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Excellence in
teaching planning for development, development studies and economics.
The objective of these notes for lectures is contributing to enhance the understanding of the main
concepts and interconnections between concepts included in the lectures ( Róbinson Rojas)
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Supplementary Digital Study Packs
University College
London -
Development Planning Unit
Management and planning for development:
international and national dimensions
This module introduces basic notions of
development management and administration, state, market and bureaucracy, and the role of
NGOs in the development process. It places national development in the context of the
international division of labour and examines alternatives to hegemonic development
practices. It critically reviews the recent history of international aid, particularly its
implications for poverty reduction, growth and equity. The national dimensions of
development are also critically explored, particularly in terms of a range of development
trends and interventions such as national and regional development planning and key
aspects of local, metropolitan and regional development.
Presentation L2 |
Presentation L3
L4 |
L1 |
Workshop L2
Presentation L5
Presentation L6
Presentation L7
Presentation L8 |
Presentation L9
Presentation L10 |
University College
London -
Development Planning Unit
Urban development and economics Covers the following topics: prospect for development;
economic growth and development ; the market economy and market forces; International
trade and investment ; role of the state in economic development; trends in urbanisation
and the effects of policies; migration; urban agglomeration economies and diseconomies,
cities and structural adjustment; roles of multilateral development agencies and foreign
aid; role of economic analysis in urban development;...
University College
London -
Development Planning Unit
Development Workshop 1 -
Contemporary Conditions and Debates on Development and the Global System
Róbinson Rojas 2010
Development Workshop 2 -
conditions and debates on development and the global system
survey and critical analysis of the way in which the development
discourse has been shaped by power relations within the global system
Róbinson Rojas
. |
Microeconomics: an
After a general introduction to the history of
economic thought the focus of the module will be on the micro-economic theories of
exchange, production and distribution, and the application of these theories to real world
situations and, particularly to differentials of welfare in civil society. Special
emphasis will be given to the influence of the state as the operator of markets and its
new role in the age of "globalization"... It makes heavy use of information
technology to familiarize the student with economic modelling and analysis.
---- |
Macroeconomics: an
... introduces the students to the basic concepts of
macroeconomic analysis and theory, and lays the foundation for management of the economy,
which is concerned with the application of theoretical concepts to the study of
macroeconomic policies. Also looks at the the interaction between economic policy on the
one hand, and the balance of payment and exchange rates, on the other hand. Finally it
includes a REVIEW of the current state of relationships between the major trading blocks
(USA, Europe, and Japan), and Less Developed Countries.
---- |
Development Studies. Part 1
...introduces the student to the study of the
political economy of developing societies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America using
comparative analysis to assess the effects of colonialism, both Western European and
Japanese, and U.S. imperialism. It looks at contemporary problems of development in
accordance with the mainstream theoretical tools: modernization theory and dependency
theory. Emphasis on globalization allows a good understanding of the role of transnational
corporations in the world economy.
---- |
Development Studies. Part 2
... it develops ideas and concepts related to
the study of less developed societies as part of a globalized political, economic,
ideological and cultural system. The option addresses issues facing developing countries
in the world political economy of the last half of the XX century and beyond. An analysis
of compelling contemporary issues will be combined with an emphasis on cultural,
social and economic processes and change.
---- |
Development Studies.
This module introduce students to the political
economy of the world economy as a discipline dealing with relations of dependency,
interdependency and domination between nations. Two theoretical approaches: modernisation
theory and dependency theory. A substantial section of the module will be devoted to
an assessment of the effects of colonisation, decolonisation, neo-colonisation and
globalisation on the styles of development in Asian, African and Latin American societies.
--- |
Development Studies. Part 4
... it provides the student with a
description, understanding and explaining of the central role of the state in the process
of development, its relation with civil society, and especially its articulation with the
world economy as dominated transnational corporations supported by their home countries'
state. The module attempts to analyse the different styles of development based upon the
triple alliance between the state, domestic capitalist class and international capitalist
---- |
Research Methodology and
Development Studies
Considering that research on development is focused on
discrete but interrelated development issues at the micro and macro level (i.e.,
sustainability, globalization, poverty reduction, unequal social relations, structural
adjustment, environmental protection, human development, participation, institutional
development), which calls for a multidisciplinary perspective leading to the creation of
interdisciplinary methods of interpretation and intervention as a complement to the
methodologies applied by the individual disciplines involved, this module makes use
of quantitative and qualititative approaches to analyse the process of scientific
inquiry as related to development studies.
