On Planning for Development |
Handbook on Planning, Monitoring
and Evaluating for Development Results
Copyright © UNDP 2009, all rights reserved.
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United Nations Development Programme
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HandbookWeb site: http://www.undp.org/eo/handbook
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Contents - Preface - Acronyms and abbreviations - Introduction
1. Planning,monitoring and evaluation for development results
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Putting planning, monitoring and evaluation together:
Results-based management
1.3 Principles of planning, monitoring and evaluating for
development results
1.4 Overview of key roles and responsibilities
2. Planning for results: Practical applications
2.1 Getting started
2.2 Stakeholder engagement
2.3 The planning exercise
2.4 Finalizing the results framework (deliverable eight)
2.5 Preparing to operationalize
2.6 Putting it together: Planning for change
3. Planning for monitoring and evaluation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Monitoring and evaluation framework
3.3 Resources for monitoring and evaluation
3.4 Engagement of stakeholders in monitoring and evaluation
3.5 Capacity for monitoring and evaluation
4. Monitoring for results
4.1 Monitoring policy of UNDP, its operational context and roles
and responsibilities
4.2 Preparing to monitor by reinforcing the initial M&E plan
4.3 Monitor: Collection of data, analysis and reporting
4.4 Use of monitoring data for management action and decision
5. Evaluating for results
5.1 Why evaluate? Uses of evaluation
5.2 Evaluation policy: Principles, norms and standards for
5.3 Types of evaluation in UNDP
5.4 Roles and responsibilities in evaluation
5.5 Mandatory requirements for programme units
6. Initiating and managing an evaluation
6.1 Involvement and roles of stakeholders and partners in
an evaluation
6.2 Key steps in decentralized evaluations
6.3 Key elements of the joint evaluation process
7. Assuring the quality of evaluation design and methodology
7.1 Overview
7.2 Defining the context
7.3 The evaluation purpose
7.4 Focusing the evaluation
7.5 Evaluation methodology
8. Enhancing the use of knowledge from monitoring and evaluation
8.1 Why use monitoring and evaluation?
8.2 Learning and generating knowledge from monitoring and
8.3 Knowledge products and dissemination
Annexes and Index
Annex 1. References
Annex 2. Field visit report format
Annex 3. Evaluation terms of reference template and quality
Annex 4. Global, regional and national evaluation networks
Annex 5. Selecting evaluators: Individuals versus firms
Annex 6. Management response template
Annex 7. Evaluation report template and quality standards
Annex 8. Resources for evaluation
Box 1. Understanding inter-linkages and dependencies between
monitoring and evaluation
Box 2. The distinction between monitoring and evaluation and
oversight activities
Box 3. Planning, monitoring and evaluation in crisis settings
Box 4. Main deliverables to be produced in the planning for
results process
Box 5. Preparing a timeline for UN programme documents
Box 6. The Common Country Assessment
Box 7. One difference between a ‘project’ and a ‘results-based’
to development
Box 8. Note on problem trees
Box 9. Guides to use in visioning
Box 10. Results map tips
Box 11. An unintended result: “Our husbands weren’t ready
for these changes”
Box 12. Note on results framework
Box 13. Note on performance indicators
Box 14. SMART indicators
Box 15. Using ‘level of progress made’ as an output
Box 16. Suggestions for communications plans
Box 17. Sharing the vision
Box 18. Recap of key considerations in planning for results
Box 19. Key issues to be considered in costing an evaluation
Box 20. Stakeholder involvement in monitoring and evaluation:
Practice of UNDP
Box 21. Examples of alignment with national systems
Box 22. UNDP policy on field visits and good implementation
Box 23. Assurance role
Box 24. Good practices of data collection supported by UNDP
Box 25. Typical UNDAF annual review process and lessons learned
Box 26. Assessing the use of an evaluation
Box 27. Norms for evaluation
Box 28. Categorizing evaluation by timing
Box 29. Benefits and challenges of joint evaluations
Box 30. Evaluation Resource Centre (ERC)
Box 31. Mandatory evaluation requirements for UNDP associated
and programmes
Box 32. National ownership of evaluation
Box 33. Steps in decentralized evaluations
Box 34. Avoiding and mitigating conflict of interest in
evaluation (examples)
Box 35. Criteria for evaluation reports
Box 36. Example of a management arrangement for a joint UNDAF
Box 37. Negotiating funding modalities for joint evaluations
Box 38. Guiding questions for defining the context
Box 39. Guiding questions for defining evaluation criteria
Box 40. Questions for evaluators
Box 41. Human rights and gender equality perspective in
