Hegemony |
From The New York Times -
October 2010
The Iraq Documents
The archive is the second cache obtained by the independent
organization WikiLeaks and made available to several news
organizations. The Iraq documents shed new light on the war.
WikiLeaks Founder on the Run, Chased by Turmoil
BY John F. Burns and Ravi Somaiya
Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, faces a variety of challenges
after his most brazen disclosure yet: posting 391,832 secret Pentagon
documents on the Iraq war. Twelve weeks earlier, he had posted some
77,000 documents on the Afghan conflict.
The Iraq War Logs
At 5pm EST Friday 22nd October
2010 WikiLeaks released the largest classified military leak in
history. The 391,832 reports ('The Iraq War Logs'), document the war
and occupation in Iraq, from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2009
(except for the months of May 2004 and March 2009) as told by soldiers
in the United States Army. Each is a 'SIGACT' or Significant Action in
the war. They detail events as seen and heard by the US military troops
on the ground in Iraq and are the first real glimpse into the secret
history of the war that the United States government has been privy to
The reports detail 109,032 deaths in Iraq, comprised of 66,081
'civilians'; 23,984 'enemy' (those labeled as insurgents); 15,196 'host
nation' (Iraqi government forces) and 3,771 'friendly' (coalition
forces). The majority of the deaths (66,000, over 60%) of these are
civilian deaths.That is 31 civilians dying every day during the six
year period. For comparison, the 'Afghan War Diaries', previously
released by WikiLeaks, covering the same period, detail the deaths of
some 20,000 people. Iraq during the same period, was five times as
lethal with equivallent population size.
From the US Embassy in Belgium
United States policy
toward Economic Issues: a Dossier
This web site is a product of the U.S. Embassy in Brussels. It provides
timely and authoritative information on the foreign policy of the
United States. Its backbone is a database containing thousands of
statements on foreign policy issues by US public officials.
Via a set of dossiers we try to highlight the priorities of the US
Government with regard to specific policy issues. We provide
statements by US public officials, but also reports, hearings, and
journal articles.
Our powerful search engine enables you to search through thousands of
articles from the federal government issued by the State Department and
other U.S. Government sources.
From - 14 February 2010
What Do Empires Do?
By Michael Parenti
When I wrote my book Against Empire in 1995, as might be
expected, some of my U.S. compatriots thought it was wrong of me to
call the United States an empire. It was widely believed that U.S.
rulers did not pursue empire; they intervened abroad only out of
self-defense or for humanitarian rescue operations or to overthrow
tyranny, fight terrorism, and propagate democracy.
But by the year 2000, everyone started talking about the United States
as an empire and writing books with titles like Sorrows of Empire,
Follies of Empire, Twilight of Empire, or Empire of Illusions--- all
referring to the United States when they spoke of empire.
From - 7 October 2007
Climate Change And
Entire Landscapes On The Move
By Stephen Leahy - Inter
Press Service
BROOKLIN, Canada - The hot breath of global warming has now touched
some of the coldest northern regions of world, turning the frozen
landscape into mush as temperatures soar 15 degrees C. above normal.
Entire hillsides, sometimes more than a kilometre long, simply let go
and slid like a vast green carpet into valleys and rivers on Melville
Island in Canada’s northwest Arctic region of Nunavut this summer, says
Scott Lamoureux of Queens University in Canada and leader of one the of
International Polar Year projects.
From - 5 October 2007
Iraq Body Count: “A Very
Misleading Exercise”
By Media Lens
The mainstream media are continuing to use figures provided by the
website Iraq Body Count (IBC) to sell the public a number for total
post-invasion deaths of Iraqis that is perhaps 5-10% of the true death
From - 29 September 2007
Defending The Cuban Revolution:
With Love Or Venom?
By James Petras
Defending the Cuban revolution demands unconditional defense against
imperialism and proposals to rectify its problems. These are acts of
love. Polemical invective and personal attacks against life-long
defenders of the revolution and revolutionary movements will further
isolate Cuba and opportunists like Gonzalez Casanova from reality and
the coming social transformations in Latin America and social changes
in Cuba
Cuba: Continuing Revolution and Contemporary
James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya - July 2007
The Cuban revolution with its socialist economy has demonstrated
tremendous resilience
in the face of enormous political obstacles and challenges. It
successfully defied a US
orchestrated invasion, naval blockade, hundreds of terrorists’ attacks
and half-century boycott.(1)
Cuba was able to withstand the fallout from the collapse of the USSR,
the Eastern European
collectivist regimes, China and Indo-China’s transit to capitalism and
to construct a new
development model.
As many scholars and political leaders – including adversaries – have
noted, Cuba has
developed a very advanced and functioning social welfare program: free,
universal, quality health
coverage and free education from kindergarten through advanced
university education.(2)
In foreign, as well as domestic, policy Cuba has successfully developed
economic and
diplomatic relations with the entire globe, despite US boycotts and
pressures. (3)
In questions of national and personal security, Cuba is a world leader.
Crime rates are
low and violent offenses are rare. Terrorist threats and acts, (most
emanating from the US and its
Cuban exile proxies), have declined and are less a danger to the Cuban
population than to the US
or Europe.
It is precisely the successes of the Cuban Revolution, its ability to
withstand external
threats, which would have brought down most governments, that now has
created a series of
major challenges, which require urgent attention if the revolution, as
we know it, is to advance in
the 21st century. These challenges are a result of past external
constraints as well as internal
political developments. Some problems were inevitable consequences of
emergency measures
but are now pressing for immediate and radical solutions.
articles from here
Signs of a 'new Middle East'
People's resistance hands U.S., Israel a stunning defeat in Lebanon
Richard Becker, Western regional coordinator of the A.N.S.W.E.R.
Coalition ( 22 August 2006
days into Israel’s massive assault on Lebanon, when hundreds of
Lebanese civilians had already been killed and hundreds of thousands
were refugees, U.S. secretary of state Condoleezza Rice blithely
dismissed all the death and destruction as "the birth pangs of a new
Middle East."
The outcome of the struggle may indeed be a transformed region, but not
along the lines that Rice and her fellow warmakers in Washington had in
mind. Rice’s now infamous July 22 remark was another way of saying "no"
to international calls for a ceasefire in the conflict. It came in
response to worldwide outrage over the wanton Israeli destruction of
Lebanon, supposedly unleashed because two Israeli soldiers had been
captured by Hezbollah’s military wing in a clash along the
Israel-Lebanon border.
------------------- |
From the BBC London - 7 August 2006
state terrorism in action:
troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi
The case is the latest
in a series of scandals for the US army.
A US military hearing has examined testimony of how three soldiers took
it in turns to try to rape an Iraqi girl aged 14 in Mahmudiya in March.
The girl and three family members were allegedly killed by four US
soldiers. Graphic details of the attack at the family's home came in a
sworn statement by one of the accused, James P. Barker.
