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2009: Recovery from the deepest recession in 60
years has started. But sustaining it will require delicate
rebalancing acts, both within and across countries. IMF chief
economist Olivier Blanchard writes in our lead article that the
turnaround will not be simple. The crisis has left deep scars that
will affect both supply and demand for many years to come. This
issue of F&D also looks at what’s next in the global crisis
and beyond. We look at ways of unwinding crisis support, the shape
of growth worldwide after the crisis, ways of rebuilding the
financial architecture, and the future of reserve currencies.
Jeffrey Frankel examines what’s in and what’s out in global
money, while a team from the IMF’s Research Department looks at
what early warning systems can be expected to deliver in spotting
future problems. In our regular People in Economics profile, we
speak to Nobel prize winner Daniel Kahneman, whose work led to the
creation of the field of behavioral economics, and our Picture This
feature gives a timeline of how the Bank of England’s policy rate
has fallen to its lowest level in 300 years. Back to Basics gives a
primer on monetary policy, and Data Spotlight looks at how the
crisis has affected the eastern European banking system.
2009: 'Crisis Shakes Europe: Stark Choices Ahead'
looks at the harsh toll of the crisis on both Europe's advanced and
emerging economies because of the global nature of the shocks that
have hit both the financial sector and the real economy, and because
of Europe's strong regional and global trade links. Marek Belka,
Director of the IMF's European Department, writes in our lead
article that beyond the immediate need for crisis management, Europe
must revisit the frameworks on which the European Union is based
because many have been revealed to be flawed or missing. But in many
respects, one key European institution has proved its mettle—the
euro. Both Charles Wyplosz and Barry Eichengreen discuss the future
of the common currency. Also in this issue, IMF economists rank the
current recession as the most severe in the postwar period; John
Lipsky, the Fund's First Deputy Managing Director, examines the
IMF's role in a postcrisis world; and Giovanni Dell'Ariccia assesses
what we have learned about how to manage asset price booms to
prevent the bust that has caused such havoc. In addition, we talk to
Oxford economist Paul Collier about how to help low-income countries
during the current crisis, while Donald Kaberuka, President of the
African Development Bank, writes about how African policymakers can
prepare to take advantage of a global economic recovery. 'Picture
This' looks at what happens when aggressive monetary policy combats
a crisis; 'Back to Basics' gives a primer on fiscal policy; and
'Data Spotlight' takes a look at the recent large swings in
commodity prices.
2009: 'Crisis Stalls Globalization: Reshaping the
World Economy' examines the multiple facets of the recession--from
the impact on individual economies to the effect on the external
accounts of the world’s lenders and borrowers--and offers a
variety of suggestions for supporting a recovery and averting future
crises. Several IMF studies shed light on the depth of the
crisis--including a survey of the sharp drop in trade finance, along
with quantitative findings about the direct and indirect costs of
the financial turbulence--and debate what is to be done from several
angles, including the redesign of the regulatory framework and ways
to plug large data gaps to prevent future crises and aid in the
creation of early warning systems. Opinion pieces discuss the
shifting boundaries between the state and markets, the agenda for
financial sector reform, and the governance of global financial
markets. The issue also includes a historical perspective to see
when restructuring the global financial architecture actually
succeeds. 'People in Economics' profiles Nouriel Roubini; 'Back to
Basics' looks at what makes a recession; and 'Data Spotlight'
examines Latin America's debt.
2008: "Cracks in the System: World Economy Under
Stress" explores the rapidly changing institutional and policymaking
landscape around a financial crisis that now threatens a deep and
prolonged global recession. The lead article looks at how the world got
into the mess and what to do about it, both now and over the medium term.
Other articles review options for changing the rules of world finance,
examine the case for modernizing the way countries coordinate their
policies, and try to draw some lessons from past financial crises. The
"other crisis" of high food and fuel prices is also assessed, as
the effects extend past the mid-2008 price peak. "People in
Economics" profiles Robert Shiller; "Picture This"
illustrates how middle-income economies can reach high-income status;
"Back to Basics" looks at all the components that make up gross
national product; and "Country Focus" spotlights Saudi Arabia.