evaluation design
Box 42. Experience from the Nepal country office: Using
evaluations in the
CPD and project design
Box 43. Characteristics of a good knowledge product
Box 44. Tools and networks to support evaluation knowledge
Figure 1. The RBM life-cycle approach
Figure 2. RBM helps managers and staff to…
Figure 3. Organization of the chapter
Figure 4. Stakeholder importance and influence matrix
Figure 5. The Value/Support/Capacity analytical model
Figure 6. The problem tree (example)
Figure 7. Basic results map (example)
Figure 8. Assumptions and risks
Figure 9. The RBM results chain
Figure 10. SMART outcomes and impacts
Figure 11. Illustration of where results data should be entered
into UNDP systems
Figure 12. Formulating a capacity development response
Figure 13. General steps for implementing monitoring
Figure 14. Outcome-output-project nexus
Figure 15. Prioritizing monitoring
Figure 16. Proposed management structure for an evaluation
Table 1. Key deliverables of programme units in
planning,monitoring and evaluation
Table 2. Sample draft work plan for the planning process
(with illustrative examples)
Table 3. Identification of key stakeholders and their interests
Table 4. Importance and influence of stakeholders
Table 5. Rough guide for creating an initial draft of the
results framework
Table 6. The results framework
Table 7. The ‘results’ sections of the results framework
Table 8. Impact indicators
Table 9. Outcome indicators
Table 10. Output indicators
Table 11. Indicators, baselines and targets
Table 12. Sample results framework with means of verification
Table 13. Sample results framework
Table 14. Planning matrix for monitoring
Table 15. Illustrative example of planning matrix for
Enhanced capacity of electoral management authority
Table 16. Evaluation plan
Table 17. Monitoring and evaluation capacity matrix
Table 18. Roles and responsibilities for monitoring
Table 19. Selecting the right mix of monitoring mechanisms
Table 20. Example of an AnnualWork Plan format with monitoring
Table 21. Examples of different types of evaluations carried out
by the
Evaluation Office and programme units
Table 22. Differences between project and outcome evaluations
Table 23. Roles and responsibilities in decentralized
Table 24. Mandatory evaluation-related requirements
Table 25. Key roles and responsibilities in the evaluation
Table 26. Sources of information for an evaluation team
Table 27. Key aspects of the initiative
Table 28. Summary of common data collection methods used in UNDP
From World Development Indicators:
Statistics on world agriculture
...crops, imports, exports, trade, fertilizers, pollution, value added, etc...
On Development
Human Development
Sustainable Development
Education for Sustainable Development
Climate Change
On Development Economics
The Future of Development Economics
The New Economy in Development
The Need to Rethink Development Economics
Development Economics
Economic Literacy
Basic knowledge on economics
Education for Sustainability
Postgraduate courses on Environment and Development
Education at London South Bank University |

- Part time distance
- Full time at the University
- Come visit us at
www.lsbu.ac.uk/efs |
- Lecture notes
- Notes and papers
- Global Value Chains
- Integrated International
- International Division of
- Transnational
- The Triad ( U.S.A, Japan,
- Dependency Theory
- Planning for Development
- The Developmental State
- The
Neo-liberal State
- Development Economics
- The future of development
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Factor Payments to Abroad
- The New Economy in
- International Trade
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complete series) --World Investment
Reports ---(selected statistics) -- Planning for
UNCTAD areas of work: Globalization and Development Development of Africa Least Developed Countries Landlocked Developing Countries Small Island Developing States International Trade and Commodities Services Infrastructure Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development
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available: Commodity Price Statistics Foreign Direct Investment Handbook of Statistics ICT Statistics Millennium Indicators TRAINS
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World Energy Statistics
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Economic inequality
Other related themes:
- Aid
- Bureaucracy
- Debt
- Decentralization
- Dependency theory
- Development
- Development Economics
- Economic Policies
- Employment/Unemployment
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Gender
- Human Rights
- Human Development
- Hunger
- Inequality/social exclusion
- Informal sector
- Labour Market
- Microfinance
- Migration
- Poverty
- Privatization
- State/Civil Society/ ---Development
- Sustainable Development
- Transnational Corporations
- Urbanization
- Complete list of development themes