From Project
Is Modern capitalism
Kennet Rogoff - December 2011
CAMBRIDGE – I am often asked if the recent global financial
crisis marks the beginning of the end of modern capitalism. It is a
curious question, because it seems to presume that there is a viable
replacement waiting in the wings. The truth of the matter is that, for
now at least, the only serious alternatives to today’s dominant Anglo-American
paradigm are other forms of capitalism.
Continental European capitalism, which combines generous health and
social benefits with reasonable working hours, long vacation periods,
early retirement, and relatively equal income distributions, would seem
to have everything to recommend it – except sustainability. China’s
Darwinian capitalism, with its fierce competition among export firms, a
weak social-safety net, and widespread government intervention, is
widely touted as the inevitable heir to Western capitalism, if only
because of China’s huge size and consistent outsize growth rate. Yet
China’s economic system is continually evolving.
Indeed, it is far from clear how far China’s political, economic, and
financial structures will continue to transform themselves, and whether
China will eventually morph into capitalism’s new exemplar. In any
case, China is still encumbered by the usual social, economic, and
financial vulnerabilities of a rapidly growing lower-income country.
Alexander Stille
Aug. 23, 2012
The Heirs of Inequality
ROME – It has long been known that spurts of rapid economic
growth can increase inequality: China and India are the latest
examples. But might slow growth and rising inequality – the two most
salient characteristics of developed economies nowadays – also be
connected? That is the intriguing hypothesis of a recent study by the French economist Thomas
Piketty of the Paris School of Economics. Piketty has done some of the
most important work on inequality in recent years.
Taking advantage of the French bureaucracy’s precision, Piketty was
able to reconstruct the French national accounts over nearly two
centuries. The economy from 1820 until World War I – a kind of second ancien
regime – had two striking features: slow growth – about 1% a year
– and an outsize share of inherited wealth, which accounted for roughly
20-25% of GDP....
Howard Davies
Aug. 22, 2012
Economics in Denial
PARIS – In an exasperated outburst, just before he left the
presidency of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet complained
that, “as a policymaker during the crisis, I found the available
[economic and financial] models of limited help. In fact, I would go
further: in the face of the crisis, we felt abandoned by conventional
Trichet went on to appeal for inspiration from other disciplines –
physics, engineering, psychology, and biology – to help explain the
phenomena he had experienced. It was a remarkable cry for help, and a
serious indictment of the economics profession, not to mention all
those extravagantly rewarded finance professors in business schools
from Harvard to Hyderabad.
So far, relatively little help has been forthcoming from the engineers
and physicists in whom Trichet placed his faith, though there has been
some response. Robert May, an eminent climate change expert, has argued
that techniques from his discipline may help explain financial-market
developments. Epidemiologists have suggested that the study of how
infectious diseases are propagated may illuminate the unusual patterns
of financial contagion that we have seen in the last five years.
The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist
By W.W. Rostow
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1960),
Chapter 2, "The Five Stages of Growth--A Summary," pp. 4-16
It is possible to identify all societies, in their economic dimensions,
as lying within one of five categories: the traditional society, the
preconditions for take-off, the take-off, the drive to maturity, and
the age of high mass-consumption...
Róbinson Rojas - 1996
theory and the laws of social change
(Modernization theory and the pacific -or violent- transition to
industrial capitalism)
Modernization theory is the historical product of three main events
in the post-World War Two era:
1) the rise of the United States as a superpower to contain the growth
of the international communist movement. For this, the United States
financed the industrialization of Western Europe ( Marshall plan), the
industrialization of South Korea and Taiwan, and the reconstruction of
2) the growth of a united worldwide communist movement led from Moscow
and later on also from Beijing (with Soviet Union, People's Republic of
China, Vietnam and Cuba as hot points).
3) the process of de-colonisation in Africa and Asia as an outcome of
the disintegration of the former European colonial empires.
Róbinson Rojas - 1998
making of "regulated capitalism"
Since the late 1930s until the 1950s industrialised countries scholars
built a set of disparate concepts which became the unscientific base
of a group of ideas loosely grouped in what was known as "development
economics" or "modernization theories". All of them conceptualized
structures aiming at "pushing" economic development through imposing
on third world societies the Western european (liberal) type of state.
By 1977, M. Todaro ("Economics for a Developing World", Longman, 1977)
summarized "literature on economic development has been dominated by
two major strands of thought:
Susan George - 1999
A Short History of Neoliberalism
Twenty Years
of Elite Economics and Emerging Opportunities for Structural Change
Conference on Economic Sovereignty in a Globalising World Bangkok,
24-26 March 1999
The Conference organisers have asked me for a brief history of
neo-liberalism which they title "Twenty Years of Elite Economics". I'm
sorry to tell you that in order to make any sense, I have to start even
further back, some 50 years ago, just after the end of World War II.
From Global Exchange
Global Rulemakers
Undemocratic Institutions of
the Global Economy
The World Trade
in 1995, the WTO is a powerful international body that develops and
enforces rules for trade and investment. A global economy is being
created where corporations have all the rights, governments have all
the obligations, and democracy is left behind.
The World Bank & IMF
loans, often to unelected governments, and "structural adjustment"
policies, these institutions have kept most nations of the global south
in poverty. Their policies ensure open market access for corporations
while cutting social spending on programs such as education, health
care and production credits for poor farmers.
R.A.Pastor: U.S. foreign policy: the Caribbean Basin |
The Central
Intelligence Agency: its crimes. |
ZNet's Global
Economics |
S. George: Breve historia del
neoliberalismo |
V. Shiva: La violencia de la
globalización |
From World Development Indicators:
Statistics on world agriculture
...crops, imports, exports, trade, fertilizers, pollution, value added,
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