2008: Examines key issues facing low-income countries,
including how they should respond to high oil and food prices. Some
African economies are now successfully attracting international
investors and are seen as a new tier of frontier emerging markets.
Separate articles look at problems of aid effectiveness, aid
predictability, and aid fragmentation. Other articles include an
account by Eswar S. Prasad and Raghuram G. Rajan of their new report
on financial sector reforms in India; Martin Ravallion and Dominique
van de Walle draw lessons on reducing poverty from Vietnams agrarian
reforms; Sanjeev Gupta and Shamsuddin Tareq make a strong case for
sub-Saharan countries to mobilize their domestic revenue bases. In
addition, Simon Willson profiles Beatrice Weder di Mauro, the first
woman on Germanys Council of Economic Experts; and the outgoing IMF
Chief Economic Simon Johnson talks about the new drivers of global
growthemerging markets.
2008: The June 2008 issue tackles the crisis in
financial markets in industrial countries from a number of angles.
Articles look at the origins of the crisis in the subprime mortgage
market in the United States and track its spillover into other
markets. Then authors examine what can be done to prevent future
crises. Other articles look at bank capital adequacy rules and Basel
II, whether emerging markets and industrial economies are decoupling
or converging, capital flows to low-income countries, efforts to
achieve the MDGs, and currency intervention. Back to Basics looks at
over-the-counter (OTC) markets and the People in Economics column
profiles Jacques Polak. Picture This is on the digital divide.
2008: 'Commodity Boom: How Long Will It Last?' asks
how economies will fare after the record-high prices of key raw
materials posted in recent months, which build on dramatic increases
from their lows of 2000. The lead article warns that the impact on
headline inflation levels might persist throughout 2008, even without
further commodity price hikes. It urges policymakers to ensure
efficient functioning of market forces at the global level, and to
move swiftly to protect the poorest. Another article addresses the
effects of climate change on agriculture, warning that farm production
will fall dramatically—especially in developing countries—if steps
are not taken to curb carbon emissions. Other articles on this theme
argue that policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions need not hobble
economies, and that financial markets can help address climate change.
'People in Economics' profiles John Taylor; 'Picture This' says the
global energy system is on an increasingly unsustainable path;
'Country Focus' spotlights South Africa; and 'Straight Talk' examines
early warnings provided by credit derivatives. Also in this issue,
articles examine China's increasing economic engagement with Africa,
and the outsourcing of service jobs to other countries.
2007: 'Global Governance: Who's in Charge?' examines
the challenges—financial, health, environmental, and trade—facing
the international community in the 21st century and asks whether
today';s system of global governance is equipped to cope with them.
The lead article asserts that the system that served as a model for
much of the 20th century is out of date, and it explores what needs to
be done to strengthen it. Other articles on this theme look at the
recent U.S. subprime market crisis, the differences between financial
crises of the 19th and 20th centuries and what future crises will look
like, the need for a stronger system of multilateral trade, and how
global health threats can be handled. 'People in Economics' profiles
Michael Kremer; 'Picture This' describes the changing aid landscape;
'Country Focus' spotlights the United Arab Emirates; and 'Straight
Talk' examines the impact of high food prices. Also in this issue,
articles examine development in Africa, and 'backcasting' data in
Latin America.
2007: The September 2007 issue of F&D looks at the
growth of cities and the trend toward urbanization. Within the next
year, for the first time in history, more than 50 percent of the
world's population will be living in urban rather than rural areas.
What are the economic implications of this urban revolution?