------------------- |
State terrorism Israeli in action:
Hizbullah's attacks stem from
Israeli incursions into Lebanon
By Anders Strindberg
01/08/06 Christian Science Monitor
NEW YORK - As pundits and policymakers scramble to explain events in
Lebanon, their conclusions are virtually unanimous: Hizbullah created
this crisis. Israel is defending itself. The underlying problem is Arab
extremism. Sadly, this is pure analytical nonsense. Hizbullah's capture
of two Israeli soldiers on July 12 was a direct result of Israel's
silent but unrelenting aggression against Lebanon, which in turn is
part of a six-decades long Arab-Israeli conflict. Since its withdrawal
of occupation forces from southern Lebanon in May 2000, Israel has
violated the United Nations-monitored "blue line" on an almost daily
basis, according to UN reports.
------------------------ |
From Progressive Response -31 july 2006
Target: Multilateralism
Multilateralism took
several hits this past week.
The most graphic was Israel's rocket attack on a UN monitoring post in
Lebanon on July 25. The UN had complained to Hezbollah that guerrillas
were launching missile attacks from positions close to the observation
posts. But nothing could justify what happened next.
According to a preliminary UN report on the incident, the Israeli
military ignored ten phone calls from the UN peacekeepers as they
endured twenty Israeli artillery air strikes. “UN sources alleged
yesterday that the Israeli military ignored the plea after it was
passed up through the chain of command,” according to a report in the
British Telegraph. “A laser-guided munition is believed to
have then dropped on the UN position, which is painted white and
clearly illuminated. The four monitors inside—from Canada, Austria,
Finland, and China—were killed.”
-------------------- |
25 july 2006
U.S. state terrorism in
Lebanon massacre.
Genocide in the name of self-defense.
The U.S.
imperialist policy to "reshape" the Middle East utilizing the army of
the neo-nazi state of Israel.
----------------- |
From The New York Times - August 19th 2005
Bush's Aid Cuts on Court Issue
Roil Latin American Neighbors
By Juan Forero
Three years ago the Bush administration began prodding countries to
shield Americans from the fledgling International Criminal Court in The
Hague, which was intended to be the first permanent tribunal for
prosecuting crimes like genocide.
The United States has since cut aid to some two dozen nations that
refused to sign immunity agreements that American officials say are
intended to protect American soldiers and policy makers from
politically motivated prosecutions.
------------------------- |
From The New York Times - August 17th 2005
Biking Toward Nowhere
By Maureen Dowd
How could President Bush be cavorting around on a long vacation with
American troops struggling with a spiraling crisis in Iraq? Wasn't he
worried that his vacation activities might send a frivolous signal at a
time when he had put so many young Americans in harm's way? "I'm
determined that life goes on," Mr. Bush said stubbornly.
That wasn't the son, believe it or not. It was the father - 15 years
----------------------- |
Samir Amin on:
Imperialism and Globalization
Notes of a talk
delivered at the World Social Forum meeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil in
January 2001.
Imperialism is not a stage, not even the highest stage, of capitalism:
from the beginning, it is inherent in capitalism’s expansion. The
imperialist conquest of the planet by the Europeans and their North
American children was carried out in two phases and is perhaps entering
a third.
The first phase of this devastating enterprise was organized around the
conquest of the Americas, in the framework of the mercantilist system
of Atlantic Europe at the time. The net result was the destruction of
the Indian civilizations and their Hispanicization- Christianization,
or simply the total genocide on which the United States was built.
----------------------- |
Human Rights Watch
April 2005
Impunity for Rumsfeld
and other state terrorists,
Getting Away with Torture?
Responsibility for the U.S. Abuse of Detainees
--------- |
December 3, 2004
and international wire services finally catching up VHeadline .com news story
The Associated
Press (AP) and international wire services are finally catching up with
a story first revealed by way back on November 21 that the US Central
Intelligence Agency knew dissident military officers were planning a
coup in 2002 against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Yet, despite the
evidence and confirmation from the CIA itself, the wire services insist
on describing the documents uncovered by New York based lawyer Eva
Golinger as "purported U.S. intelligence documents posted on the
Wire service reports focus on a speech delivered by President Hugo
Chavez Frias in which they say he "lashed out" at US officials saying
they knew a coup was brewing but failed to tip off Venezuela's
government. "The CIA knew that a coup was coming ... the government of
George Bush knew." |
Presidential election in the Empire ( 2 Nov. 2004)
What's going on, what
the left should do
by Elson Boles
Unlike some have argued, the election did not boil down to resurgent US
nationalism designed to recoup US decline. Bush did not win because of
Iraq, but despite it. The decline of the US, the shrinking of the
middle class, and the Republican economic policies behind these
developments, were NOT why Bush won. On the contrary, he won
largely because certain Americans voted on certain cultural issues:
they voted for racism, homophobia, etc. and these as requisite
features of "moral integrity."
and Toxin Weapons Convention and Iraq
A report for
Parliament on the British Government's response to the US supply of
biological materials to Iraq.
Geoffrey Holland
School of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies
University of Sussex
October 2004
At Least 100,000 Dead in
U.S. War is a Blood Bath for the Iraqi People
Pledge to Take Action to End the War
In a medical study
being published today, scientists have concluded that the U.S. invasion
and occupation of Iraq has resulted in the deaths of at least 100,000
Iraqis, "and may be much higher." It further revealed that most of the
100,000 Iraqis who died were killed in violent deaths, primarily
carried out by U.S. forces airstrikes. "Most individuals reportedly
killed by coalition forces were women and children," according to the
study. The study was designed and conducted by researches at Johns
Hopkins University, Columbia University and the Al-Mustansiriya
University in Baghdad (The Lancet, October 29, 2004).
Global Research (Canada) : Feature
articles on torture and war crimes
Bush appoints a Terrorist as US Ambassador to Iraq
Felicity Arbuthnot, 14 May 2004:
Crimes in Iraq: ?As American as Apple Pie?
Marwa Elnaggar, 14 May 2004:
The Merciless Killing of Nicholas Berg
Orit Shohat:
American army committed war crimes in Falluja on an
unprecedented scale
John Stanton:
Torture: United Kingdom, United States and Israel
Kings of Pain
Michel Chossudovsky:
Did the US Military Target and kill the Red Cross
Delegate on April 8 2003 to undermine the ICRCs activities in Iraq?
William Blum:
God, Country and Torture
Jack Random:
Abu Ghraib: Enough Shame for All
Sara Flounders:
Bertrand Russell Tribunal: Bush Cabal Plotted War on
Iraq Years ago |
L. Panitch and S. Gindin
Global Capitalism and
American Empire
"The American
empire is no longer concealed. In March 1999, the cover of the New York
Times Magazine displayed a giant clenched fist painted in the stars and
stripes of the US flag above the words: ‘What The World Needs Now: For
globalization to work, America can’t be afraid to act like the almighty
superpower that it is’. Thus was featured Thomas Friedman’s ‘Manifesto
for a Fast World’, which urged the United States to embrace its role as
enforcer of the capitalist global order: ‘…the hidden hand of the
market will never work without a hidden fist.... The hidden fist that
keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley’s technologies is called the
United States Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.’ " |
on U.S. imperialism
05 January, 2010
"R" Us: Making The World Safe For
American Domination
By Emily Spence
Wars are big business, most notably for
investors and employees in the aerospace and defense industries. The
related purposes, like the ones guiding most corporations, are hardly
humanistic. Instead new sources of revenue, cheap resources from
conquered lands, and new markets for products and services are the sine
qua non
04 January, 2010
What To
Watch For In 2010
By Tom Engelhardt & Nick Turse
According to the Chinese calendar, 2010 is
the Year of the Tiger. We don't name our years, but if we did, this one
might prospectively be called the Year of the Assassin
01 January, 2010
And The Truth About American Interventions
By Timothy V. Gatto
Many of the young people that are active in
these gangs are probably following the example that is presented to
them every day. In this case I'm talking about the example that the
United States government presents on the worlds stage. At this point
one may ask oneself if the behavior of the United States doesn't
present the same type of modus operandi that gangs display
18 August, 2009
Top 50
US War Criminals
By David Swanson
These are men and women who helped to launch
wars of aggression or who have been complicit in lesser war crimes.
