From UN Documents - Gathering a Body of Global
Report of the World
Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future
to the General Assembly as an Annex to document
A/42/427 - Development and International Co-operation: Environment
- Oslo, 20 March 1987
..."But the "environment" is where we
all live; and "development" is what we all do in attempting to improve
our lot within that abode. The two are inseparable. Further,
development issues must be seen as crucial by the political leaders who
feel that their countries have reached a plateau towards which other
nations must strive. Many of the development paths of the
industrialized nations are clearly unsustainable. And the development
decisions of these countries, because of their great economic and
political power, will have a profound effect upon the ability of all
peoples to sustain human progress for generations to come..."
The Earth Charter Commission -
The Earth Charter
The Earth Charter is a declaration of
fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable and
peaceful global society in the 21st century. It seeks to inspire in all
people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility
for the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of
life, and future generations. It is a vision of hope and a call to
The Earth Charter is centrally concerned with the transition to
sustainable ways of living and sustainable human development.
Ecological integrity is one major theme. However, the Earth Charter
recognizes that the goals of ecological protection, the eradication of
poverty, equitable economic development, respect for human rights,
democracy, and peace are interdependent and indivisible. It provides,
therefore, a new, inclusive, integrated ethical framework to guide the
transition to a sustainable future.
The Earth Charter is a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross
cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values. The Earth Charter
project began as a United Nations initiative, but it was carried
forward and completed by a global civil society initiative. The Earth
Charter was finalized and then launched as a people’s charter in 2000
by the Earth Charter Commission, an independent international entity.
A. Grey Stuart - 2000
The Westminster Square Eco-village
Department of City Planning
Faculty of Architecture
University of Manitoba - Canada
From the BBC - London - 21 December 2006
China and India in warming
India and
China have agreed to send an expedition to the Himalayas to study the
impact that global warming is having on glaciers there.
They fear that melting glaciers could threaten rivers which support the
lives of millions of people |
Journal of
World-Systems Research:
Number 2 (Summer 2003)
Globalization and the Environment
Andrew K. Jorgenson
& Edward L. Kick
and the Environment
Alf Hornborg
or Zero-Sum Game? The Epistemology of Sustainability
Stephen G. Bunker
Space, Energy, and Political Economy: The Amazon in the World-System
Peter Grimes & Jeffrey Kentor
the Greenhouse: Foreign Capital Penetration and CO2 Emissions 1980–1996
J. Timmons Roberts, Peter E. Grimes & Jodie L. Manale
Roots of Global Environmental Change: A World-Systems Analysis of
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
R. Scott Frey
Transfer of Core-Based Hazardous Production Processes to the Export
Processing Zones of the Periphery: The Maquiladora Centers of Northern
Thomas J. Burns, Edward L. Kick, & Byron L. Davis
and Rethinking Linkages Between the Natural Environment and the Modern
World-System: Deforestation in the Late 20th Century
Review Essay
Andrew K. Jorgenson
Pressure and Deforestation A Review Essay of
Environmental Impacts of Globalization and Trade: A Systems Study by
Corey L Lofdahl
Book Reviews
Franz J. Broswimmer
A Short History of Mass Extinction of Species
Reviewed by Florencio R. Riguera
Arthur Mol and Frederick Buttel (eds)
Environmental State Under Pressure
Reviewed by Bruce
Podobnik |
Water pollution in the United Kingdom
the BBC - 14 August 2006
polluted by chemical spill
have spoken of their "devastation" after several miles of the Taf
Fechan was polluted by a three tonne spill of aluminium sulphate. The
anglers said five years' of work creating a wild fishery for trout and
minnows on the river has been ruined. The Environment Agency said the
leak came from Welsh Water's Pontsticill treatment works near Merthyr
discharge results in fine
11 Aug 06 | Highlands and Islands
killed by mystery pollutants
30 Jul 06 | Lancashire
poisoned by pool treatment
20 Jul 06 | Highlands and Islands
pollution kills 3,000 fish
17 Jul 06 | Northern Ireland
fined for river pollution
21 Jun 06 | Essex
fish killed in river incident
09 Jun 06 | Northern Ireland
kill 'environmental disaster'
10 Aug 04 | Northern Ireland
kill source 'identified'
27 Aug 02 | Northern Ireland
---------------------- |
From Le Monde Diplomatique - April 2006
Planet in Peril: Atlas of Current
Threats to People and the Environment the English
translation of Le Monde diplomatique's recently
published Atlas 2006. It is the result of a long-standing cooperation
between Le
Monde diplomatique and GRID-Arendal...
