Eleven Basic Readings:
Nobel Prize Lecture, December 8, 2008
Paul Krugman
Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton, NJ 08544-1013,
1.- The increasing returns revolution in trade and geography
Thirty years have passed since a small group of
theorists began applying concepts
and tools from industrial organization to the analysis of international
trade. The new models of trade that emerged from that work didn’t
traditional trade theory so much as supplement it, creating an
view that made sense of aspects of world trade that had previously
major puzzles. The “new trade theory” – an unfortunate phrase, now
often referred to as “the old new trade theory” – also helped build a
between the analysis of trade between countries and the location of
within countries.
In this paper I will try to retrace the steps and, perhaps even more
the state of mind that made this intellectual transformation possible.
the end I’ll also ask about the relevance of those once-revolutionary
in a world economy that, as I’ll explain, is arguably more classical
now than it
was when the revolution in trade theory began.
From The
New York Times - October 15, 2008
2.- The conscience of a liberal
By Paul Krugman
About the work
Really, I don’t want to talk about me when the world is melting down,
but I have had a number of requests for an informal explanation of what
I got you-know-what for. So here’s an attempt.
It’s really about two related things: the “new trade theory” and the
“new economic geography.”
OK, so what was the “old” trade theory? It’s what you probably learned
if you took intro economics. Countries are different – they have
different levels of productivity in particular industries, they have
different resources, and those differences drive trade. Tropical
countries grow and export bananas, temperate countries grow and export
wheat. Countries with highly educated workers export high-tech goods,
countries with less educated workers export shirts and pajamas.
The new trade theory starts with the observation that while this
explains a lot of world trade, it also misses a lot. France and Germany
sell lots of stuff to each other, even though they have similar
climates and resources; so do the United States and Canada. What’s that
Journal of Political Economy, 1991, vol. 99, no. 3
By Paul Krugman
3.- Increasing returns and economic geography
This paper develops a simple model that shows
how a country can endogeneously become differentiated into an
industrialized "core" and an agricultural "periphery". In order to
realize scale economies while minimizing transport costs, manufacturing
firms tend to locate in the region with larger demand, but the location
of demand itself depends on the distribution of manufacturing.
Emergence of a core-periphery pattern depends on transportation costs,
economies of scale, and the share of manufacturing in national income.
The American Economic Review, Vol. 70, No. 5, December 1980
4.- Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of
By Paul Krugman
For some time now there has been considerable
skepticism about the ability of comparative cost theory to explain the
actual pattern of international trade. Neither the extensive trade
among the industrial countries, nor the prevalence in this trade of
two-way exchanges of differentiated products, make much sense in terms
of standard theory. As a result, many people have concluded that a new
framework for analyzing trade is needed. The main elements of such a
framework -economies of scale, the possibility of product
differentiation, and imperfect competition- have been discussed by such
authors as Bela Balassa, Herbert Grubel (1967, 1970), and Irving
Kravis, and have been "in the air" for many years...
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Vol. CX Issue 4 November 1995
5.- Globalization and the inequality of nations
P. Krugmand and J. Venables
A monopolistically competitive manufacturing
sector produces goods used for
final consumption and as intermediates. Intermediate usage creates cost
demand linkages between firms and a tendency for manufacturing
How does globalization affect the location of manufacturing and gains
from trade?
At high transport costs all countries have some manufacturing, but when
costs fall below a critical value, a core-periphery spontaneously
forms, and nations
that find themselves in the periphery suffer a decline in real income.
At still lower
transport costs there is convergence of real incomes, in which
peripheral nations
gain and core nations may lose.
6.- The
new economic geography:
Past, present and the future
Masahisa Fujita, Paul Krugman - November 2002
This article presents a summary of our
conversation on the past, present
and future of the new economic geography, which took place with the
help of an
interlocutor in San Juan, Puerto Rico in November 2002. Following the
we explain what the new economic geography is, and we describe some
models. The discussion of its various critical aspects is presented
subsequently, and
the article concludes with the discussion of future issues and
challenges facing the
7.- New
Economic Geography
– Critical reflections, regional policy implications and further
developments –
Hans-Friedrich Eckey, Reinhold Kosfeld - 2004
The standard model of New Economic Geography
(NEG) presents a synthesis of
polarization and neo-classical theories. Within a monopolistic
competition framework it
aims to explain processes of concentration and deconcentration of
manufacturing in a
two-sector economy. In this paper the effects of several assumptions of
agglomeration processes are addressed. In particular, we investigate
the effects of
transport costs for agricultural goods, spatial spillovers, the
presence of non-tradable
services and limited mobility of the labour force. It becomes clear
that the tendency
towards deconcentration of manufacturing is more marked
• the higher the transport costs for agricultural goods,
• the stronger the positive spillovers across the regions,
• the more income spent on services,
• the more limited the mobility of the labour force.