These are not the lowest-ranking employees or troops who managed to
stray from official criminal policies. These are the makers of those
30 July, 2009
The Empire
By Chalmers Johnson
Three good reasons to liquidate our empire
and ten steps to take to do so
27 July, 2009
On The Fourth Of July
By John Pilger
From his early political days, Barack Obama
has followed in a long tradition among U.S. political leaders of
promoting America's right to rule and order the world
20 July, 2009
Pressures Behind
US Military And Covert Action
By Dr Sagar Sanyal
Dr Sagar Sanyal discusses various domestic US
institutions that either reduce democratic accountability of the
military and intelligence agencies or that create systematic pressures
for their use
02 July, 2009
How To
Deal With America's Empire Of Bases
By Chalmers Johnson
The U.S. Empire of Bases -- at $102 billion a
year already the world's costliest military enterprise -- just got a
good deal more expensive. As a start, on May 27th, we learned that the
State Department will build a new "embassy" in Islamabad, Pakistan,
which at $736 million will be the second priciest ever constructed,
only $4 million less, if cost overruns don't occur, than the
Vatican-City-sized one the Bush administration put up in Baghdad
12 March, 2009
Too Many
Overseas Bases
By David Vine
In the midst of an economic crisis that’s
getting scarier by the day, it’s time to ask whether USA can really
afford some 1,000 military bases overseas. For those unfamiliar with
the issue, you read that number correctly. One thousand. One thousand
U.S. military bases outside the 50 states and Washington, DC,
representing the largest collection of bases in world history
For those who still doubt that US big capital is
in the process of building a world empire the reading of the three
documents below will be very useful. The think tank authoring the
documents was created in 1997, and by now is well entrenched in
the White House, particularly the Pentagon. We need to read the
documents, analyse them, and discuss ways leading to stop the American
Empire offensive for total world domination. US imperialist project for
the twenty first century seeks economic enslavement through military
terror of every society on planet earth. (Róbinson Rojas - April 2003)
(PNAC) Project for the New American Century (2000):
America's Defenses. Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century
Also, is important to read
the Statement of Principles of the above organization, created on June
13, 1997
Statement of principles
and, this article by
Thomas Donnelly, principal author of "Rebuilding America's Defenses",
to be published on May 5, 1903
There's no
place like Iraq
From Counterpunch:
H. Wasserman (2 May 2003):
Military Defeat. Where is the superpower of Peace?
A. Smith (30 April 2003):
Uncle's Sam Thumb
The history of Washington's Occupations
W. Madsen (29 April 2003):
About those Iraqi
intelligence documents
Where they planted?
S. Shaefer (23 April 2003):
Duck, Duck, Goose:
financing the war. financing the world
The Economist (26 Apr-2 May 2003):
Shadow Men |
G. Easterbrook (27 Apr. 2003):
power moves beyond the mere super |
N. Ferguson (27 Apr. 2003):
empire slinks back |
T. Shanker/E.Schmitt (20 Apr. 2003):
expects long-term access to four key bases in Iraq |
R. Fisk (18 Apr. 2003):
For the people on the streets this is not liberation but a new colonial
war of liberation from the Americans is about to begin | (16 Apr. 2003):
Where are
the weapons of mass destruction? |
D. Filkin (16 Apr. 2003):
A Baghdad
Art Center left in ashes |
R. Fisk (13 Apr. 2003):
civilisation torn to pieces |
J. F. Burns (12 Apr. 2003):
is not a liberation, this is a humiliation".
Pillagers strip Iraqui museum of its treasure |
N. Klein (10 Apr. 2003):
in disguise |
K. Wescott (10 Apr. 2003):
Americans who will run Iraq |
R. Perry (8 Apr. 2003):
Bush's Alderaan |
A. Dorfman (4 Apr. 2003):
Columbus has words from the other side of death for Captain John Whyte |
Rent-a-Cops May Head to Iraq
By: Pratap Chatterjee
Posted: 04/09/2003
A major military contractor -- already underfire for alleged human
rights violations and fraud -- may get a multi-million dollar contract
to police post-Saddam Iraq.
L. Drutman and C. Cray (4
Apr. 2003)
Halliburton and the spoils of war |
P. Nicholson ( 3 Apr.
2003 ):
Umm Qasr
aid effort 'a shambles' |
P. Escobar ( 27 Mar.
2003 ):
"Palestinization" of Iraq
(27 Feb. 2003):
is the US really up against? |
S. Goff ( 2003 ):
Military matters
M. Tran ( 26 Mar.
2003 ):
fiddles with economy while Baghdad burns |
S. Goff ( 23 Mar.
2003 ):
the troops |
I. Ramonet ( 18 Mar.
2003 ):
Global crisis over Iraq: Poles
apart |
P. Golub ( 18 Mar.
2003 ):
Global crisis over Iraq: United
States: inventing demons |
R. Mahajan ( 11 Mar.
2003 ):
UN resolution or not, this war
violates international law |
Le Monde Diplomatique
( 10 Mar. 2003 ):
The U.S.
war on Iraq |
P. Anderson ( 8 Mar.
2003 ):
Are we
sure we can get away with it this time?
The special treatment of Iraq
Neumann ( 10 Mar. 2003 ):
A rebuttal of Perry Anderson
An Unfounded Rush to Cynicism
Castro ( 7 Mar. 2003 ):
The War on the Dark Corners of
the World
Schmitt ( 26 Feb. 2003 ):
seems set to let 60,000 G.I's use bases for war
C. K. Liu ( 25 Feb. 2003 ):
Power and
the new world order
Cotter ( 25 Feb. 2003 ):
Human History is at Risk
Buchanan ( 23 Feb. 2003 ):
Wages of
York Times ( 22 Feb. 2003 ):
Los Angeles
Council adopts resolution against Iraq war
Boles ( 21 Feb. 2003 ):
Propaganda or Fantasy Island?