These pages offer a holistic and well-researched analysis of today's
issues and their impact on human population and the environment.
Written by an
international team of specialists, these pages from the Atlas
illustrate through
text and maps, graphics and diagrams the interplay between population
and the
world's ecosystems and natural resources both in the short and long
terms. It
brings together a wealth of information from the most up-to-date
sources on such
key issues as climate change, access to water, exploitation of ocean
nuclear energy and waste, renewable energy, weapons of mass
destruction, causes
of industrial accidents, waste, export, hunger, genetically modified
urban development, access to health care and ecological change in
ice caps melting faster Global warming is not affecting the planet
evenly and
most of the existing models forecast that it will be greater in the
hemisphere. With an overall increase of 2°C, temperatures in the Arctic
increase by a factor of two or three. The southern hemisphere, would
also be
affected, though less severely...
GM organisms, too much, too soon The issue of
genetically modified organisms draws together strands from the debate
on the
global market and the concept of progress. It is a perfect illustration
of how
market forces come into play much more quickly than the precautions
that seem
appropriate given the current state of research. We are consequently
eating genetically engineered foodstuffs without it being possible to
they are entirely safe. China a key factor in tomorrow's climate China
is fast
becoming the workshop of the 21st century world. But a shortage of raw
abroad and increasingly serious environmental problems at home are
threatening continued growth.
-List of all available maps...
-Order (in English) from
-See a summary of LMD's Atlas (in French)
-Order LMD's Atlas (in French)
London - 4 April 2006
World's biggest 25 food companies not taking health seriously enough
The world’s top 25 food
companies appear not to be taking the new global diet and health agenda
seriously enough, says an 80 page report from The City University out
Researchers at City’s Centre for Food Policy studied the annual
reports, accounts and HQ websites (to Autumn 2005) of the top 10 food
manufacturers, top 10 food retailers and top 5 foodservice companies
(top 3 fast food and top 2 contract caterers).They were rated for
whether the companies were doing anything about the health agenda
agreed by the world’s governments at the World Health Organisation.
In May 2004, a Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
was passed by the World Health Assembly (the WHO’s governing body).
This made recommendations to companies as to what they could do to
health tackle the world’s diet crisis – not just obesity but heart
disease, cancers and diabetes.
------------------------- |
From CERES - 21 March
2006 Corporate Governance and Climate Change:
Making the Connection
The 2006 Corporate
Governance and Climate Change: Making the Connection report
includes a 30-page summary report comprised of the executive summary,
the climate governance scoring criteria, the 100 company scores and
sector-specific findings. The report also includes two to three page
profiles on each of the companies evaluated.
Note: A complete
listing of all companies and their scores can be found at page four.
By clicking on company names on this page, users will be linked
directly to the corresponding company profiles.
From BBC News - 24 November 2005
CO2 "highest for 650,000
Current levels of the
greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere are
higher now than at any time in the last 650,000 years. That is the
conclusion of new European studies looking at ice taken from 3km below
the surface of Antarctica. The scientists say their research shows
present day warming to be exceptional. Other research, also published
in the journal Science, suggests that sea levels may be rising twice as
fast now as in previous centuries.
Climate pact:
For good or bad?
- melting in the heat?
summit postponed
ice 'disappearing quickly'
climate talks 'disappointing'
scientists urge CO2 action
The Kyoto Protocol
"warmest for millenium"
Trade can
'export' CO2 emissions
climate deals reached
Blair's climate strategy
builds the heat in Europe
muzzlers' challenge Bush
--------------- |
Climate Change/Global Warming
The roof of the world
is changing. Almost 95 per cent of Himalayan glaciers are shrinking -
and that kind of ice loss has profound implications, not just for Nepal
and Bhutan, but for surrounding nations, including China, India and
Scientists have compiled one of the first comprehensive pictures of
what the world might be like when climate change begins to trigger a
dramatic increase in epidemics, disease and death
------------------- |
From The World Bank Group
Economics and Indicators
Wealth Estimates
National wealth is here
defined much broader than usual and is embodied in natural capital;
human resources that include education, raw labor, and social capital;
and produced assets (machinery, equipment, buildings, and urban land).
