On Planning for Development:
urban and peri-urban agriculture
rural development - agrarian policies - agribusiness - landgrab - food - migration - poverty
- globalization
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations
Food for cities
Food, Cities and
Agriculture: challenges and priorities.
A briefing note: "More and more of the world’s population is becoming
concentrated in and around large cities. Ensuring the right to have
access to safe and nutritious food to the billions of people living in
cities represents a global development challenge of the highest order.
- An FAO briefing note highlights the major issues related to
food, agriculture and cities and provides a set of recommendations for
action at the global, national and local level" (link to the document).
- Open discussion now on Web-based forum at: http://km.fao.org/fsn/
(November 5, 2009)
Poverty and Hunger
role for urban agriculture?
Towns and
cities are growing rapidly in developing countries. This process is
often accompanied by high levels of poverty and hunger, leading many
urban dwellers to engage in farming activities to help satisfy their
food needs. Policy makers need to [...]
Production systems
Urban and Peri Urban Agriculture
Urban and peri urban agriculture
(UPA) contributes to food availability, particularly of fresh produce,
provides employment and income and can contribute to the food security
and nutrition of urban dwellers . It encompasses a complex and diverse
mix of food production activities, including fisheries and forestry, in
many cities in both developed and developing countries. It contributes
to food availability (particularly of fresh produce), provides
employment and income and can contribute to the food security and
nutrition of urban dwellers.
FAO has established expertise and capacity in providing technical
support and policy advice to municipalities in this area. Key issues
include: the health and sanitary implications of UPA; the land use
dynamics caused by the encroachment of urban areas into agricultural
areas; the interdependencies between rural and UPA; the credit and
other input constraints of poor urban and periurban farmers; integrated
crop and animal production systems; the involvement of women in UPA;
and the associated requirements for marketing and distribution.
Foreign Policy IN FOCUS
Food and Farm |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Agriculture key to
addressing future water and energy needs
As pressure on the world’s water resources reaches unsustainable levels
in an increasing number of regions, a "business-as-usual" approach to
economic development and natural resource management will no longer be
possible, FAO today ( 17 November 2011 ) told participants at an
international meeting on water, energy and food security being held in
Food Security
E-learning Course
The Learning Center offers self-paced
e-learning courses on a wide range of Food Security related topics.
The courses have been designed and developed by international experts
to support capacity building and on-the-job training at national and
local food security information systems and networks. More details can
be found on the courses page.
Fostering Participation
in Development
In this section you will find an online course which will guide you
through the concepts applied in this website. After completing the
course, you will have learned how to apply the different participatory
approaches and methods in the planning, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of projects. We recommend you take this course first so you
will make better use of this website.
Payment for
Environmental Services
Agricultural ecosystems sustain life. They
supply food and drinking water, maintain a library of genetic
resources, preserve and regenerate soils, recycle nutrients... The
provision of these services depends critically on the management
decisions taken by farmers, fishermen and forest managers.
This website aims to disseminate information on the potential of
agriculture to improve the provision of environmental services though
Payments for Environmental Services (PES) programmes, as incentives for
improved land management.
Capacity Development
Capacity Development is at the heart of
FAO's mandate. The Capacity Development Portal contributes to FAO's
vision of strengthening the national capacities of its Member Countries
to achieve their own goals in the areas of food security and
agricultural development. Through its learning resources and learning
services, the Portal addresses the needs of individuals in rural
communities, in organizations and institutions, and at policy level.
This Portal is designed for FAO staff, collaborators, partners, Member
Countries and other international, national and local development
actors to access knowledge, information, tools, good practices, and
services related to Capacity Development in FAO's mandate areas. The
Portal provides links to FAO's Thematic Areas that feature Capacity
Development as critical for the success of their programmes. The Portal
also points to the principal external resources from within the UN and
the broader international development community.
Key Publications
The State of Food and Agriculture
The State of Food and Agriculture, FAO’s
major annual flagship publication, aims at bringing to a wider audience
balanced science-based assessments of important issues in the field of
food and agriculture. Each edition of the report contains a
comprehensive, yet easily accessible, overview of a selected topic of
major relevance for rural and agricultural development and for global
food security. This is supplemented by a synthetic overview of the
current global agricultural situation.