Independent (London) (18 Feb. 2003):
leaders enraged by 'undemocratic' American plan to occupy Iraq
(17 Feb. 2003):
A little honesty might help the
Government's case against Iraq
M. Renner
(14 Feb. 2003):
The New Oil Order
Washington's war on Iraq is the lynchpin
to controling Persian Gulf oil
credibility gap (14 Feb. 2003):
How George
Bush's two faces affect real Americans |
Ignacio Ramonet ( Feb. 2003):
the war |
Noam Chomsky (2003):
the empire
On the
anti war movement (2002) |
US senator R. Byrd (2003):
Reckless Administration
May Reap Disastrous Consecuences
CAFOD (2002):
sanctions and the war against terrorism
I. Wallerstein (2003):
is the key |
Baker (1993):
How the US government armed
Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction
M. Dobbs (2002):
Defence Secretary D. Rumsfeld helped Saddam Hussein build up his
arsenal of deadly chemical and biological weapons |
Le Monde Diplomatique (2002):
the course of Empire
go it alone
years after the massacres at Sabra and Shatila |
The Guardian (2002):
Roy, Not
Again |
US intellectuals against the war:
Not In Our Name |
C. Barraclough (1993):
British journalist and the Iraqgate factor |
D. Schorr (1991):
days that shook the White House |
R. Rojas/S. Saumon (2001):
The horror of the World
Trade Center in New York, and other horrors |
The Trial of
Henry Kissinger |
Wanted for War Crimes:
Henry Kissinger |
Jay's Internet Resources Directory:
American Empire Page
(Third World Traveler)
Chronology of American State
Let the Bloody Truth Be Told: A
Chronology of U.S. Imperialism
The CIA: A Short History
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
U.S. Must Face the Truth: Know Who
is The Terrorist; 25 Classic Quotes on Western Hegemony
The Other September 11th:
In Memory of Salvador Allende and Thousands of Other People in Chile:
Victims of a U.S. Coup
Dossier on America (PDF)
Our dossier on the world's #1
rogue state (Socialist Worker) |
J. Burke (Foreign Policy, May/June 2004)
Again: Al Qaeda
The mere mention of
al Qaeda conjures images of an efficient terrorist network guided by a
powerful criminal mastermind. Yet al Qaeda is more lethal as an
ideology than as an organization. “Al Qaedaism” will continue to
attract supporters in the years to come—whether Osama bin Laden is
around to lead them or not. |
D. Barstow et al (19 April 2004)
Security Companies:
Shadow Soldiers in Iraq
They have come from
all corners of the world. Former Navy Seal commandos from North
Carolina. Gurkas from Nepal. Soldiers from South Africa's old apartheid
government. They have come by the thousands, drawn to the dozens of
private security companies that have set up shop in Baghdad. The most
prized were plucked from the world's elite special forces units. Others
may have been recruited from the local SWAT team. |
N. Ferguson (18 April 2004)
The Last Iraqi Insurgency
From Ted Kennedy to
the cover of Newsweek, we are being warned that Iraq has turned into a
quagmire, George W. Bush's Vietnam. Learning from history is well and
good, but such talk illustrates the dangers of learning from the wrong
history. To understand what is going on in Iraq today, Americans need
to go back to 1920, not 1970. And they need to get over the American
inhibition about learning from non-American history. |
P. Krugman (16 April 2004)
The Vietnam Analogy
Iraq isn't Vietnam.
The most important difference is the death toll, which is only a small
fraction of the carnage in Indochina. But there are also real
parallels, and in some ways Iraq looks worse. |
M. Chossudovsky (16 April 2004)
Iraq and the "War on Terrorism"
While the Western
media highlights the death and "kidnapping" of paid mercenaries, on
contract to Western security firms, there is a deafening silence on the
massacre of more than 700 civilians in Fallujah by coalition forces. |
A. Gunder Frank (April 2004)
The development of
crisis and the crisis of development
...This position of
the United States in the world thus rests primarily on the US dollar
and on the Pentagon. Moreover, each of these rest on the other: The
dollar pays for Pentagon expenses, particularly in the more than 100 US
military bases around the world; and the Pentagon help maintain
confidence in the dollar. But these two sources of US strength in turn
are also its two major Achilles heels of vulnerability as also
explained in my PAPER TIGER FIERY DRAGON... |
M. Dowd (8 April 2004)
The Iraqi Inversion
Every single thing
the administration calculated would happen in Iraq has turned out the
opposite. The W.M.D. that supposedly threatened us did not exist. The
dangerous dictator was deluded and writing romance novels. The
terrorism that would be thwarted has mushroomed in Iraq and is feeding
Arab radicalism. |
P. Bergen/S. Armstrong (4 April 2004)
15 questions for Dr. Condoleezza
April 8, 2004
Testimony of
Condoleezza Rice Before 9/11 Commission
Transcript of
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice's testimony before the
September 11 Commission on Thursday, April 8, as recorded by The New York Times
March 23, 2004
Testimony Before 9/11 Commission (pp. 1-41 and pp. 42-83)
Transcript of
public testimony from four high-ranking officials from the Bush and
Clinton administrations before the independent commission investigating
the Sept. 11 attacks, as recorded by Federal News Service. Published by
New York Times
23 March, 2004
Excerpts from "Against
All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror" by Richard A. Clarke
J. Miller (22
March, 2004)
Former Terrorism
Official Criticizes White House on 9/11 |
A. Buncombe (2 April 2004)
"I saw
papers that show US knew al-Qa'ida would attack cities with aeroplanes" |
The global hegemony of the American Empire (2004)
Fickle, Bitter and Dangeorus
An interview with
Chalmes Johnson, by David Ross |
M. J. Rivers ( March 2004)
A Wolf in Sheikhs Cloting:
Business Deals with 9 Partners of bin Laden's Banker |
From the Washington Post: 9/11 Commission Report
Released July 22, 2004
The independent,
bipartisan National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United
States was established by Congress in 2002 to investigate the events of
and circumstances surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
The panel heard from members of the Clinton and Bush administrations,
New York City emergency personnel and victims' families. Their final
report was released on July 22, 2004. It is available below in PDF
Complete 9/11 Commission Report (7.4 MB)
Executive Summary (5.9 MB)
Report by Chapter
Contents, List of Illustrations and Tables, Members,
and Staff (233 KB)
Preface (67 KB)
Chapter 1: "We Have Some Planes" (952 KB)
Chapter 2: The Foundation of the New Terrorism
(1.44 MB)
Chapter 3: Counterterrorism Evolves (188 KB)
Chapter 4: Responses to al Qaeda's Initial Assaults
(185 KB)
Chapter 5: Al Qaeda Aims at the American Homeland
(312 KB)
Chapter 6: From Threat to Threat (209 KB)
Chapter 7: The Attack Looms (949 KB)
Chapter 8: "The System Was Blinking Red" (146 KB)
Chapter 9: Heroism and Horror (2.3 MB)
Chapter 10: Wartime (109 KB)
Chapter 11: Foresight--and Hindsight (133 KB)
Chapter 12: What to do? A Global Strategy (184 KB)
Chapter 13: How to do it? A Different Way of
Organizing the Government (158 KB)
Appendices (109 KB)
Notes (669 KB)
© 2004 The
Washington Post Company |
P. Krugman, 29
June, 2004
Who Lost Iraq?