The results show that human resources play a predominant role, thus
lending support to investments in education and health. They also
highlight the importance of agricultural cropland and pasture land,
pointing to the need for sustainable land management practices. The
estimates support our intuitive understanding of the importance of
people and the environment in development.
Publications on
Environmental Policy
Publications on Environmental Valuation
Publications on Environmental Economics
and Its Applications
Publications on Environmental Indicators
Publications on Payments for Ecological Services
Publications on Green Accounting
Publications on Poverty and Environment
The Natural Step Sustainability Framework
The Natural Step
Framework is a systems-based approach to organizational planning
for sustainability. It provides a practical set of design criteria that
can be used to direct social, environmental, and economic actions.
The TNS Framework is fundamentally based on both an integrated
assessment of current economic, social and ecological dynamics, and on
the implications of present trends for human society. The approach was
developed in the late 1980s in response to growing concerns about the
public health problems resulting from increasing toxins in the
environment and current societal resource use practices.
Introduction to the Natural Step
The Natural Step Framework - New
--------------------- |
International trade - Statistics |
Millenium Ecosystem Assessment
30 March 2005
Experts Warn Ecosystem
Changes Will Continue to Worsen, Putting Global Development Goals At
A landmark study
released today reveals that approximately 60 percent of the ecosystem
services that support life on Earth – such as fresh water, capture
fisheries, air and water regulation, and the regulation of regional
climate, natural hazards and pests – are being degraded or used
unsustainably. Scientists warn that the harmful consequences of this
degradation could grow significantly worse in the next 50 years.
“Any progress achieved in addressing the goals of poverty and hunger
eradication, improved health, and environmental protection is unlikely
to be sustained if most of the ecosystem services on which humanity
relies continue to be degraded,” said the study, Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment (MA) Synthesis Report, conducted by 1,300 experts from 95
countries. It specifically states that the ongoing degradation of
ecosystem services is a road block to the Millennium Development Goals
agreed to by the world leaders at the United Nations in 2000.
Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report
pdf, 6,773 KB
Version of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report
--------------------- |
18 March 2005
Development and Security
By The Globalist
Is too much emphasis put on the military dimension of security today?
And how does global poverty factor into the equation? These are the
issues explored by Horst Köhler — now Germany’s President and
previously the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. In
this Read My Lips feature, Mr. Köhler argues that the world needs a
broader interpretation of the term “security.”
------------------------ |
4 March 2005
The Water Century
By Steven Loranger
Water has long been seen as an issue of great concern for most
developing countries, but not for developed economies. For rich
nations, water seemed readily available — and endless in supply. But
Steve Loranger, the CEO of ITT Industries, argues that water shortages
and sanitation are now problems for all of us, whether we live in
developed or developing countries.
------------------ |
Global Development Research Center
The Global Development
Research Center is a virtual organization that carries out initiatives
in education, research and practice, in the spheres of environment,
urban, community, economy and information, and at scales that are
The Environment Sphere:
Sustainable Development (definitions, indicators, etc)
2005-2015. UN Decade of
Education for Sustainable Development
Urban Environmental Management
Glossaries, definitions
and indicators
People-Centered Development Forum
The human species faces
an apparent paradox. We have embraced economic growth as our primary
indicator of human progress. Yet as economic output and consumption
grow the number of people forced into lives of dehumanizing deprivation
increases and the quality of life of all but the wealthiest among us
declines. |
Rivers Run Black, and
Chinese Die of Cancer
September 12, 2004
By JIM YARDLEY, The New York Times
Note by Róbinson Rojas: This investigation by Jim Yardley illustrates
what the Chinese capitalist ruling class is doing in China to make of
its economy a "powerhouse" for the enrichment of the few and the
suffering of the many. This is what some of us define as
"savage capitalism". Of course, this local environmental catastrophe
help to make even more dramatic the global environmental catastrophe,
both driven by the partnership between the Chinese capitalist class and
the international capitalist class. It seems to me that international
public action is necessary to stop this crime against the Chinese
population and life on planet earth.
The World Bank Group
World Development Report 2003
Development in a dynamic world.