8.- New Economic Geography
(Written for Palgrave Dictionary of
Anthony J. Venables - London School of Economics and CEPR - 2005
New economic geography provides an integrated
and micro-founded approach to
spatial economics. It emphasises the role of clustering forces in
generating an
uneven distribution of economic activity and income across space. The
approach has been applied to the economics of cities, the emergence of
disparities, and the origins of international inequalities.
From the Institute of Developing Economies - Tokyo
Discussion paper No. 27
9.- Frontiers of the New Economic Geography
Masahisa Fujita and Tomoya Mori
April 20, 2005
This paper presents an overview of recent
development in the new
economic geography (NEG), and discusses possible directions of its
development. Since there already exist several surveys on this topic,
focus on the selected features of the NEG which are important yet have
attracted insufficient attention, and also on the recent refinements
extensions of the framework.
From the World Institute for Development Economic Research
10.- New Challenges for Industrial Policy
Wim Naudé - September 2010
This paper calls for a fresh
look at industrial policies in the light of recent trends and
developments in the global economy. In particular, five new challenges
and their
implications for industrial policies are discussed. These have been
neglected in the
debate on industrial policy and include (i) the increasing
globalization of the world
economy, most pertinently the rise of global production sharing, (ii)
the recent crises in
food, fuel and financial markets, (iii) climate change, (iv) the rise
of China and India,
and (v) the rise of the ‘entrepreneurial economy’. Directions for
further research are
outlined. This paper is a follow-up to the earlier WIDER Working Paper
‘Industrial Policy: Old and New Issues’.
11.- Industrial Policy: Old and New Issues
Wim Naudé - September 2010
The debate on industrial policy
(IP) has been characterized by a number of contractions
over the concept of industrial policy, its merits, contents and
application. The purpose of
this exploratory paper is to review the debate on IP. Outlining the
concept and
instruments of industrial policy, the paper reviews the evolution of IP
over time, and
discusses the current tension between the theory and practice of IP.
Contrasting ‘old’
and ‘new’ issues in the debate, a tentative conclusion is that a
fragile consensus on IP is
within reach. This implies that the future debate—the ‘new’ issues—on
IP will need to
be increasingly concerned with (i) the ‘how’ of IP rather than the
‘why’, and (ii) with
the new challenges and trends that will shape the content of IP.
From Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace
Asia Program No115 - November 2010
Reinterpreting China's success through the New
Economic Geography
Yukon Huang
China has in recent years capitalized on its huge,
diverse population and geographical
expanse to transform itself into the world’s most efficient assembler
and exporter of a wide range of manufactured goods. In achieving this
it has followed a strategy essentially based on the New Economic
Geography, which explains how lower transportation costs and
of economic activities foster economies of scale and explosive
But now China’s transformation has reached a turning point. Various
are starting to reshape China’s socioeconomic landscape in ways that
help harmonize its growth with that of the global economy and that will
the answers provided to four major policy questions concerning growth,
equity, and exchange rates that are now dominating the debate over
future. If China can build on its recent success in stimulating its
to also put in place a more flexible exchange rate system that will
allow the
yuan to adjust gradually to market forces—as an additional tool to
manage its
economy—these four questions can be answered as follows:...
Public Disclosure Authorized by the World Bank - 47242
Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia
Edited by Yukon Huang and Alessandro Magnoli Bocchi - 2009
a companion volume to theWorld Development Report 2009,
brings together noted scholars to address the spatial distribution of
economic growth in Asia. It reveals how the new economic geography is
reshaping development objectives: from initiatives to foster growth via
enhanced agglomeration and connectivity to the world economy, to
programs that channel resources to lagging regions. Key themes include
how East Asian governments have dealt with agglomeration economies,
urbanization, and regional disparities; improving connectivity with
infrastructure investments; and eliminating barriers both inside and
outside borders to favor the movement of labor, goods, and services.
This volume will be of great interest to readers working in the areas
of economic policy, poverty reduction and urban-rural development
strategies, and transport-led infrastructure policy.