Let's say the
obvious. By making Iraq a playground for right-wing economic theorists,
an employment agency for friends and family, and a source of lucrative
contracts for corporate donors, the administration did terrorist
recruiters a very big favor.
A Guide to the Memos on Torture
TIMES -- 27 June, 2004
New York Times, Newsweek, The Washington Post and The Wall Street
Journal have disclosed memorandums that show a pattern in which Bush
administration lawyers set about devising arguments to avoid
constraints against mistreatment and torture of detainees.
Administration officials responded by releasing hundreds of pages of
previously classified documents related to the development of a policy
on detainees.
Noam Chomsky interviewed by J. Paxman (BBC News,
21 May 2004)
Bush Doctrine and crimes against humanity
"If George Bush
were to be judged by the standards of the Nuremberg Tribunals, he'd be
hanged. So too, mind you, would every single American President since
the end of the second world war, including Jimmy Carter"
June 9, 2004, The Washington Post
Legalizing torture
..."Theirs is the
logic of criminal regimes, of dictatorships around the world that
sanction torture on grounds of "national security." For decades the
U.S. government has waged diplomatic campaigns against such outlaw
governments -- from the military juntas in Argentina and Chile to the
current autocracies in Islamic countries such as Algeria and Uzbekistan
-- that claim torture is justified when used to combat terrorism. The
news that serving U.S. officials have officially endorsed principles
once advanced by Augusto Pinochet brings shame on American democracy
-- even if it is true, as the administration maintains, that its
theories have not been put into practice. Even on paper, the
administration's reasoning will provide a ready excuse for dictators,
especially those allied with the Bush administration, to go on
torturing and killing detainees."
read our dossier on US
imperial army war crimes |
15 June, 2004
Petition for Prof. Song Du-yul
I wonder if any of
you could sign the attached petition with the protest against the
"judicial" atrocity perpetrated currently against one of Korea's finest
social scientists, Prof. Song Du-yul. Prof. Song, currently German
citizen and one of the leaders of Korean democracy movement abroad and
a well-known activist of Korean reunification, returned to his native
South Korea last year after almost 37 years of German exile, only to be
arrested and tried for the acts, which are not considered punishable
either in Germany/EU or anywhere else - except South Korea (basically,
unofficial contacts with North Korea and "benefiting North Korea by the
unbalanced criticism of South Korea" - all those things are
criminalized by S.Korea's draconian "National Security Law"). All the
details on indictment/trial are available on In
March 2004, Prof. Song was sentenced to 7 years (!) - with Amnesty
Int-l offering immediately a criticism of this atrocious "verdict" . Now, as the final appeal trial is
expected in July, Prof. Song's mentor, Prof. Habermas, and many other
prominent German intellectuals drafted the "Solidarity Petition", which
is going to be submitted soon to South Korea's President and published
in South Korean media. As always in such cases, every signature is
important, and I ask all of you who agree with the petition's content,
to sign it and send to Prof. Song's elder son, Dr. Dschun Song (,
who is leading the campaign for Prof. Song's release.
Best greetings,
Vladimir Tikhonov (Pak Noja), Ass. Professor, Korean/East Asian Studies
Text of the Solidarity Petition |
Criminal Records:
José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte
From A.N.S.W.E.R. - 2 June 2006
Logic of war crimes in a criminal war
By Mara
Verheyden-Hilliard and Brian Becker
When U.S. marines carried out the savage and systematic execution of
Iraqi families and small children in Haditha last November, it was
initially reported as a “battle” with “insurgent casualties.” A photo
of a kneeling Iraqi civilian moments before he was murdered was taken
by a Marine using his cell phone camera. Other pictures of the corpses
of small children, families lying in pools of blood in their homes,
students gunned down in a taxi are all part of the documentary
The massacre in Haditha took place one year after a much larger
massacre of civilians in Fallujah. Four to six thousand civilians are
estimated to have been killed in Fallujah in November 2004, according
to credible independent sources reporting from the ground. The truth of
Iraq is that there were other massacres almost every week in between
the events that have made Haditha and Fallujah famous cities: famous in
the way no city wants to become well known throughout the world. The
attack on the people of Iraq and ensuing occupation by the United
States government has caused the deaths of well over 100,000 Iraqi
people (the British medical journal, The Lancet, reported an
excess of 100,000 dead eighteen months ago).
------------------ |
Report by Cuba on Resolution 59/11 of the
United Nations General Assembly
necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade
imposed by the United States of America against Cuba"
The economic, commercial and financial blockade impose by the United
States against Cuba is the longest-lasting and cruelest of its kind
know to human history and is an essential element in the United States’
hostile and aggressive policies regarding the Cuban people. Its aim,
made explicit on 6 April 1960 is the destruction of the Cuban
Revolution: (…) through frustration and discouragement based on
dissatisfaction and economic difficulties (…) to withhold funds and
supplies to Cuba in order to cut real income thereby causing
starvation, desperation and the overthrow of the government (...)"
It is equally an essential component of the policy of state terrorism
against Cuba which silently, systematically, cumulatively, inhumanly,
ruthlessly affects the population with no regard for age, sex, race,
religious belief or social position.
En the
blockade of Cuba
-------------------- |
London - June 2005
United States exports of
biological materials to Iraq: compromising the credibility of
international law
This paper argues
that the United States breached the Biological and Toxin Weapons
Convention (BTWC) by supplying warfare-related biological materials to
Iraq during the 1980s, at a time when that nation was at war with its
neighbour, Iran. It is further argued that the United Kingdom has an
obligation, not least due to its published policy on the issue, to
formally report this breach to the United Nations Security Council.
by Geoffrey Holland
University of Sussex
----------------------- |
The U.S. state terrorists have a pile of Weapons
of Mass Destruction which can wipe out from the face of the Earth
anything between 1 to 3.5 billion human beings. Currently, they are
discussing how to make their Weapons of Mass Destruction even more
destructive. Read here more about the deadly plans of the imperialists
whose policies are menacing the survival of planet Earth.
(Róbinson Rojas)
From The New York
A Fierce Debate on Atom Bombs
From Cold War
Published: April 3, 2005
For over two decades, a compact, powerful warhead called the W-76 has
been the centerpiece of the nation's nuclear arsenal, carried aboard
the fleet of nuclear submarines that prowl the Atlantic and Pacific
But in recent months it has become the subject of a fierce debate among
experts inside and outside the government over its reliability and its
place in the nuclear arsenal.
----------------------- |
US Imperial Army secret document (October 2004)
Restriction: Distribution authorized to the DOD and DOD contractors
only to maintain operations security. This determination was made on 1
April 2004. Other requests for this document must be referred to
Commander, US Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth, ATTN:
ATZL-CD (FMI 3-07.22), 1 Reynolds Avenue (Building 111), Fort
Leavenworth, KS 66027-1352.
Destruction Notice: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure
of contents or reconstruction of the document.
