Developed Countries Reports (the series from 1996):
Least Developed Countries Report 2013
Growth with employment for inclusive and sustainable development
Despite the sluggish global economic performance of recent years, the least developed countries (LDCs) in general
have enjoyed moderate economic growth. Per capita income for the group as a whole has been expanding steadily,
raising hopes that some of them may even be able to graduate from the category within the decade. However, there
are worrying signs that this growth trend has not been inclusive and that its contribution to poverty reduction has
been limited. The main explanation for the lack of inclusiveness is that growth in LDCs has not generated enough
“quality” jobs — that is, jobs offering higher wages and better working conditions — especially for the young. Creating
employment opportunities is critical because of the fundamental role that work plays in economic development and
in people’s lives. Not only does it influence income, aggregate demand and investment decisions, it is also the best
and most dignified pathway out of poverty.
Since the onset of the global financial and economic crisis in 2008, employment generation — and especially the
phenomenon of jobless growth — has increasingly been recognized as a major policy concern worldwide. This is
particularly true of the LDCs, where the challenges posed by demographic patterns, persistent poverty, accelerated
urbanization and rising inequalities make the absence of remunerative employment a source of significant social and
political tension. Not all LDCs are rich in mineral resources or other natural endowments. For most of these countries,
their most valuable asset is their people, in particular the young. It is only by engaging their people in productive
employment that LDCs can achieve lasting and constructive growth.
This Report examines the link between investment, growth and employment. More specifically, it considers how
LDCs can promote growth that generates an adequate number of quality jobs and that enables them to reach what
UNCTAD believes are their most urgent and pivotal goals, both now and in the post-2015 development agenda:
poverty reduction, inclusive growth and sustainable development.
Countries Report 2012
- Harnessing Remittances and Diaspora Knowledge
to Build Productive Capacities
26 Nov 2012, 5906.8 KB
The uncertain global economic recovery and the worsening Eurozone crisis continue to undermine those factors
that enabled the least developed countries (LDCs) as a group to attain higher growth rates between 2002 and 2008.
Despite seeing real gross domestic product (GDP) grow slightly faster in 2010, the group as a whole performed less
favourably in 2011, signalling challenges ahead. Indeed, with the world’s attention focused on Europe, there is a
danger that the international community may lose sight of the fact that in recent years, LDCs have been most affected
by financial crises caused by other countries. With less diversified economies, LDCs have neither the reserves nor
the resources needed to cushion their economies and adjust easily to negative shocks. Furthermore, if another global
downturn hurts the growth prospects of emerging economies, LDCs, as major commodity exporters, will be directly
affected. Therefore, LDCs require increased external assistance to better protect their economies against external
shocks and help them manage volatility.
Least Developed Countries
Report, 2011 The Potential Role of South-South Cooperation for Inclusive and Sustainable Development
17 Nov 2011, 194 page(s), 2676.0 KB
This year has been a significant one for the least developed countries (LDCs). From 9 to 13 May, Heads of State
and Government and Representatives of States gathered in Istanbul for the Fourth United Nations Conference on
the Least Developed Countries (LDC–IV) to discuss the specific development challenges facing the LDCs and to
deliberate on actions which could best enable their accelerated, inclusive and sustainable development. At the end
of the Conference, member States declared their collective commitment to a renewed and strengthened global
partnership for the development of the LDCs, and they adopted a new Programme of Action for the Least Developed
Countries for the Decade 2011–2020.
The overarching goal of the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA) is “to overcome the structural challenges faced
by least developed countries in order to eradicate poverty, achieve internationally agreed development goals and
enable graduation from the least developed country category” (para. 27). This goal is expected to be achieved
through national policy actions and international support, which focus on (a) achieving sustained, equitable and
inclusive economic growth in LDCs of at least 7 per cent per annum; (b) building human capacities; (c) reducing the
vulnerability of LDCs to economic shocks and disasters, as well as climate change, and strengthening their resilience;
(d) ensuring enhanced financial resources and their effective use; and (e) ensuring good governance at all levels. The
aim is to enable half the LDCs to reach the criteria for graduation by 2020 (para. 28).
Least Developed Countries
Report Series (2000-2010) (UNCTAD/ALDC/2010/2 )
29 Nov 2010, 21 page(s), 4920.0 KB
Least Developed Countries Report,
2010 Towards a New International Development Architecture for LDCs
25 Nov 2010, 298 page(s), 5524.0 KB
Over the past three decades, the LDCs have been following a development strategy designed to release the
creative potential of market forces by reducing the role of the State in the development process. For the first two
of those decades, there was little indication that this strategy was working. But after the turn of the millennium,
with the emergence of new Asian growth drivers and favourable movements in the terms of trade, economic
growth began to accelerate. Some observers attributed this to the market-oriented policy reforms undertaken
by a number of LDCs, though others raised doubts about their pattern of growth. Surging commodity prices,
in some cases driven by speculative investment, debt forgiveness, increased aid flows, remittances and foreign
direct investment (FDI) seemed vulnerable to a global economic downturn. There were also concerns that growth
was not translating into substantial improvement in human well-being. When commodity prices suddenly fell
at the end of 2008, heralding a bust in the global economic cycle, many LDCs experienced a sharp slowdown,
with major adverse social consequences. It was clear from this that markets are not only creative but also can be
2009 - The state and development governance
The current economic crisis is the result of weaknesses in the
neoliberal thinking that has shaped global economic policies in the
last three decades; weaknesses that have been magnified by policy
failures and lax regulation in the advanced countries. The cost in
terms of the bailouts and recapitalization of banks has already reached
unprecedented levels. However, the adverse impact on the real economy
and the cost in terms of lost output and employment are now the great
concerns. Most advanced economies are in recession and emerging markets
have slowed. But the major victims of this contagion are likely to be
the least developed countries (LDCs), many of which are still suffering
the adverse impact of recent energy and food crises and have the least
capacity to cope with yet another major external shock.