From the World Bank - Public Disclosure Authorized - 56794
Changing the Industrial
Geography in Asia.
The Impact of China and India
Shahid Yusuf and Kaoru Nabeshima - 2010
During a 13-year period extending from roughly 1995 to
2008, the world economy
experienced an upheaval resulting from a great burst of globalization
brought the 20th century to a close. The new century is being ushered
in by a second
upheaval following a severe financial crisis that plunged the global
into recession in 2008–09. Through an analysis of industrial trends,
patterns, and
national manufacturing capabilities that emerged after 1985, this
volume examines
the consequences of the first upheaval for Asia’s industrial geography
explores the likely outcomes of the second upheaval for industrial
and trade across the Asia region.
The first upheaval witnessed a massive migration of manufacturing
and certain business services from advanced countries to developing
This migration transformed East and parts of South Asia into the
industrial heartland
of the world. The second upheaval, which could continue for a decade or
more, will most likely consolidate Asia’s industrial preeminence; in
addition, it
could result in the redistribution and concentration of industrial
activities in the
two most populous and fastest-growing economies in Asia—China and
The growth of Asia’s share of global manufacturing activities and major
services is already tilting the balance of economic power in Asia’s
favor (Grether
and Mathys 2006). In 1973, one-quarter of purchasing power parity (PPP)
adjusted world gross domestic product (GDP) came from Asia while 51
came from the West. By comparison, as of 2003, Asia’s share had risen
to 43 percent,
surpassing the West’s 40 percent share (see table 1.1).
Disclosure Autorized - 39986
From The World Bank - 18 Sept. 2006
An East Asian Renaissance:
Ideas for Economic Growth
East Asia – a region that has transformed itself since
the financial crisis of the 90s by creating more competitive and
innovative economies – must now turn to the urgent domestic
challenges of inequality, social cohesion, corruption and environmental
degradation arising from its success.
From Dialogue on Globalization
No. 42 - April 2009
Re-Defining the Global Economy
From Adam Smith’s single
reference to the “invisible hand” in The Wealth of
Nations, one would be hard pressed—even delusional—to derive a theory
of the selfsufficiency
of the market economy. Quite the contrary. As the headline of a
commentary by Harvard economist/philosopher Amartya Sen proclaimed in
Financial Times on 11 March 2009, “Adam Smith’s market never stood
Indeed by understanding that the self-interested individual may
sometimes be “led
by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his
intention”1, the
founder of modern economics laid open the possibility that the
invisible hand could
yield either positive or negative, unintended results.
From The New Economic Geography: Effects and Policy
A Symposium Sponsored by The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. -
August 24-26, 2006.
Shifts in Economic Geography and Their Causes
ANTHONY J. VENABLES - Professor, London School of Economics
New Economic Geography (perhaps
better called geographical economics)...objective is to offer an
integrated theory of location, capable of explaining divergence as well
as convergence in economic performance. The key building block is the
recognition that proximity is good for productivity; dense
configurations of economic activity work better than sparse or
fragmented ones. Mobile factors - firms and possibly workers - will
locate in order to take advantage of higher productivity, and this
creates a positive feedback. Firms and workers go where productivty is
high, and by so doing tend to further raise productivity, creating an
uneven distribution of activity and spacial income disparities. There
are several analytical challenges here...
Discussant: DOUGLAS A.
Professor, Dartmouth College
Since Tony has done such a fine
job exploring the various dimensions of economic geography, I would
like to focus on two related issues:
(1) what can or should countries do about these changes in economic
geography, and
(2) should we fear these changes in economic geography?...full text
The Rise of Offshoring: It's Not Wine for
Cloth Anymore
GENE M. GROSSMAN - Professor, Princeton University
ESTEBAN ROSSI-HANSBERG - Professor, Princeton University
...the core of international
trade theory continues to be dominated by thinking about production and
exchange of complete goods. Our understanding of the effects of
international integration on prices, production patterns, and factor
income comes primarily from analysing models in which good -sometimes
used as intermediate inputs, but often serving final consumer demand-
are produced entirely in one location. But times are changing.
Revolutionary progress in communication and information technologies
has enabled an historic (and ongoing) breakup of the production
Discussant: JOHN B.