We publish this
manual utilised by the US terrorist imperial armed forces as a
contribution to the worldwide struggle against the US empire led by
state terrorists disguised as "democratic" leaders
(Róbinson Rojas, 3 december 2004)
Alain Gresh, Le Monde Diplomatique
( 18 september 2004 )
business of terror
The war of a thousand years
The Economist (18 March 2004):
Next American Empire |
A.G. Frank (1991):
World War:
A political economy of the Gulf War and new world order |
M.J. Sullivan (2000):
Foreign Policy in the Periphery: a 50-year retrospective |
Counterpunch |
The Noam Chomsky Archive |
Bad News: Noam Chomsky |
The films and writings of John Pilger |
Monthly Review
* Africa
* Asia
* Europe
* Globalization
* Labor and
Working-Class Issues
* Media/
* Social/Political Theory
* U.S. Politics/
Economics |
Cultural Logic |
New Left Review |
ZNet |
Multinational Monitor |
Global Policy Forum
Global Policy Forum's mission is to monitor
policy making at the United Nations, promote accountability of global
decisions, educate and mobilize for global citizen participation, and
advocate on vital issues of international peace and justice.
GPF responds to a globalizing world, where officials, diplomats and
corporate leaders take important policy decisions affecting all
humanity, with little democratic oversight and accountability. GPF
addresses this democratic deficit by monitoring the policy process,
informing the public, analyzing the issues, and urging citizen action.
GPF focuses on the United Nations – the most inclusive international
institution, offering the best hope for a humane and sustainable
Róbinson Rojas - 1998
Notes on the making of "regulated capitalism"
Since the late 1930s until the 1950s industrialised countries scholars
built a set of disparate concepts which became the unscientific base
of a group of ideas loosely grouped in what was known as "development
economics" or "modernization theories". All of them conceptualized
structures aiming at "pushing" economic development through imposing
on third world societies the Western European (liberal) type of state.
By 1977, M. Todaro ("Economics for a Developing World", Longman, 1977)
summarized "literature on economic development has been dominated by
two major strands of thought:
(1) the stages of economic growth theories of the 1950s and early
1960s; (which the World Bank sponsored since then until today, in the
1990s, R.R.)
(2) the structural-internationalist theories of the late 1960s and
early 1970s; (ECLAC) (both theories have been used as a base for
formulating various patterns of state intervention in economic
growth-development, covering a wide range from "guided capitalism" to
"market-friendly capitalism". A third strand, which is not about the
role of the state, civil society and the market in the process of
economic growth-development but an overall criticism of the global
dominance of the capitalist system generating a system of
dominance-dependence, is "dependency theory". R.R.)
Róbinson Rojas - 1984
U.S. imperialism in Latin America
Beginning in the mid- nineteenth century, the presence of the
United States in the continent has been strongly felt: economically,
politically, militarily, socially and culturally. Until the 1930s,
nevertheless, the focus of U.S. imperialism's activities was in Mexico,
the Caribbean Islands, and Central America. There is no need here to
substantiate the exploitation that the continent suffered by the deeds
of the most powerful representative of the capitalist mode of
production. There is an enormous amount of research on that.
Dealing with contemporary events, Lowenthal states that
..."the Senate's Chile Report shows that the U.S. government engaged
for over a decade a massive, systematic, and sustained covert campaign
against the Chilean Left... What the U.S. government did in and to
Chile during the 1960s and early 1970s was not unique in U.S.-Latin
American relations, although it was in some ways anachronistic,
a residue of programs set in motion early in the 1960s, at the height
of the cold war and of the Alliance for Progress. The covert
intervention in Chile was probably unprecedented in scope, style and
duration, perhaps because the circumstances were so special: no other
socialist revolutionary movement has come close to triumph in South
America, much less elected to office. But though the degree of
clandestine U.S. intervention against Allende may have been
exceptional, particularly as late as the 1970s, none of the specific
activities undertaken in Chile was unprecedented. On the contrary,
what the U.S. government did in Chile climaxed an extended era of U.S.
interventions in Latin America"...
R. A. Pastor - 1993
U.S. foreign policy: the Caribbean Basin
Scholars of inter-American relations have devoted considerable efforts
to try to locate the motive for U.S. involvement in the internal
affairs of its neighbors. Instead of a single answer, they have amassed
a collection of explanations that range from security (keep out rivals,
maintain stability), political/ideological (promote democracy, prevent
Communism or "alien" ideologies), economic (imperialism, access to
investment or trade), to psychological (an impulse to dominate, a fear
of insecurity, misperception). A particular explanation might be cogent
for a case, but in trying to understand what moves the United States
over time, one needs to look for patterns in the history of U.S.
relations with the region.
One pattern is the way in which U.S. attention to the region has
fluctuated between obsession and disinterest. I have referred to this
pattern as a "whirlpool,"...
E. Galeano - 1970
Latin America and the Theory of Imperialism
In "Imperialism, the Highest State of Capitalism", Lenin warned, in
refuting Kautsky, that the domination of finance capital not only
does not lessen the inequalities and contradictions present in the
world economy, but on the contrary accentuates them.
Time has passed and proven him right. The inequalities have become
sharper. Historical research has shown that the distance that separated
the standard of living in the wealthy countries from that of the poor
countries toward the middle of the nineteenth century was much smaller
than the distance that separates them today.
U.S. Senate - 1975
Covert Action in Chile
Covert United States involvement in Chile in the decade between 1963
and 1973 was extensive and continuous. The Central Intelligence Agency
spent three million dollars in an effort to influence the outcome of
the 1964 Chilean presidential elections. Eight million dollars was
spent, covertly, in the three years between 1970 and the military coup
in September 1973, with over three million dollars expended in fiscal
year 1972 alone.
It is not easy to draw a neat box around what was "covert action". The
range of clandestine activities undertaken by the CIA includes covert
action, clandestine intelligence collection, liaison with local police
and intelligence services, and counterintelligence. The distinctions
among the types of activities are mirrored in organizational
arrangements, both at Headquarters and in the field. Yet it is not
always so easy to distinguish the effects of various activities. If the
CIA provides financial support to a political party, this is called
"covert action"; if the Agency develops a paid "asset" in the party for
the purpose of information gathering, the project is "clandestine
intelligence collection."
The goal of covert action is political impact. At the same time secret
relationships developed for the clandestine collection of intelligence
may also have political effects, even though no attempt is made by
American officials to manipulate the relationships for short-run
political gain. For example, in Chile between 1970 and 1973, CIA and
American military attache contacts with the Chilean military for the
purpose of gathering intelligence enabled the United States to sustain
communication with the group most likely to take power from President
Salvador Allende.
What did covert CIA money buy in Chile? It financed activities covering
a broad spectrum, from simple propaganda manipulation of the press to
large-scale support for Chilean political parties, from public opinion
polls to direct attempts to foment a military coup. The scope of
"normal" activities of the CIA Station in Santiago included placement
of Station-dictated material in the Chilean media through propaganda
assets, direct support of publications, and efforts to oppose communist
and left-wing influence in student, peasant and labor organizations.