Economists generally agree that urbanization, if handled well, holds
great promise for higher growth and a better quality of life. But as
the lead article tells us, the flip side is also true: if handled
poorly, urbanization could not only impede development but also give
rise to slums. Other articles in this series look at poverty as an
urban phenomenon in the developing world and the development of
megacities and what this means for governance, funding, and the
provision of services. Another group of articles discusses the
challenge of rebalancing growth in China. 'People in Economics'
profiles Harvard economist Robert Barro; 'Country Focus' looks at the
challenges facing Mexico, and 'Back to Basics' takes a look at real
exchange rates.
2007: The June 2007 issue of F&D spotlights gender
equality. The lead article discusses progress toward fulfilling the
Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on redressing gender discrimination
and empowering women and related MDGs. The section also looks at how
budgeting with gender issues in mind can help countries promote gender
equality and what needs to be done to get girls from 'excluded' social
groups into school. Other articles focus on Asia 10 years after the
financial crisis, the implications of China's and India's growing ties
with Africa, and making remittances work for Africa. 'Country Focus'
looks at the challenges facing Bulgaria now that it has joined the
European Union, 'Picture This' highlights the globalization of labor,
and 'Back to Basics' gives a primer on microfinance. Two other pieces
discuss the efficiency of public spending in Latin America and how
countries can use the public sector balance sheet approach to diagnose
vulnerabilities that are not immediately visible in the budget.
2007: "The Two Faces of Financial
Globalization" looks at the phenomenon of rising cross-border
financial flows-credited with boosting growth in developing countries
but also blamed for the emerging market crises of the late 1980s and
1990s. The lead article puts together a framework for analyzing
studies about the costs and benefits of financial globalization. Other
articles look at the worldwide allocation of capital, the role of
finance in macroeconomic management, and changes in the investor base.
"Picture This" illustrates the growth and direction of
capital flows. One guest contributor describes India's capital account
liberalization, and another looks at how participants in international
finance can cope with a fluid financial landscape. "People in
Economics" profiles Guillermo Calvo; "Back to Basics"
explains the difference between the purchasing power parity exchange
rate and market exchange rates as measures of global economic growth;
and "Country Focus" spotlights Australia.
2006: 'Africa: Making Its Move' explores some of the
obstacles facing sub-Saharan Africa as it attempts to capitalize on
changes that offer fresh opportunities for growth and poverty
reduction. The lead article describes the changes and suggests how
Africa can build on them to progress further. Other articles focus on
the aid situation, financial sector development, trade, the business
environment, and political and policy reform on the continent.
'Country Focus' examines the Central African Economic and Monetary
Community, and two guest contributors look at how the international
community can help the most fragile states and how oil-producing
countries can manage windfall revenues. 'People in Economics' profiles
the European Central Bank's first chief economist, Otmar Issing;
'Picture This' examines the global housing slowdown; and 'Back to
Basics,' explains current account deficits. Another article discusses
the realities of health financing.
2006: The Economics of Demographics provides a
detailed look at how the biggest demographic upheaval in history is
affecting global development. The issue explores demographic change
and the effects of population aging from a variety of angles,
including pensions, health care, financial markets, and migration, and
looks specifically at the impact in Europe and Asia. Picture This
looks at global demographic trends, while Back to Basics explains the
concept of the demographic dividend. Country Focus spotlights
Kazakhstan, while People in Economics profiles Nobel prize winner
Robert Mundell. IMF Economic Counsellor Raghuram Rajan argues for
further change in India's style of government in his column, Straight
2006: Asia Rising -- explores Asia's role in the world
economy, the challenges faced from globalization, the quest for
greater regional financial integration, the problem of lagging
investment, and why East Asia performed so much better than Latin
America. It also looks at the recovery of Japan and the rise of India
and China. The economies of the ASEAN-4 come under the microscope in
Country Focus. Other articles examine financial sector reform in
Africa and the remaining hurdles to financial integration in the
European Union. People in Economics profiles Paul Krugman, Back to
Basics focuses on hedge funds, and the Straight Talk column looks at
the problem of underdevelopment.
