Speculation, Foreign Capital Dependence and the
Collapse of the Southeast Asian Economies
J. Sachs: Globalization and Employment
U.N.: Globalization and Liberalization (Report, June 1996)
U.N.: Report of the Secretary General -1998
U.N.: Global Change and Sustainable
Development Critical Trends. 1997
UNCTAD: World Investment Report 1998:
Trends and Determinants (press)
J.D. Lewis/S. Robinson: Partners or Predators? The impact of regional trade
liberalization in Indonesia
SUNY: Global
Problems and the Culture of Capitalism
FERNAND BRAUDEL CENTER for the study of Economics,
Systems, and Civilizations
Papers of the Fernand Braudel Center (1)
Papers of the
Fernand Braudel Center (2)
I. Wallerstein, Globalization
or the age of transition? A long-term view of the trajectory of the
Trilateral Commission
A. Tausch: Globalization and European Integration
Structural Adjustment in a Changing World Briefing paper,1994, UNRISD
Adjustment, Global Integration and Social Democracy, Dharam Ghai,
Discussion Paper No. 37, October 1992, UNRISD
Some Ecological and Social Implications of Commercial
Shrimp farmingin Asia, S. L. Barraclough/A. Finger-Stich,
Discussion Paper No.74, March 1996, UNRISD
Staying Alive
Monitor (journal)
International Labour Organisation
UNDP: Human Development Report 1999. Overview.
HDRO: Occasional
Papers for the Human Development Report
OECD: Multilateral
Agreement on Investment
Agreement on Investment and the Environment
Economics Foundation
Union for
Radical Political Economy
and Its Discontents (Simon Fraser University)
of Pigs Invasion Homepage
The Central Intelligence Agency: its crimes.
R.A.Pastor: U.S. foreign policy: the Caribbean Basin
UNCTAD: The Trade and Development Report, 1997 (press release
UNCTAD: The Trade and
Development Report, 1997 (press release 2)
Real History Archives