Transforming Institutions, Growth and Quality of Life
Background papers
World Bank website on
Sustainable Development
Millenium Development Goals
Clean Production Action
Clean production today
for a healthier world tomorrow
AArhus Convention
The UNECE Convention on
Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and
Access to Justice in Environmental Matters |
Cleaner Production
The UNIDO cleaner
production (CP) programme aims at building national CP capacities,
fostering dialogue between industry and government and enhancing
investments for transfer and development of environmentally sound
technologies. Through this programme, UNIDO is bridging the gap between
competitive industrial production and environmental concerns. CP is
more than just a technical solution. It has a widespread application at
all decision-making levels in industry, with the chief focus on
adoption of cleaner technologies and techniques within the industrial
sector. Costly end-of-pipe pollution control systems are gradually
replaced with a strategy that reduces and avoids pollution and waste
throughout the entire production cycle, from efficient use of raw
materials, energy and water to the final product.
Industrial Governance and
Investment and
Technology Promotion
Competitiveness and Trade
Private Sector
Sustainable Energy
and Climate Change
Montreal Protocol
Management |
Resurgence Magazine On-line
"Inspiring stories,
practical examples, visionary proposals, stunning graphics, historic
insights, international perspectives, and beautiful poetry. Resurgence
is a valued friend and essential resource for all who believe that
another world is possible."
David Korten, author of When Corporations
Rule the World
The following are
samplings of themes covered in When Corporations Rule the World.
Economic System Out of Control
of the Corporate Libertarians
Betrayal of Adam Smith
D. C. Korten:
Living economies for a
living planet
The Era of Empire
embraced competition and domination as its organizing principles,
hierarchy as its favored organizational form, and ultimately chose
money as its defining value. It has led to the emergence of a global
suicide economy — otherwise known as the corporate global economy —
that is rapidly destroying the social and environmental foundations of
its own existence and threatening the survival of the human species. It
is the Era's final stage. |
World Summit on Sustainable Development
(WSSD) Follow-up |
9 April 2004:
is one of the biggest global environmental threat, says new book |
The Copenhagen Consensus Project
organised by
Denmark's Environmental Assessment Institute with the co-operation of The
Economist, aims to consider and to establish priorities among a
series of proposals for advancing global welfare. The initiative was
described in Economics
Focus of March 6th.
Copenhagen Consensus 2004
(oficial website) |
New Scientist:
Climate Change
Global Environment Report
World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002 |
UNEP (2003):
Basic facts and data on the science and politics of
ozone protection |
The Third World Institute
Third World Institute Africa
A new website,
aimed at improving the visibility of Southern NGOs in the Internet is
being launched.
Choike is the Mapuche word for the Southern Cross. By pointing to the
South, Choike helps the travellers find their ways. We expect the
Choike website to help the users find the Southern destinations in the
Net and therefore contribute to enhance the visibility and impact of
what civil society organizations in developing countries produce and
Revista del Sur
See the latest on line
edition of our monthly magazine.
Tercer Mundo Económico
See the latest on line
edition of our monthly bulletin.. |
From The New York Times - 22 july
NASA’s Goals Delete Mention of
Home Planet
By Andrew C. Revkin
NASA's mission statement, prominently featured in its budget and
planning documents, read: “To understand and protect our home planet;
to explore the universe and search for life; to inspire the next
generation of explorers ... as only NASA can.”
In early February, the statement was quietly altered, with the phrase
“to understand and protect our home planet” deleted. In this year’s
budget and planning documents, the agency’s mission is “to pioneer the
future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics
More Articles by Andrew C. Revkin
articles about the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Education for Sustainability
courses on Environment and Development Education
at London South Bank University |
- Part time distance learning
- Full time at the University
Come visit us at |
South Bank University
for Sustainability Programme
Climate Change: the challenge
for education
Thursday 4 May 2006, 9.30
am–4.30 pm
8th Floor, Keyworth Centre, Keyworth Street,
Elephant & Castle, London SE1 0AA
George Bush's war on terror
may have made the world a more dangerous place. But it is his atrocious
record on the environment that poses the greatest threat, says Graydon
Carter, in the second exclusive extract from his new book "What We've
Education for Sustainable Development
Additional material
on EfSD |
Go to id21
- id21 communicates international development research to decision
makers and practitioners worldwide.