- Growth, Poverty and the Terms of Development Partnership
The Report argues that the achievement of a more sustainable and
inclusive type of economic growth requires effective national
development strategies, which are supported by effective development
aid and development-friendly international regimes for trade,
investment and technology. Enhanced country ownership of national
development strategies is critical for development and aid
effectiveness. In order to reach these aims, LDCs are advised to
implement aid management policies. These policies will allow aid to be
more effective, providing a more powerful contribution to development.
The proposals are critical to enhancing aid effectiveness and making
the scale-up of aid work. They link to the assessment of the Paris
Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, adopted in March 2005, which will
take place in Accra, Ghana, in September 2008.
2007 - Knowledge,
Technological Learning and Innovation for Development
The Report shows that the current pattern of technology flows to LDCs
through international trade, foreign direct investment and intellectual
property licensing does not contribute to narrowing the knowledge
divide. Sustained economic growth and poverty reduction are not likely
to take place in countries where viable economic re-specialization
would remain impossible in the absence of significant progress in
technological learning and innovation capacity-building.
The Report suggests that national governments and development partners
could meet this challenge, notably through greater attention to the
following four key policy issues:
-- How science, technology and innovation policies geared toward
technological catch-up can be integrated into the development and
poverty reduction strategies of LDCs.
-- How stringent intellectual property regimes internationally affect
technological development processes in LDCs, and how appropriate
policies could improve the learning environment in these countries.
-- How the massive loss of skilled human resources through emigration
could be prevented.
-- How knowledge aid (as part of official development assistance) could
be used to support learning and innovation in LDCs.
The Report is the first comprehensive insight into the development
objective of technological learning and innovation capacity-building in
LDCs. It is intended to increase awareness of this issue and enrich the
policy dialogue toward the new "paradigm shift" on poverty reduction
through productive capacity-building.
2006 - Developing
Productive Capacities
For the LDCs as a group, the decade 2000-2010 is going to be the first
decade in which the growth of the economically active population
outside agriculture is predicted to be greater than the growth of the
economically active population within agriculture. This transition will
affect more than half the LDCs during the decade and most of the others
in the decade 2010-2020. Substantial poverty reduction in the LDCs will
thus require not simply increased agricultural productivity, but also
the development of competitive businesses in manufacturing and
services, as well as increased dynamic inter-sectoral linkages.
The Report calls for a paradigm shift from a consumption- and
exchange-oriented approach to poverty reduction towards a production-
and employment-oriented approach. It analyzes three basic constraints
on the development of productive capacities in the LDCs -- poor
physical infrastructure; weaknesses of the domestic private sector and
supporting financial systems and knowledge systems; and insufficient
demand and thus underutilization of domestic resources and capabilities
as well as weak incentives to invest and innovate -- and it identifies
some key policy priorities to overcome these constraints, including the
mobilization of underutilized domestic potentials and a re-balancing of
the sectoral allocation of aid.
2004 - Linking
International Trade with Poverty Reduction
If past trends persist, LDCs are likely to become the main locus of
extreme poverty in the world economy by 2015. A more effective link
between international trade and poverty reduction could help to prevent
this from happening. Action is required now on three fronts:
mainstreaming of trade and development concerns within national poverty
reduction strategies; increasing international financial and technical
assistance to enhance domestic production and trade capacities; and
promoting a more favourable international trade regime. The latter
-- phasing out by OECD countries of agricultural support measures that
adversely affect LDCs,
-- new international policies to reduce vulnerability to negative
commodity price shocks and to address the special challenges facing
mineral economies,
more effective market access preferences for LDCs, complemented by
supply-side preferences, and
-- enhanced South-South cooperation in the field of trade and
2002 - Escaping the
Poverty Trap
With improved national and international policies, LDCs can escape the
poverty trap. Indeed a central message of the Report is that
there is a major, but currently underestimated, opportunity for rapid
reduction in extreme poverty in the LDCs through sustained economic
growth. However, the new Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs),
which are currently the focus of national and international efforts to
reduce poverty in poor countries, are not grasping that opportunity.
The Report proposes an alternative approach to improve the
design of poverty reduction strategies. It also shows that effective
poverty reduction in the LDCs needs a more supportive international
environment. This should include increased and more effective aid and
debt relief, a review and recasting of international commodity policy,
and policies which recognize the interdependence between the
socio-economic marginalization of the poorest countries and the
increasing polarization of the global economy.
