The Migration and Remittances
Factbook 2008 was compiled by Dilip Ratha and
Zhimei Xu of the Development Prospects Group of the
Development Economics Vice Presidency, under the
direction of Uri Dadush. The authors extend a special
thanks to Sanket Mohapatra for his contributions and
many discussions. They gratefully acknowledge the
constructive comments and advice from Susan Martin,
Changqing Sun, K. M. Vijayalakshmi, and Piyasiri
Wickramasekara and offer many thanks to Nigar Farhad
Aliyeva and Sarah Crow for their assistance in creating
the online version of the Factbook.
Comments and suggestions for improvement of this
Factbook - including new data sources - are greatly
welcome and may be sent to dratha@worldbank.org
Migration and Remittances Team,
Development Prospects Group, the World Bank