TAYLOR - Professor, Stanford University
I agree with the authors that
we need to modernize Adam Smith's example of the pin factory to reflect
the modern world of offshoring. In fact, I think such real-world
examples are solely needed to fully flesh out, test, and assess
alternative models of offshoring...full text here
Patterns of International Capital Flows and
Their Implications for Economic Development
RAGHURAM G. RAJAN - Economic Counsellor and Director of Research,
International Monetary Fund
Economic theory posits that
capital should, on net, flow from richer to poorer countries.
Specifically, in the benchmark neoclassical model, capital should flow
from countries that have relatively high capital-to-labour ratios to
countries that have relatively low ratios. In an influential paper,
Lucas (1990, "Why doesn't capital flow from rich to poor countries?",
American Economic Review, vol. 80, No. 2, pp 92-6) notes that flows of
capital from the north to the south are nowhere near the levels
predicted by theory. Financial globalization has taken off in the
decade and a half since Lucas wrote his paper, with a substantial
increase in cross-border capital flows. Nonindustrial countries,
especially the group of emerging market economies, have become much
more integrated into international financial markets...We show that the
paradox has, if anything, intensified over time, with capital, in fact,
flowing from poor to rich countries. This perverse patterns of flows
has been particularly striking since the beginning of this decade.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows have, in general, behaved more in
line with theory, flowing from richer to poorer countries. But the
pattern of overall flows is ultimately what is relevant in terms of
financing of investment in a country...
Discussant: SUSAN M.
Professor, Georgetown University and Senior Fellow, Brookings
Luncheon Address
The New Global Economic Geography
STANLEY FISCHER - Governor, Bank of Israel
The new economic geography versus urban
economics: an evaluation using local wage
rates in Great Britain
By Bernard Fingleton
Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge - 2006
This paper tests two major competing theories explaining the spatial
concentration of
economic activity, namely new economic geography theory (NEG) which
varying market potential, and urban economics theory (UE) in which the
main emphasis
is on producer service linkages. Using wage rate variations across
small regions of
Great Britain, the paper finds that it is UE theory rather than NEG
theory that has most
explanatory power. Evidence for this comes from encompassing both
models within
an artificial nesting model. Despite the popularity of NEG theory, this
paper shows
that although NEG works well using regional data, there is evidence
that it does not
necessarily provide the best explanation of local wage variations,
since producer
services inputs associated with UE theory and labour efficiency
variations are important
effects at a local level, and these are excluded from the formal NEG
Post-Recession America:
A new economic geography?
by James W. Hughes and Joseph J. Seneca - 2010
America is just now starting to invent its
economic future. The Great 2007–2009 Recession was the
worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.1 That
is not surprising since the two largest absolute annual privatesector
employment losses since payroll statistics were first
compiled in 1939 took place in 2009 and 2008.2 But what is
surprising is that the Great Recession may also turn out to have
been the great equalizer across the nation’s states and regions. A
number of America’s former economic high-flyers were grievously
wounded during the downturn and their weaknesses exposed. As
a result, conventional assumptions about their future economic
prospects—as consistent national growth leaders—may now come
into question.
Multinational Firms’ Location and the New
Economic Geography
Edited by Jean-Louis Mucchielli - 2004.
The choice of location for the
production plants of multinational firms is
an important issue, not least because this decision is accompanied by
many fears brought into public debate.This book analyses how foreign
direct investors choose their locations, whilst exploring the forces
which shape
international economic geography. Although these two issues are, to
some extent, interrelated,
researchers have only recently acknowledged the similarity of economic
and international business approaches to the empirical assessment of
likely causes of the
degree of spatial concentration observed in many modern industries.
Bridging the gap between growth theory and
new economic geography: The spatial Ramsey
R. Boucekkiney, C. Camachoz and B.Zoux - September 2007
We study a Ramsey problem in
infinite and continuous time and space. The
problem is discounted both temporally and spatially. Capital flows to
locations with higher marginal return. We show that the problem amounts
optimal control of parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs). We
on the existing related mathematical literature to derive the
Pontryagin conditions. Using explicit representations of the solutions
to the PDEs, we first
show that the resulting dynamic system gives rise to an ill-posed
problem in
the sense of Hadamard (1923). We then turn to the spatial Ramsey
with linear utility. The obtained properties are significantly
different from
those of the non-spatial linear Ramsey model due to the spatial
induced by capital mobility.
Finance and Development - December 2008
The Economic Geography of Regional Integration
Deichmann and Indermit Gill.
With the future of the Doha
Round uncertain,
there has been a sharp increase in the number
of bilateral and regional trade agreements.