- id21 is one of a family of knowledge services
from IDS
BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2006
Full time series since 1965
International Energy Agency
- Oil Markets Reports
- World Energy Outlook
- Key World Energy
Statistics 2004 |
Energy Information Administration (US)
World Energy and Economic Outlook 2004 |
Róbinson Rojas
Preliminary notes on
energy consumption and population growth. 1880-2003
Preliminary data on
energy use per capita and cycles. 1971-2001
Preliminary data on
population, energy consumption and cycles. 1965-2003 |
Planet Under Pressure
A six-part BBC News
Online series looking at some of the most pressing environmental issues
facing the human race today. By Alex Kirby BBC News Online environment
Part 1: Species under
Part 2: World water
Part 3: Energy crisis
Part 4: Feeding the world
Part 5: Climate change
Part 6: Fighting
Why the Sun seems to be
Horizon: Global Dimming |
against poverty (16-12-2004)
Reflect and ICT Project
This DFID-funded
project is exploring potential applications of ICTs for poor and
marginalised people, linking to existing Reflect groups in Uganda,
Burundi and India.
During the first year (2003), participating groups were encouraged to
analyse issues around their own access to and control of information
relating to their livelihoods: looking at the value of information to
their own lives, the control of information resources, existing sources
of information and communication mechanisms
ICT for Development:
empowerment or exploitation?
Learning from Reflect ICTs project
By Hannah Beardon et al
----------------- |
Issue 226
Ecoliteracy: dancing earth
Note by Róbinson Rojas:
I strongly recommend reading the following paper in this issue of
David W. Orr
The Learning Curve
...if ecological
education is confined to schools that function like islands within a
larger sea of ecological ruin - malls, highways, urban blight, rural
slums, and pollution - they will eventually fail to transform anything.
To be effective, education must engage the wider society... |
Sustainable energy and
climate change
Industrial energy is
essential to economic and social development and to improving the
quality of life. Indeed, the availability of affordable and sustainable
energy to all people is critical to the achievement of the MDGs, and
its contributions can help to meet the targets in various ways. In
particular, energy is a prerequisite for poverty alleviation, as
targeted in MDG 1, since it enables income-generating activities and
the establishment of micro-enterprises. Similarly, energy helps to
alleviate hunger and meet most of the other social and welfare-related
MDGs by providing the light and power that the achievement of these
goals critically depends on. |

GEsource Geography and Environment Gateway
Led by the GEsource
team at the University of Manchester, GEsource is a free online
catalogue of high quality Internet resources in geography and
environmental science. Resources are selected, catalogued and indexed
by researchers and other specialists in their respective fields. |
New Economics Foundation
"NEF is an independent
think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic
well-being. We aim to improve quality of life by promoting innovative
solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment
and social issues. NEF was founded in 1986 by the leaders
of The Other Economic Summit (TOES) which forced issues such as
international debt onto the agenda of the G7 and G8 summits. NEF works
with all sections of society in the UK and internationally - civil
society, government, individuals, businesses and academia - to create
more understanding and strategies for change". |
R. Rojas, 2001
International capital: a menace to human dignity
and life on planet earth
Notes on globalisation
and its effects on developing societies as explained by structuralism
and dependency theory |
the World's Resources
STWR is a
non-politically affiliated network campaigning for justice and peace
through the fair and equitable distribution of world resources. We
believe the current world economic system perpetuates global poverty,
denies basic human rights to many millions and damages all nations.
Read more about us here .
Through this web site we seek to provide a nucleus for news,
information, discussion and collaboration. We present news and
commentary, a large collection of articles, including many from
prominent figures, surveys and opinion polls, together with a large
selection of links and calendar events.
We value your thoughts, opinions and idea's, and encourage you to share
them through our many forums. You are also encouraged to use the
interactive features of this web site to further participate, by taking
part in our surveys, adding book reviews, events, links, and comments. |
[Synopsis] [Search] [Oil Depletion]
[Economic Theory]
Consensus] [Food,
Land, Water and Population] [Climate Change] [Disease] [Moral Theory] [Carrying Capacity]
[Tragedy of The
Commons] [Sustainability]
[Ecology] [Systems] [Odds & Ends] |
Ethical Trade Currents
Issue 2
Summer 2004
Climate, Energy and Poverty
Institute for Environment and Development
IIED is an independent,
non-profit organization promoting sustainable patterns of world
development through collaborative research, policy studies, networking
and knowledge dissemination. We work to address global issues, for
example; mining, the paper industry and food systems.