The State of Food Insecurity in the World
The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets
The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets
is a
biennial publication that is intended to expand FAO's existing series
of “The State of …” reports. While the findings and conclusions
presented rely on technical analysis by FAO commodity and trade
specialists, this is not a technical report. Rather, it aims to present
commodity market issues in an objective, transparent and accessible way
to the attention of a wider public, including policy-makers, commodity
market observers and all those interested in commodity market
developments and their impact on developing countries.
FAO Statistical Yearbook
The FAO Statistical Yearbook provides a
selection of indicators on food and agriculture by country. The data
are drawn from FAOSTAT statistical database, as well as several
FAO divisions and other sources within the UN system.
FAOSTAT is based on data submitted by member countries in response to
standard questionnaires, supplemented by a review of national sources
and estimates or imputations to cover critical gaps. It brings together
data from different domains and sources, and provides time series and
cross sectional data relating to food and agriculture.
The new series of the FAO Statistical Yearbook started in 2004. It
covers a wide spectrum of statistics and indicators belonging to
several thematic topics. It serves as a reference guide to economists,
policy-makers and analysts.
Policy Briefs
Economic and Social Perspectives provide
guidance on today’s global policy challenges related to food and
agriculture. Written in non-technical language, they explain why policy
makers need to address a particular issue and how they might do so.
World Food Summits:
What is the
World Food Summit?
2009 (“L’Aquila” Joint Statement on Global Food Security)
Least Developed Countries Report 1997
Development and Policy Reforms in LDCs
UNCTAD´s annual report on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) is the
most comprehensive, and authoritative, source of socio-economic
analysis and data on the world s 48 most impoverished nations.
This year, it raises the following important questions:
Why, at a time of record resource flows to developing countries, is the
LDCs share of external finance falling?
Why, twenty years after the Green Revolution, have many LDCs failed to
improve their agricultural productivity?
Why, at a time of unparalleled prosperity, are the populations of
nearly half the LDCs getting less to eat than ten years ago?
What can the international community do to help those LDCs that have
experienced serious civil strife for over a decade, and whose economies
are in regress?
The World Bank Group archives
and Private Roles in Agricultural Development
if the Twelfth Agricultural Symposium
J. R. Anderson and C. de Haan, editors - 1992
File Copy 11505
From the Foreword: The tradition of the Annual Agricultural Symposium
is now well established...Our deliberations got off to a spirited start
with the Opening Address of Mr. Mahbub ul Haq, formerly of the World
Bank and of many senior positions in Pakistan and, most recently, of
UNDP. His address "The Myth of Friendly Markets" led to a vigorous
debate with participation by many of the very large audience of Bank
The theme of this year's Symposium - Public and Private Roles in
Agricultural Development- is one that is to the fore of debate on many
aspects of Bank operations...the contributions ranged accross roles in
marketing, credit, research, extension, input supply, seeds, veterinary
services, and grassroots development initiatives.
Table of contents:
Opening Statement, by Lewis Preston
The Myth of the Friendly Markets, by Mahbub ul Haq
and the handling of purchased ibputs and marketed outputs
The art of privatizing after decades of planning,
by Robert L. Roos
How to privatize a parastatal, by Wilfred Candler
Rural finance in developing countries, by Jacob
approaches to supporting agricultural research and Extension
An initiative involving the private sector in meat and
livestock research, by Nigel H. Monteith
The United Kingdom experience in the privatization of
extension, by Paul Ingram
delivery systems
From agricultural extension to rural information
management, by Willem Zijp
Energizing the communication component in extension: a
case for new pilot projects, by Bella Mody
New technologies in soil fertility maintenance private
sector contributions, by Dennis H. Parish
Public and private sector roles in the supply of
veterinary services, by Cornelis de Haan and Dina L. Umali
Fostering a Fledging Seed Industry, by Alexander
The development and marketing of new material from
biotechnology in the commercial sector, by Sue Sundstrom
issues affecting the environment in which public and private roles are
played out