---- |
The process of globalization
A massive amount of high quality resources on the
---- |
Statistics and Databases |
Róbinson Rojas
(1997) on
Basic knowledge on economics
The capitalist economic problem: what to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce. Resource allocation: alternative
approaches, the free market versus central planning. The meaning of "resource
allocation" and the main alternative methods of allocating resources.
Concepts for Review: Economic resources, resource allocation, production possibility
curves, supply, demand, competition, profitability and the free market, central planning
and bureaucracy, factors of production, distribution of income, factor mobility
Andre Gunder Frank Website |
Important additional readings: |
From Finance
and Development - March 2006
Why Are Economists Obsessed with Them?
Rodney Ramcharan
Regression analysis is a statistical tool used by economists to
quantify the relationship between one variable and the other
variables that are thought to explain it. These days, running
thousands of regressions is commonplace and easy. But what exactly
are regressions and what are their potential pitfalls?
Rojas: Sustainable development in a globalized
economy? The odds. 1999
Róbinson Rojas: Sustainable development in a
globalized economy. 1997
Róbinson Rojas: Making sense of development
Róbinson Rojas: Notes on the philosophy
of the capitalist system
Róbinson Rojas: Notes on economics:
assuming scarcity
Róbinson Rojas: Notes on economics: about
obscenities, poverty and inequality
Róbinson Rojas: Notes on structural
adjustment programmes
Róbinson Rojas: Agenda 21 revisited
Róbinson Rojas: 15 years of monetarism in
Latin America: time to scream
Rojas: Latin America: a failed industrial revolution
Latin America: the making of a fractured society
Latin America: a dependent mode of production
Rojas: The 'adjustment' of the world economy
Róbinson Rojas: The transnational
corporate system in the late 1990s
Róbinson Rojas: A market-friendly
strategy for development
Róbinson Rojas: Notes on agribusiness in
the 1990s
Róbinson Rojas: Transnational
corporations in developing countries
Róbinson Rojas: Latin America: blockages
to development
Rojas: Development Studies: Researching
for the big bosses?
Rojas: International capital and
intellectual dishonesty
From The New Scientist website
Special Reports on Key Topics in Science and Technology
Some Special Reports:
Background information and data
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Education for Sustainability
Postgraduate courses on Environment and Development
Education at London South Bank University |

- Part time distance
- Full time at the University
- Come visit us at |
- Notes for lectures
- Notes and papers
- Global Value Chains
- Integrated International
- International Division of
- Transnational
- The Triad ( U.S.A, Japan,
- Dependency Theory
- Planning for Development
- The Developmental State
- The
Neo-liberal State
- Development Economics
- The future of development
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Factor Payments to Abroad
- The New Economy in
- International Trade
Back to Global Economic Prospects for Develeping Countries
--World Investment Reports ---(the
complete series) --World Investment
Reports ---(selected statistics) -- Planning for
UNCTAD areas of work: Globalization and Development Development of Africa Least Developed Countries Landlocked Developing Countries Small Island Developing States International Trade and Commodities Services Infrastructure Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development
The following databases on-line are
available: Commodity Price Statistics Foreign Direct Investment Handbook of Statistics ICT Statistics Millennium Indicators TRAINS
Digital Library: -- News -- Main publications -- UNCTAD Series -- Basic documents -- Issues in Brief -- Newsletters -- Statistical databases -- Globalization and ----- Development Strategies -- Economic Development in
----- Africa -- International trade -- Dispute Settlement - Course ----- Modules -- Investment, Technology and -----Enterprise Development -- Services Infrastructure for --- Development and Trade -----
Efficiency -- Monographs on Port ----- Management -- Technical Cooperation -- Discussion papers -- G-24 Discussion papers -- Prebisch Lectures -- Transnational Corporations ----- Journal
-- Publications Survey 2006- -----2007
World indicators on the environment
World Energy Statistics
- Time Series
Economic inequality
Other related themes:
- Aid
- Bureaucracy
- Debt
- Decentralization
- Dependency theory
- Development
- Development Economics
- Economic Policies
- Employment/Unemployment
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Gender
- Human Rights
- Human Development
- Hunger
- Inequality/social exclusion
- Informal sector
- Labour Market
- Microfinance
- Migration
- Poverty
- Privatization
- State/Civil Society/ ---Development
- Sustainable Development
- Transnational Corporations
- Urbanization
- Complete list of development themes
| |