OECD: Headquarters
Sustainable development and the new economy
Analysing the Nexus of Sustainable Development and
Climate Change: An Overview (pdf, 478Kb,English)
long abstract 09-Apr-2003
Mohan Munasinghe
This paper is a background document to the OECD Development and
Climate Change Project. The analysis sketches out a broad framework to
address the nexus of sustainable development and climate change.
Related documents:
and Climate Change Project - (English)
Science, the Environment, Economics and Sustainable
Development (pdf, 111Kb,English)
long abstract 19-Jun-2003
Environmental Priorities for China Sustainable
Development (pdf, 287Kb,English)
long abstract 03-Mar-2004
------------------- |
Earth Observatory
Atmosphere - Oceans - Land - Energy - Life
Global Warming Fact Sheet
------------------ |
MODIS: rapid fire response
system |
George W. Bush's war on
the environment |
The Guardian, 31 August 2004
We've lost lives and
allies, liberties and freedoms. In the age of George Bush, we have lost
our way The first of two exclusive extracts from Graydon Carter's new
book, What We've Lost
The Guardian, 1
September 2004
The Destroyer |
A. Griscom, Grist Magazine (13 June, 2004)
How Green Was The Gipper?
Reagan infamously
declared that, 'trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.' Unlike
Bush, his administration told you exactly what they were up to. |
From the Institute for Policy Studies:
in Peace, Justice, and Environment
to re-establish the United Nations' central role in global relations
and transform U.S. foreign policy to focus on fairness and justice
instead of unilateral power.
Foreign Policy In Focus
Foreign Policy In Focus (FPIF) connects the research and
action of more than 600 scholars, advocates, and activists seeking to
make the United States a more responsible global partner.
Cities for Peace
Cities for Peace is building a network of local elected officials who
are working to highlight the local costs of U.S. foreign policy and to
put pressure on the U.S. government to end the war in Iraq, prevent a
military strike against Iran, and press for a non-militarized foreign
Nuclear Policy
The Nuclear Policy Project focuses on three issues:
strategic integration of nuclear material management into nuclear
arsenal reductions and ending production of nuclear explosives,
accountability of the nuclear weapons states to their citizens relative
to social, environmental, safety, and health impacts, and structural
collapse of Cold War nuclear institutions.
New Internationalism
The New Internationalism project works primarily on
Middle East and United Nations issues. In the Middle East, the key
focus areas are the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Israeli
occupation of Palestine. In both arenas the project focuses on
education and activism aiming to change the failed and failing U.S.
policies, and retooling those policies to meet the goals of peace with
justice. The project also works to challenge U.S. domination of the UN,
and to help democratize and empower the global organization.
Stay up to date on events in
the Middle East with Phyllis
Bennis' free newsletter (delivered 1-2x a month).
Seeking to reverse the policies that are accelerating inequality at
home and abroad and overhaul the reckless trade and investment rules
that are driving a global “race to the bottom.”
New Economy Working Group
The mission of the New Economy Working Group (NEWGroup) is to
contribute to reframing the economic policy debate to address the
social and environmental imperatives and opportunities of the 21st
Century. The distinctive role of NEWGroup is serve as a centerpiece for
the growing number of civil society groups concerned with economic
justice, environmental sustainability, and peace that are forming
alliances and coalitions under a New Economy banner.
Break the Chain Campaign
Break The Chain Campaign seeks to prevent and address the abuse and
exploitation of migrant women workers through holistic direct
services, leadership training, community engagement and survivor-driven
outreach and training.
Cities for Progress
Cities for Progress is a growing network of locally-elected officials
and community-based activists working together for social change. CFP
is a network that incorporates local, national and global approaches to
issues that affect us in our own communities.
Inequality and the Common Good
The Program on Inequality and the Common Good focuses on
the dangers that growing inequality pose for U.S. democracy, economic
health and civic life. The Program coordinates the Working Group
on Extreme Inequality.