The global supply of agricultural land, by Pierre
Land use planning and productive capacity assessment,
by Wim Sombroek
Update on aquaculture: small-scale freshwater fish
culture in South Asia, by Darrell L. Deppert
Nutritional considerations in World Bank lending for
economic adjustment, by Harold Alderman
Private voluntary initiatives: enhancing the public
sector's capacity to respond to nongovernmental organizations needs,
by Anthony Bebbington and John Farrington
Nongovernmental organization alternatives and fresh
initiatives in extension: the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
experience, by Shoaib Sultan Khan
Closing remarks, by Michel Petit
- Agricultural Development and Rural Poverty Project Vol. 1
(English)(1997) |
- Protected Areas Program Restructuring Project Vol. 1 (English)(1997) |
- Rural Finance Technical Assistance and Pilot Project Vol. 1
(English)(1996) |
- Third Integrated Rural Development (PIDER III) Project Vol. 1
(English)(1990) |
- Second Integrated Rural Development (PIDER II) Project Vol. 1
(English)(1986) |
Mexico - Integrated Rural Development (PIDER)
Project Vol. 1 (English)(1983) |
Mexico - Third Integrated Rural Development
(PIDER III) Project Vol. 1 (English)(1981) |
Mexico - Third Integrated Rural Development
(PIDER III) Project Vol. 1 (English)(1981) |
Mexico - Second Integrated Rural Development
(PIDER II) Project Vol. 1 (English)(1977) |
- Second Integrated Rural Development (PIDER II) Project Vol. 1
(English)(1977) |
... |
de Documentación de Desarrollo Rural |
El estado mundial
de la agricultura y la alimentación 2000 (FAO website) |
Mundial sobre la Alimentación.-1996 |
de las Naciones Unidas para la agricultura y la alimentación |
Développement Rural |
La situation
mondiale de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture 2000 (FAO website) |
Sommet mondial de
l'alimentation.-November 2001 |
mondial de l'alimentation.-1996 |
de Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture |
From World Development Indicators:
Statistics on world agriculture
...crops, imports, exports, trade, fertilizers, pollution, value added,
On Development
Human Development
Sustainable Development
Education for Sustainable Development
Climate Change
On Development Economics
The Future of Development
The New Economy in Development
The Need to Rethink Development
Development Economics
Economic Literacy
Basic knowledge on economics
for Sustainability
courses on
Environment and
Development Education at
London South Bank University |

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- Notes for lectures
- Notes and papers
- Global
Value Chains
- Integrated International
- International Division of
- Transnational Corporations
- The Triad ( U.S.A, Japan, E.U.)
- Dependency Theory
- Planning for Development
The Developmental State
The Neo-liberal State
- Development Economics
- The future of development
- Foreign
Direct Investment
- Factor
Payments to Abroad
- The New Economy in
- International
Back to Global Economic
Prospects for Developing Countries |
Investment Reports
---(the complete series)
--World Investment Reports
---(selected statistics)
Planning for Development
UNCTAD areas of
Globalization and Development
Development of Africa
Least Developed Countries
Landlocked Developing Countries
Small Island Developing States
International Trade and
Services Infrastructure
Investment, Technology and
Enterprise Development
The following databases on-line
are available:
Commodity Price Statistics
Foreign Direct Investment
Handbook of Statistics
ICT Statistics
-- News
-- Main publications
-- UNCTAD Series
-- Basic documents
-- Issues in Brief
-- Newsletters
-- Statistical databases
-- Globalization and
----- Development Strategies
-- Economic Development in
----- Africa
-- International trade
-- Dispute Settlement - Course
----- Modules
-- Investment, Technology and
-----Enterprise Development
-- Services Infrastructure for
--- Development and Trade
----- Efficiency
-- Monographs on Port
----- Management
-- Technical Cooperation
-- Discussion papers
-- G-24 Discussion papers
-- Prebisch Lectures
-- Transnational Corporations
----- Journal
-- Publications Survey 2006-
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
World indicators on the environment
World Energy Statistics - Time Series
Economic inequality
related themes:
- Aid
- Bureaucracy
- Debt
- Decentralization
- Dependency theory
- Development
- Development Economics
- Economic Policies
- Employment/Unemployment
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Gender
- Human Rights
- Human Development
- Hunger
- Inequality/social exclusion
- Informal sector
- Labour Market
- Microfinance
- Migration
- Poverty
- Privatization
- State/Civil Society/
- Sustainable Development
- Transnational Corporations
- Urbanization
- Complete list of development themes