EMBARGOED FOR 10.00 a.m. GMT, 29 June 2000 |
Human rights and human
Development Report 2000 looks at human rights as an intrinsic
part of development and at development as a means to realizing
human rights. It shows how human rights bring principles of
accountability and social justice to the process of human
- Cover (664K)
[128 KB]
- Introductory Text (192K)
- Forward, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents, Overview, and more
Support for human rights has always been integral
to the mission of the United Nations,
embodied in both the UN Charter and the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. But
throughout the cold war serious discussion of
the concept as it relates to development was
too often distorted by political rhetoric. Civil
and political rights on the one hand and economic
and social rights on the other were
regarded not as two sides of the same coin but
as competing visions for the world’s future.
We have now moved beyond that confrontational
discussion to a wider recognition
that both sets of rights are inextricably linked.
As Mary Robinson, United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights, often
reminds us, the goal is to achieve all human
rights—civil, cultural, economic, political and
social—for all people. Access to basic education,
health care, shelter and employment is as
critical to human freedom as political and civil
rights are. That is why the time is right for a
report aimed at drawing out the complex relationship
between human development and
human rights.
- Chapter 1 (107K)
- Human rights and human development
The basic idea of human development—that
enriching the lives and freedoms of ordinary
people is fundamental—has much in common
with the concerns expressed by declarations of
human rights. The promotion of human development
and the fulfilment of human rights
share, in many ways, a common motivation,
and reflect a fundamental commitment to promoting
the freedom, well-being and dignity of
individuals in all societies. These underlying
concerns have been championed in different
ways for a long time (the French Declaration of
the Rights of Man and of the Citizen came in
1789), but the recent literatures on Human
Development and on Human Rights have given
new shape to old aspirations and objectives.
Extensive use of these two distinct modes of
normative thinking, respectively invoking
human development and human rights, encourages
the question of whether the two concepts
can be viewed together in a more integrated way,
gaining something through being combined in a
more comprehensive vision. To answer this
question, it is important not only to have a clear
understanding of what the two concepts—
human development and human rights—mean,
but also to examine their commonalities and
their differences. Indeed, it is necessary to
undertake two basic diagnostic inquiries:
• How compatible are the normative concerns
in the analyses of human development
and human rights? Are they harmonious
enough—to be able to complement rather than
undermine each other?
• Are the two approaches sufficiently distinct
so that each can add something substantial to
the other? Are they diverse enough—to enrich
each other?
- Chapter 2 (211K)
- Struggles for human freedoms
The history of human rights is the history of
human struggles. Yes, people are born with an
entitlement to certain basic rights. But neither
the realization nor the enjoyment of these rights
is automatic.
History tells us how people have had to
fight for the rights due them. The cornerstone
in this struggle has always been political
activism and people’s movements—national
liberation movements, peasants movements,
women’s movements, movements for the rights
of indigenous people. Often, the burning desire
of people to be free and to enjoy their rights
started the struggle. Then, building on the people’s
achievements, the formalization, legalization
and institutionalization of those rights
came much later.
Struggles for human freedoms have transformed
the global landscape. At the beginning
of the 20th century a scant 10% of the world’s
people lived in independent nations. By its end
the great majority lived in freedom, making
their own choices. The Universal Declaration
of Human Rights of 1948 was a breakthrough,
ushering in a new era—with the world community
taking on realization of human rights as a
matter of common concern and a collective
goal of humanity.
The global integration of nations and people
has been a second breakthrough—as a
global movement has entrenched universal
human rights in the norms of the world’s
diverse cultures...
- Chapter 3 (166K)
- Inclusive democracy secures rights
The democratic liberalization sweeping the
world is making transitions more civil. One of
the more remarkable transitions: in Senegal
President Abdou Diouf’s loss in an open election
in February 2000 ended four decades of
one-party rule. Senegal became part of the
refreshing trend in Africa of leaders leaving
office through the ballot, a rare occurrence
until recently. Yet despite undoubted benefits,
the transition to democracy in many countries
remains imperilled, insecure, fragile. The
spread of democracy is important, but we must
not overlook the challenges and dangers.
Democracy is the only form of political regime
compatible with respecting all five categories of
rights—economic, social, political, civil and
cultural. But it is not enough to establish electoral
democracy. Several policy interventions
are required to realize a range of rights under
democratic government.
- Chapter 4 (175K)
- Rights empowering people in the fight against poverty
The torture of a single individual raises unmitigated
public outrage. Yet the deaths of more
than 30,000 children a day from mainly preventable
causes go almost unnoticed. Why?
Because these children are invisible in poverty.
As chapter 2 shows, eradicating poverty is more
than a major development challenge—it is a
human rights challenge.
Of the many human rights failures today,
those in economic, social and cultural areas are
particularly widespread across the world’s
nations and people. These include the rights to
a decent standard of living, to food, to health
care, to education, to decent work, to housing,
to a share in scientific progress and to protection
against calamities.