Social Action & Leadership
School for Activists
The Social Action and Leadership School for Activists (SALSA) offers
affordable evening classes in Washington, D.C., to make D.C.-based
activists and organizations more effective.
Paths for Reconstruction in the
21st Century
The Paths for Reconstruction in the 21st Century project links
knowledge to the betterment of the human condition through thinking and
practical action. The project is based on the assumption that a
renaissance of moral action and thought is on the immediate horizon.
Offering global solutions to climate chaos and corporate encroachment
on water and other “commons.”
Drug Policy
The Drug Policy Project combines scholarship with
activism to transform drug control policy both at home and abroad. The
Project works with the grassroots, media, and policy makers to shift
away from the drug "war" paradigm and its disastrous impacts on the
environment toward holistic policies that address public health and
Sustainable Energy and Economy
The Sustainable Energy and Economy Network works in
partnership with citizens groups nationally and globally on
environment, human rights and development issues with a particular
focus on energy, climate change, environmental justice, gender equity,
and economic issues, particularly as these play out in North-South
Global Economy
For more than a quarter century, IPS has been a leader
in strengthening citizen responses to the global economy through
research, writing, film, education, and coalition building. The project
has produced dozens of books, articles, films, and educational
Working to re-establish the United Nations' central role
in global relations and transform U.S. foreign policy to focus on
fairness and justice instead of unilateral power.
United Nations :
Development Networking Programme
on Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Web Site
Summit 2002
WSSD: Johannesburg 2002
Agenda 21
Secretary General: Science for
Sustainable Development. 1997
DPCSD: Sustained risks: a lasting
phenomenon. 1994
Secretary General: Conflict and
Sustainable Development in Africa. 1998
The Rosendal Workshop: Sustainable
Consumption and Production: Clarifying the Concepts. 1996
Secretary General: Protection of
the atmosphere. 1996
Secretary General: Global Change
and Sustainable Development: Critical Trends. 1997
Sustainable Development Framework. Methodologies:
Social Indicators
Economic Indicators
. |
State of the World's
World Food Summit. Five years later. June
The State of Food and Agriculture 1993, 1994,
1995, 1996, 1997,
1998a, 1998b, 2000,
The State of Food Insecurity in the World 1999,
2000, 2001
. |
Trade Liberalization
Reinforces the Need for Environmental Cooperation. (October 1999)
World Trade
Trade and
Development Centre
. |
The World Bank:
B-SPAN: Webcasting
for Development
J. Sachs: The economics of sustainability, 2002
Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development
Month, 2002
structure and economic development
WDR 2003.-Sustainable
Development in a Dynamic Economy
DFID, EC, UNDP, The World Bank: Linking
poverty reduction and environmental management, 2002
. |
Tracking Earth satellites |
Fourmilab |
The Albert Einstein Archive |
R. Krut: Globalization and civil
society: NGO influence in international decision-making. 1997
J. M. Vivian: Greening and the grassroots: people's
participation in sustainable development. 1991
Copenhaguen Plus Five: Follow-up to the social summit.
S. Joekes: Trade-related employment for women in
industry and services in developing countries. 1995
S. L. Barraclough/A. Finger-Stich: Some Ecological and Social Implications of Commercial
Shrimp farming in Asia. 1996
. |
Róbinson Rojas:
Sustainable development
in a globalized economy. 1997
Sustainable development
in a globalized economy? The odds. 1999
Agenda 21 revisited. 1997
. |
I. Seaga Shaw :
The Johannesburg World Summit: the making of Agenda 21
Part 2
(Expo Times Vol 8 No. 7, 2002)
. |
Renewable Energy Policy Project: Sustainable energy
Business Council for Sustainable Development
Institute for Sustainable Development
Environment and Trade: A Handbook
. |
Global Environment Outlook 1
Global Environment
Outlook 2
Global Environment
Outlook 3
(2002) |
(Columbia University)
World Data Center for Human
Interactions in the Environment
. |
World Resources Institute:
CorpWatch: Climate Justice
ELDIS: Food security
Yahoo: List of sustainable development sites
The WWW Virtual Library: Sustainable
Data on-line for environmentalists and sustainable
development workers
Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
Sustainable development internet sites
Foreign Policy IN FOCUS
. |
D. Knight:
Capital flow to third world threatens global
environment |
Centre for European Economic Research(ZEW) |
Earth Community Organization |
MORE... |
From BIOPACT - 31 March 2007
Corn ethanol does not reduce
greenhouse gas emissions - report
The Canadian federal government has invested
massively in biofuels made from local crops, such as corn or rapeseed.