2000 - Aid, Private
Capital Flows and External Debt. The challenge of financing development
in the LDCs
In order to facilitate discussions at UNLDC III, the Report
discusses the scale of the development finance challenge in LDCs, the
scope for meeting this challenge through domestic resource
mobilization, and the constraints which are limiting the LDCs´ access
to international capital markets and attractiveness for FDI. From the
analysis, two key features of the development financing patterns of
LDCs emerge. First, the central accumulation and budgetary processes of
the LDCs are dominated by external rather than domestically generated
resources. Second, almost all the external finance for most LDCs comes
from official sources. The development prospects of most LDCs thus
still depend critically on aid relationships and associated external
debt dynamics. The Report examines how these have been
working in the 1990s and whether the current rethinking of
international development cooperation is likely to rectify the
deficiencies of the past.
The main
analytical conclusion of the Report is that the current
diagnosis for change which is shaping the new approach to international
cooperation is flawed in several crucial respects.
1999 - Marginalization,
Productive Capacities and the LDCs
The Report makes recommendations on how to improve
productive capacities and competitiveness in LDCs through appropriate
domestic policy measures to enhance the structural transformation of
the economies of these countries and the international support measures
required to complement national efforts. Policy issues for enhancing
productive capacities and promoting competitiveness in LDCs are
analysed from a cross-sectoral perspective.
The Report argues that public policy in LDCs has a pivotal
role in this regard. Macroeconomic policies, in particular their
stability and predictability, are critical in this respect, but
sectoral and micro, or firm-level, policies are also necessary to
facilitate the development of and sustain the competitiveness of
productive capacity in specific sectors, industries and firms. In
addition, LDC governments have to provide an enabling environment to
foster private sector development. To nurture and sustain dynamic
comparative advantage, there is a need for an integrating process that
involve the formulation and implementation of government policy linked
to actions by private enterprise and other institutions.
In the area of international support measures, the Report
advocates for increased ODA, broader, deeper and faster debt relief and
technical assistance. It argues that, with ODA accounting for up to 70
per cent of LDCs´ development budgets, these countries cannot by
themselves address the structural weaknesses that undermine their
productive capacities and competitiveness.
The Report
is intended for a broad readership of governments, policy-makers,
researchers and all those involved with development policy in general
and LDCs in particular.
The Report includes a statistical annex, which provides basic data on
the LDCs.
1998 - Trade, Investment
and the Multilateral Trading System
The main focus of The Least Developed Countries, 1998 Report,
is an analysis of how different aspects of the multilateral trading
system affect opportunities and constraints for least developed
countries (LDCs) to enhance their participation in the world economy.
The Report also examines the evolving interface between trade
issues and the development objectives of LDCs. It analyses, in
particular, several aspects of the multilateral trading system which
traditionally have not been the main focus of concern for LDCs, but
which are rapidly becoming important as these countries attempt to
diversify their economies and enhance their involvement in the global
economy. These issues include the extension of the multilateral
framework to cover trade and the environment, and trade in services.
The Report focuses on two other issues: the implementation of
WTO agreements by LDCs and how implementation by the developed
countries is likely to affect LDCs, and how the process of accession
could be expedited for the 19 LDCs which are not members of WTO while
ensuring that they enjoy the same rights and concessions as current LDC
members. The Report also identifies areas where specific
concessions and provisions in multilateral agreements may be beneficial
to LDCs and areas in which LDCs should develop a proactive agenda which
systematically puts forward their concerns and interests in the global
trading system.
1997 - Agricultural
Development and Policy Reforms in LDCs
UNCTAD´s annual report on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) is the
most comprehensive, and authoritative, source of socio-economic
analysis and data on the world s 48 most impoverished nations.
This year, it raises the following important questions:
- Why, at a time of record resource flows to
developing countries, is the LDC s share of external finance falling?
- Why, twenty years after the Green Revolution, have
many LDCs failed to improve their agricultural productivity?
- Why, at a time of unparalleled prosperity, are the
populations of nearly half the LDCs getting less to eat than ten years
- What can the international community do to help
those LDCs that have experienced serious civil strife for over a
decade, and whose economies are in regress?
1996 - Selected Issues
in the Context of Interdependence
The Least Developed Countries, 1996 Report, is the twelfth
annual report of UNCTAD focusing the attention of the international
community on the key developmental issues confronting the Least
Developed Countries (LDCs), which are the poorest and economically
weakest of the developing countries with the most formidable structural
The Report reviews recent developments in the LDCs, their
short-term outlook and prospects for growth. It analyses selected
issues in the context of interdependence, examining the implications
for LDCs of the processes of globalization and liberalization,
processes that have profound implications for LDCs in terms of their
position in the world economy, their development prospects and the
nature of their economic policies. It presents a set of national
policies and international support measures to enhance the capacity of
LDCs to benefit from globalization and liberalization. It also deals
with related issues in trade and economic cooperation between LDCs and
other developing countries and financial sector reform in LDCs.