This has revived long-running arguments in
international economics between those promoting global
trade agreements and those favoring regional approaches. But
in many ways this has been the wrong debate, especially for
the world’s smallest, poorest, and most geographically disadvantaged
countries, such as those in Africa and Central Asia.One
reason is that the difference between trade agreements
and more general mechanisms for integration is often misunderstood.
Regional integration includes a multitude of steps
that increase the competitiveness of participating countries, not
just preferential trade access. Second, this debate often implies
a false choice between regional versus global integration. Both
are necessary because they support different objectives. Regional
integration helps small and remote countries scale up supply
capacity in regional production networks. This, in
turn, allows these countries to access global markets...
The empirics of the new economic geography
Stephen J. Redding - April 2009
Although a rich and extensive
body of theoretical research on new economic geography has
emerged, empirical research remains comparatively less well developed.
This paper reviews
the existing empirical literature on the predictions of new economic
geography models for the
distribution of income and production across space. The discussion
highlights connections
with other research in regional and urban economics, identification
issues, potential
alternative explanations and possible areas for further research.
New Economic Geography: Effects and Policy Implications.
A Symposium Sponsored by The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
August 24-26, 2006.
Jackson Hole, Wyoming, United States of
America. Symposium home
year since 1978, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City has sponsored
a symposium on an important economic issue facing the U.S. and world
economies. Symposium participants include prominent central bankers,
finance ministers, academics, and financial market participants from
around the world. The participants convene to discuss the economic
issues, implications, and policy options pertaining to the symposium
topic. The symposium proceedings include papers, commentary, and
- 2010 "Macroeconomic Challenges:
The Decade Ahead"
- 2009 "Financial Stability and Macroeconomic Policy"
- 2008 "Maintaining Stability in a Changing
Financial System"
- 2007 "Housing, Housing Finance, and Monetary
- 2006 "The New Economic Geography: Effects and
Policy Implications"
- 2005, "The Greenspan Era: Lessons for the Future"
- 2004, "Global Demographic Change: Economic Impacts
and Policy Challenges"
- 2003, "Monetary Policy and Uncertainty: Adapting
to a Changing Economy"
- 2002, "Rethinking Stabilization Policy"
- 2001, "Economic Policy for the Information Economy"
- 2000, "Global Economic Integration: Opportunities
and Challenges"
- 1999, "New Challenges for Monetary Policy"
- 1998, "Income Inequality Issues and Policy Options"
- 1997, "Maintaining Financial Stability in a Global
- 1996, "Achieving Price Stability"
- 1995, "Budget Deficits and Debt: Issues and
- 1994, "Reducing Unemployment: Current Issues and
Policy Options"
- 1993, "Changing Capital Markets: Implications for
Monetary Policy"
- 1992, "Policies for Long-Run Economic Growth"
- 1991, "Policy Implications of Trade and Currency
- 1990, "Central Banking Issues in Emerging
Market-Oriented Economies"
- 1989, "Monetary Policy Issues in the 1990's"
- 1988, "Financial Market Volatility"
- 1987, "Restructuring The Financial System"
- 1986, "Debt, Financial Stability, and Public
- 1985, "Competing in the World Marketplace: The
Challenge for American Agriculture"
- 1985, "The U.S. Dollar - Recent Developments,
Outlook, and Policy Options"
- 1984, "Price Stability and Public Policy"
- 1983, "Industrial Change and Public Policy"
- 1982, "Monetary Policy Issues in the 1980's"
- 1981, "Modeling Agriculture for Policy Analysis in
the 1980's"
- 1980, "Future Sources of Loanable Funds for
Agricultural Banks"
- 1979, "Western Water Resources: Coming Problems
and the Policy Alternatives"
- 1978, "World Agricultural Trade: The Potential for
On elites
The Group of Twenty
"The Group of Twenty (G-20) Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors was established in 1999 to bring together systemically
important industrialized and developing economies to discuss key issues
in the global economy. The inaugural meeting of the G-20 took place in
Berlin, on December 1516, 1999, hosted by German and Canadian finance
The G-20 is an informal forum that promotes open
and constructive discussion between industrial and emerging-market
countries on key issues related to global economic stability. By
contributing to the strengthening of the international financial
architecture and providing opportunities for dialogue on national
policies, international co-operation, and international financial
institutions, the G-20 helps to support growth and development across
the globe."
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