But the effor will be of little benefit in cutting dependence on fossil
fuels or reducing greenhouse emissions, suggests a study by the Canadian
Library of Parliament.
The report casts doubt on one of the biggest green initiatives in the
Conservative budget - a US$1.5-billion investment over seven years to
promote renewable fuels such as corn-based ethanol. Ottawa has
introduced a regulation requiring that Canadian gasoline consist of
five per cent renewable content by 2010. It also intends to require
that diesel fuel and heating oil contain two per cent renewable content
by 2012.
14 March 2007
Bank chief calls on US to remove ethanol tariffs
Despite a biofuels cooperation agreement signed between Brazil and the
US last week, the world's largest fuel consumer rejected the idea of
removing its tariff on imported ethanol. According to a recent analysis
by the Global Subsidies ...
6 March 2007
chief economist: EU, US should scrap tariffs and subsidies, import
biofuels from the South
President Bush visits Brazil this week and is expected to hear
President Lula lobbying him to end American ethanol tariffs. Brazil's
push is now receiving the support from an unlikely quarter - the
authoritative International Energy ...
2 February 2007
blame Mexican tortilla crisis on biofuels, blame subsidized corn instead
Quicknote bioenergy economics We have received some sharp questions
from readers on why we do not report on Mexico's widely covered
'tortilla crisis'. Don't these protests prove that there is a growing
conflict between food and fuel? ...
9 January 2007
(Technical) Research on Ethanol
MIT study shows corn ethanol's marginal energy benefit; tropical
biofuels make more sense Planting more corn to make ethanol is not a
good idea, a new MIT study has found. Controversy over the benefits ...
9 January 2007
study shows corn ethanol's marginal energy benefit; tropical biofuels
make more sense
Planting more corn to make ethanol is not a good idea, a new MIT study
has found. Controversy over the benefits of using corn-based ethanol in
vehicles has been fueled by studies showing that converting corn into
ethanol may use more ...
28 December 2006
reviews Latin America in 2006: biofuels
Review of biofuels in Latin America in 2006 with emphasis on Brazil.
Thursday, December 28, 2006 The year in review: Latin America Latin
America's biofuel activities in 2006 were evidently dominated by
Brazil, the continent's most ...
28 December 2006
The year
in review: Latin America
Latin America's biofuel activities in 2006 were evidently dominated by
Brazil, the continent's most experienced, largest and most innovative
producer. Most readers are aware of the country's successful ethanol
program, which has shown ...
16 December 2006
versus Grist: the great bioenergy debate!
What Grist Magazine learned from its biofuels series, and what we
missed Some readers may have noticed that we have made no reference
whatsoever to Grist Magazine's recent series of excellent articles on
16 December 2006
Grist Magazine learned from its biofuels series, and what we missed
Some readers may have noticed that we have made no reference whatsoever
to Grist Magazine's recent series of excellent articles on biofuels.
The influential environmental magazine has covered the topic in depth
over the past weeks, ...
25 November 2006
A bad
habit in the making: using coal to produce biofuels
Imagine a company in Europe or North America jumping on the biofuels
opportunity. It uses expensive, scarce land to grow crops such as corn
and rapeseed to make green fuels. The resulting biofuel is highly
inefficient, ...
23 November 2006
From oil
addicts to alcohol addicts: US distorts the global biofuels market
Important news: the Environmental Law Institute in Washington warns
against biofuels produced in the US, and fully supports the arguments
brought forth by the Biopact. It seems like our message (see A Biofuels
Manifesto) is being taken ...
14 November 2006
government works to re-classify ethanol as a global fuel ...
The development of an export-oriented biofuels and bioenergy industry
in the Global South offers a chance to lift millions of people out of
poverty and to achieve social and economic development in the poorest
countries. ...
19 October 2006
in green energy storage technologies may give hydrogen the edge over
first generation biofuels -report
The renewable energy sector is attracting over $30 billion of
investment a year, but future growth will depend on advances in energy
storage technology. This is the conclusion of the report "Watts In
Store - Storing Renewable Energy", ...