Salvador Allende - 1972
Speech to the UN General Assembly
The Chilean president, Salvador Allende, delivered a dramatic speech to
the UN General Assembly, in New York, on 4 December 1972, exposing U.S.
transnational corporations, the U.S. government and other centres for
international capital, and the Chilean oligarchy, as being engaged in
bringing Chile to the brink of civil war by an economic blockade that
deprived his Government of the commercial credits and financial help
needed to keep it going. Nine months later, 11 September 1973, the
Chilean president was assassinated by the army (the coup d'etat was
supported by U.S. transnational corporations, the U.S. government and
other centres for international capital, and the Chilean oligarchy) and
thus the Chilean democratic system was replaced by a brutal right-wing
military junta which ruled Chile until 1990, when the Army step aside
giving way to a "guarded democracy". ( To examine this period in depth,
read Róbinson Rojas, "The Murder of Allende and the end of the Chilean
way to socialism", Harper&Row, New York, 1975)
Salvador Allende's speech is a historical document which scholars
should read when trying to understand what kind of reality is faced by
societies struggling for development in a context where national
strategies are brutally constrained by "international forces". These
forces being grouped under banners like "defense of the democratic
system" during the Cold War, or "market forces"/ "globalization" in the
post-Cold War era. In this excerpts of Salvador Allende's speech the
"international forces" are very well individualized...there is no
difference between those forces in 1972 and now, in the 1990s...
(Róbinson Rojas)
The Central
Intelligence Agency: its crimes. |
L. Haugaard: Textbook Repression: US
training manuals declassified
J. Webb (22 march, 2004):
Analysis: Insider's
attack rattles Bush
Bush attacked on
terrorism record
Profile: Richard Clarke |
T. Hayden (January 18, 2004):
Talking Back to the
Global Establishment
As the Bush administration
struggles with setbacks in its global trade and Iraq agendas, the
opposition World Social Forum opened festively this week with 150,000
global justice activists primarily from India and South Asia, marking a
successful transition for the grassroots experiment from its original
site in Brazil. |
Over the last 70 years or so, an international
capitalist class have been trying to create a world order ruled by
oligopoly capital. U.S. ruling elites have being leading this process.
After the collapse of bureaucratic socialism they are implementing a Project for the New American Century
which is unleashing, once again, U.S. State Terrorism all over the
world. To understand better how the international capitalist class
enforces its domination mainly through U.S. State Terrorism, I include
here two texts ( Carroll & Carson, and Fraser & Beeston). More
reading on this is available at
(Dr. Róbinson Rojas)
K. Carroll & C. Carson:
a New Hegemony? The Role of Transnational Policy Groups in the Network
and Discourses of Global Corporate Governance
Fraser and M. Beeston:
The Brotherhood
1: Introduction. The Main Manipulating Groups
2: The Main Protagonists
3: Economic Control. Steps Towards a Global Bank
4: Political Control
5: The World Army
6: Population Control
7: Who We Are & Mind Manipulation
8: Further Examples of Manipulation
9: The Pharmaceutical Racket
10: Seeing Beyond the Veil
From Global Research (Canada)(24 February 2004)
the ‘Big Lie’ Becomes the Truth, Michel Chossudovsky
and Ian Woods,
full text
Intelligence Ploy behind
the "Suicide bombings". "Operation Justified Vengeance": a Secret Plan
to Destroy the Palestinian Authority, Ellis Shuman,
full text
The Defense Sciences
Office's new Metabolic Dominance Program. DARPA Creating a Race of
Robo-grunts, Thomas C Greene,
full text
FEMA: The Secret
Government, Harry V. Martin
full text
The Hutton Report is a
cover-up of the causes of David Kelly's Death: Suicide or Murder? The
Dr. David Kelly Affair, Steve Moore
full text
The purpose of the
Commissions of Inquiry is Whitewash: Yes, Minister! Uri
full text
The White House had (at
least ) 28 Advanced Intelligence Warnings Prior to 9/11,
Compiled by Eric Smith,
full text
Barely seven weeks prior
to 9/11, Attorney General John Ashcroft decided not to travel on
commercial airlines, due to "a threat assessment by the FBI"
Hillary Clinton confirmed
in a June 2002 Press Conference that Attorney General John Ashcroft
"decided not to fly on commercial flights in the month preceding
September 11, 2001,
full text
Paul O'Neill , The
Democrats and Regime Rotation in America , Snowshoe Films, Video
Interview with Michel Chossudovsky,
full text
John Kerry's Anti-war
stance challenged by Vietnam Vet: An Open Letter to Senator John
Kerry on Iraq, S. Brian Willson
full text>
Argentine President Faces
off with IMF and International Financiers, Roger Burbach
full text
Media vs. Reality in Haiti,
Anthony Fenton
full text
CIA Intelligence Reports
Seven Months Before 9/11: Iraq Posed No Threat To U.S., Containment Was
Working, Jason Leopold
full text
Georgia: "The Technique
of a Coup d'État", John Laughland
full text
US Casualties in Iraq,
David Hackworth
full text
World Bank Oversees
Carve-Up of Congo Rainforests
full text
N. Morris (Feb. 16, 2004)
tells Blair: apologise for 'inmoral' war |
D. Morris ( February 3, 2004 )
Faulty intelligence my
eye |
R. Nader
The Concord
Principles for a New Democracy
Control of
our social institutions, our government, and our political system is
presently in the hands of a self-serving, powerful few, known as an
oligarchy, which too often has excluded citizens from the process.
Our political system has degenerated into a government of the power
brokers, by the power brokers, and for the power brokers, and is far
beyond the control or accountability of the citizens. It is an arrogant
and distant caricature of Jeffersonian democracy. |
R. Nader
relentless expansion of corporate control over our political economy
has proven nearly immune to daily reporting by the mainstream media.
Corporate crime, fraud and abuse have become like the weather; everyone
is talking about the storm but no one seems able to do anything about
it. This is largely because expected accountability mechanisms --
including boards of directors, outside accounting and law firms,
bankers and brokers, state and federal regulatory agencies and
legislatures -- are inert or complicit. |
N. Chomsky
(Toronto Star, 21 Dec. 2003)
memory and dishonest doctrine |
For those who still doubt that US big capital is
in the process of building a world empire the reading of this document
will be very useful. The think tank authoring this document was created
in 1997, and by now is well entrenched in the White House. We need to
read this document, analyse it, and discuss ways leading to stop the
American Empire offensive for total world domination. US imperialist
project for the twenty first century seeks economic enslavement through
military terror of every society on planet earth. (Róbinson Rojas -
April 2003)
Project for the New American Century (2000):
America's Defenses. Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century
...more |
The National Security Archive (2003):
When Reagan
and his thugs were pals with Saddam and his thugs |
James D. Cockcroft (2003):
Antiwar Movement, Civil Liberties,
and Imperialism in United States |
R. Rojas (14 Apr. 2003):
US Army use of depleted uranium
weapons: another human catastrophe in the making
environmental disaster created by US military bases
A. Kirby (14
April, 2003):
US rejects Iraq DU clean |
W. Clark (Jan. 2003):
The real
reasons for the upcoming war witk Iraq |
E. Vilwar (March-Apr. 2003):
The Lost
World War |
J. Pilger ( Jan. 2003):
Blood on
their hands |
M.J. Sullivan (2000):
U.S. Foreign Policy in the
Periphery: a 50-year retrospective |
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed (09/10/03)
'Behind the War on Terror:
Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq' |
A.G. Frank (1991):
Third World War:
A political economy of the Gulf War and new world order
(with a 2003 EPILOGUE)
A.G. Frank (2002):
Paper Tiger, Firey Dragon |
Electronic Briefing Books
Security Archive Electronic Briefing Books provide online access to
critical declassified records on issues including U.S. national
security, foreign policy, diplomatic and military history, intelligence
policy, and more. Updated frequently, the Electronic Briefing
Books represent just a small sample of the documents in our published
and unpublished collections.