Although poor people are also denied a
wide range of human rights in civil and political
areas, this chapter focuses on the economic,
social and cultural rights, of central concern in
eradicating poverty (box 4.1). The chapter has
two main messages.
• First, the diverse human rights—civil,
political, economic, social and cultural—are
causally linked and thus can be mutually
reinforcing. They can create synergies that contribute
to poor people’s securing their rights,
enhancing their human capabilities and escaping
poverty. Because of these complementarities,
the struggle to achieve economic and social
rights should not be separated from the struggle
to achieve civil and political rights. And the
two need to be pursued simultaneously.
• Second, a decent standard of living, adequate
nutrition, health care and other social
and economic achievements are not just
development goals. They are human rights
inherent in human freedom and dignity. But
these rights do not mean an entitlement to a
- Chapter 5 (234K)
- Using indicators for human rights accountability
Statistical indicators are a powerful tool in the
struggle for human rights. They make it possible
for people and organizations—from grassroots
activists and civil society to governments
and the United Nations—to identify important
actors and hold them accountable for their
actions. That is why developing and using indicators
for human rights has become a cuttingedge
area of advocacy. Working together,
governments, activists, lawyers, statisticians
and development specialists are breaking
ground in using statistics to push for change—
in perceptions, policies and practices. Indicators
can be used as a tool for:
• Making better policies and monitoring
• Identifying unintended impacts of laws,
policies and practices.
• Identifying which actors are having an
impact on the realization of rights.
• Revealing whether the obligations of these
actors are being met.
• Giving early warning of potential violations,
prompting preventive action.
• Enhancing social consensus on difficult
trade-offs to be made in the face of resource
• Exposing issues that had been neglected or
- Chapter 6 (241K)
- Promoting rights in human development
All rights for all people in every country should
be the goal of this century. The Universal Declaration
of Human Rights set out this global
vision more than 50 years ago. The world today
has the awareness, the resources and the capacity
to achieve this goal on a worldwide scale. It
is time to move from the rhetoric of universal
commitment to the reality of universal achievement.
Much action is already under way—in
countries and internationally.
Progress will be neither easy nor straightforward.
Human rights may be universal, but
they are not universally accepted. Huge
advances have been made almost everywhere in
the decades since the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, but new threats lurk on the
horizon. The nature of the struggle depends on
the right and the opponent. The fight against
exploitation by individuals, groups or firms
defines one domain of struggle. The opponents
can also be governments, whose agencies have
violated rights of citizens across the world.
Those who oppose human rights do so for
a mix of reasons. And they often camouflage
their denial of rights with distorted claims of
cultural relativism and political necessity—or
make lack of resources an excuse for inaction.
Indeed, human rights are seen as a threat by
many groups, including many in positions of
power or superiority. Rights challenge
entrenched interests, just as equitable development
threatens those in privileged positions.
But in the longer run all can gain. Human rights
and human development help build lawabiding,
prosperous and stable countries.
- Human Development Indicators
- Human Development Indicators -
Part II (458K)
- Technical and Statistical Notes
and Language versions
To order the report:
Orders for all past editions of the Human Development
Report must be addressed to the Human Development Report
Office. An online form is available for this purpose.
Older editions of the Report are sometimes available
yet in very few numbers and for only certain language
If we no longer have copies of the report you seek it
is at times possible to find them for sale online.
the form here.
Occasional Papers: Topical background research for the
HDR 2000
- Vizard, Polly,2000: Antecedents
of the Idea of Human Rights : A Survey of Perspectives
1. Antecedents of the idea of human rights in Western political thought
1.1 Theories of natural law: Origins in Ancient Greece
1.2 The development of theories of natural law and natural rights: The Roman, Medieval and Early
Modern periods
1.3 The influence of the Enlightenment
1.4 Declarations and assertions of rights and liberties in the political movements and revolutions of
the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
2. Responding to relativism: Some points of departure
2.1 The nature and scope of the relativist critique
2.2 Responding to relativism: the idea of "contested cultures"; the need for more adequate "crosscultural
foundations"; anthropological perspectives on shared ethical values; Sen's framework; "reoccuring
ethical principles" and the idea of the "Golden Rule"; the idea of an "overlapping
consensus"; an "hermeneutical approach" to cross-cultural dialogue.
3. Antecedents of the idea of human rights in different cultures and traditions from around the world
3.1 Antecedents in Islamic traditions of tolerance, freedom and rights
3.2 Antecedents in Confucian traditions of universalism and tolerance
3.3 Antecedents in Buddhist traditions of universalism and compassion
3.4 Antecedents in Indian traditions of universalism, tolerance and diversity
3.5 Some Christian and Jewish perspectives: Rights-based strategies and the non-violent struggle
against racism in the United States; liberation theology; and the vision of liberation.
3.6 Antecedents in African traditions and cultures and the need for new theoretical frameworks
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