Archive publications also include 20 microfiche collections, 12 of which are now
available on the World Wide Web as part of the Digital
National Security Archive subscription, and more than 20 books written by Archive staff and fellows.
Recent Headlines
May 12 , 2004
Prisoner Abuse: Patterns from the Past
Cold War U.S. Interrogation Manuals
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The Top Secret 1969 State Department Study |
April 19, 2004
The Blind Man and the Elephant
Reporting on the Mexican Military |
April 12, 2004
The President's Daily Brief
The Declassified August 6, 2001 PDB and More |
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The U.S. and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994
The Assassination of the Presidents and the
Beginning of the "Apocalypse" |
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United States and the Chinese Nuclear Program, 1960-1964
Companion documents to Winter 2000/2001 edition of International
U.S. Planning for War in Europe, 1963-64
Declassified U.S. documents
complement recent release of Warsaw Pact war plans
The Chinese Nuclear Weapons Program
Problems of intelligence collection and analysis, 1964-1972
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Deployments in Chichi Jima and
Iwo Jima
United States Secretly Deployed Nuclear Bombs In 27
Countries and Territories During the Cold War
Archival Evidence on Taiwanese "Nuclear Intentions", 1966-1976
U.S. Nuclear Weapons and Okinawa
and the Bomb
Presidents Predelegated Nuclear Weapons Release Authority to Military
The U.S. Atomic Energy Detection System (AEDS)
India and Pakistan -- On the Nuclear Threshold
China and East Asia
and Vietnam
The Top Secret 1969 State Department Study
Pakistan, and the Bomb
The Declassified File on U.S. Policy,
Trip to China
Now completely declassified, including Kissinger
intelligence briefing and assurances on Taiwan
and the Diem Coup
JFK tape reveals high-level Vietnam coup plotting
in 1963
North Korea and
Nuclear Weapons
The declassified U.S. record
U.S.-Chinese Rapprochement
New American and Chinese documention leading up to Nixon's 1972 trip
Kissinger's Secret Trip to China
The Beijing-Washington Back-Channel, September 1970-July 1971
East Timor
Ford, Kissinger and the Indonesian invasion, 1975-76
The Sino-Soviet
Border Conflict, 1969
U.S. reactions and diplomatic maneuvers
The U.S.
"Tiananmen Papers"
New documents reveal U.S. perceptions of Chinese political crisis
Flights and Sino-American Relations
Policy developments and a Hainan Island incident, 1969-1970
The United
States and the Chinese Nuclear Program, 1960-1964
Companion documents to Winter 2000/2001 edition of International
Square 1989
The declassified history
of Richard Nixon-Zhou Enlai Talks, February 1972
China and the
United States
From hostility to engagement
United States, China, and the Bomb
U.S. Intelligence Community
Abuse: Patterns from the Past
Cold War U.S. Interrogation Manuals
Counseled "Coercive Techniques"
Eyes on Saddam
U.S. overhead imagery of Iraq
The U-2, OXCART,
and the SR-71
U.S. aerial espionage in the Cold War and beyond
Technology and the CIA
From satellites to psychics
The Pentagon's
Documents detail histories of once secret spy units
Flights and Sino-American Relations
Policy Developments and a Hainan Island Incident, 1969-1970
The creation and evolution of
America's secretive spy satellite agency
The National
Security Agency Declassified
Updated Newly declassified directive governs interception of
communications involving "U.S. persons"
Satellite Imagery, 1960-1999
Middle East and South Asia
Saddam Hussein Sourcebook
Declassified secrets from the U.S.-Iraq relationship
October War and U.S. Policy
Kissinger gave green light for Israeli offensive violating 1973
Eyes on Saddam
U.S. overhead imagery of Iraq
Hands with Saddam Hussein
The U.S. tilts toward Iraq, 1980-1984
Iraq and Weapons
of Mass Destruction
The Tilt: The
U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971
U.S. Propaganda
in the Middle East
The early Cold War version
Operation Desert
Storm: Ten Years After
Documents shed light on role of intelligence, stealth technology and
space systems in the Gulf War
Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup, 1953
Years after the Hostages
Declassified documents on Iran and the United States
The September 11th Sourcebooks
I - Terrorism and U.S. Policy
Volume II -
Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War
Volume III -
The Nixon administration's decision to end U.S. biological warfare
Volume IV -
The Once and Future King?
From the secret files on King Zahir's reign in Afghanistan, 1970-1973
Volume V -
Anthrax at Sverdlovsk, 1979
U.S. intelligence on the deadliest modern outbreak
Volume VI -
The Hunt for Bin Laden
Background on the role of Special Forces in U.S. military strategy
VII - The Taliban File
File Update: U.S. Pressed Taliban to Expel Usama bin Laden Over 30 Times
Only three approaches in first year of Bush
Taliban File Part III
Pakistan Provided Millions of Dollars, Arms,
and "Buses Full of Adolescent Mujahid" to the Taliban in the 1990's
Humanitarian Interventions
U.S. and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994
The Assassination of the Presidents and the
Beginning of the "Apocalypse"
U.S. and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994
Information, Intelligence and the U.S.
US and the Genocide in Rwanda 1994
Evidence of inaction
Learned from U.S. Humanitarian Interventions Abroad Lessons
learned from Kosovo, Sudan, Afghanistan, Hurricane Mitch and other
Government Secrecy
President's Daily Brief
The Declassified August 6, 2001 PDB and More
Delayed is Justice Denied
The ten oldest pending FOIA requests in the federal
The Freedom of
Information Act on Its 37th Birthday
Archive features 20 news stories based on FOIA
Declassified documents show excessive secrecy,
arbitrary and subjective classification decisions
Ashcroft Memo
"Drastic" change or "more thunder than lightning"?
Documents from NAFTA's secret tribunals
CIA Stalling
State Department Histories
Archive Posts
One of the Two Disputed Volumes on Web
State historians conclude U.S. passed names of communists to Indonesian
Army, which killed at least 105,000 in 1965-66
The Pentagon
Secrets, lies and audiotapes
Death Squad Protection Act
Senate measure would restrict
public access to crucial human rights information
V. I. Lenin - 1916
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism
A popular outline
Written: January-June,
Published: First published in
mid-1917 in pamphlet form, Petrograd. Published according to the
manuscript and verified with the text of the pamphlet.
Source: Lenin’s Selected
Works, Progress Publishers, 1963, Moscow, Volume
1, pp. 667–766.
Transcription\Markup: Tim
Delaney & Kevin
Goins (2008)
Public Domain: Lenin Internet
Archive 2005. You may freely copy,
distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative
and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your
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