2006: For policymakers around the world, finding ways
to promote faster growth is a top priority. But what exactly do
economists know and not know about growth? What direction should
future research and policymaking take? This issue explores this topic,
starting with a major World Bank study and research coming out of
Harvard University that urges less reliance on simple formulas and the
elusive search for best practices, and greater reliance on deeper
economic analysis to identify each country's binding constraint(s) on
growth. Other articles highlight IMF research on pinpointing effective
levers for growth in developing countries and Africa's experience with
growth accelerations. Also in the issue are pieces examining global
economic imbalances, rapid credit growth in Eastern and Central
Europe, and ways to boost productivity growth in Europe and Japan. In
Straight Talk, Raghuram Rajan argues that if we want microfinance to
become more than a fad, it has to follow the clear and unsentimental
path of adding value and making money. Asian Development Bank's
Haruhiko Kuroda sets out his vision for a new financial architecture
in Asia. Finally, Picture This takes an in-depth look at global
employment trends.
2005: "Latin America: A Time of Transition"
is an in-depth look at the region's economic prospects and policy
issues. The lead article argues that Latin America has a fresh chance
to entrench growth and break the cycle of crises. Other articles
examine the political and economic choices facing the region of half a
billion people during an election period, the problem of persistent
poverty, and the difficulties faced by the region's indigenous
peoples. Country Focus spotlights Peru, while People in Economics
profiles Latin American development economist Nora Lustig. Back to
Basics and Picture This jointly examine remittances. Articles also
cover equity in development, spending on HIV/AIDS, Islamic finance,
and the chequered history of aid.
2005: Can more aid really make poverty history as aid
campaigners have argued? This issue examines aid effectiveness and how
to build momentum toward the Millennium Development Goals after the G8
vowed to double aid to Africa. Includes assessments of use of aid in
Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda, as well as
viewpoints from Burkina Faso, Tanzania, and the UK. Other articles
look at next steps for reform in China, and how trading partners can
help each other's growth. Profile of Jagdish Bhagwati and IMF Economic
Counsellor Raghuram Rajan examines global financial risk. Also a look
at governance and measures to combat corruption.
2005: This issue of F&D takes stock of the
enormous gains that have been made on the educational front over the
past century and examines what still needs to be done if education for
all is to become a reality, as pledged by the global community at the
United Nations Millennium Development Conference in 2000. Five years
later, East Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean
are close to achieving the goal of universal primary education by
2015, but sub-Saharan Africa continues to lag far behind. Other
articles look at capital market development - or the lack thereof - in
Latin America, and at Brazil's economic success. In Straight Talk,
Raghuram Rajan takes on yet another contentious topic: how to achieve
optimal debt relief for poor countries. In People in Economics, Mario
Monti reflects on his time as Europe's Commissioner for Competition
and discusses Europe's future. Finally, Country Focus gives a snapshot
of Turkey's economy.
2005: This issue dissects the fears and apprehensions
that small, poor countries have when it comes to engaging in the world
trading system. With the Doha Development Round at a critical
juncture, developing countries must decide whether to fight to keep
their preferential trade access to a few key developed country markets
or engage in multilateral liberalization. Other articles look at how
the IMF must change to stay relevant in the 21st century; and how
improving the investment climate is key to economic growth. In The
Book Review Section, Nancy Birdsall and Moises Naim debate Sebastian
Mallaby's controversial book about the World Bank and its president,
James Wolfensohn. Finally, People in Economics tells the story of
Bodil Nyboe Andersen, Denmark's central bank governor.
2004: The cover story takes a look at the proposal for
a single currency for Africa. Other articles delve into a range of
development issues, including possible lessons from China's success in
combating poverty; the nuts and bolts of how countries can move to a
floating exchange rate; possible new approaches to fiscal accounting;
and the benefits of debt relief. An IMF study on services outsourcing
finds that the numbers do not support the hype over job losses, while
an article on corruption argues that a lack of progress in eradicating
it could be due to misguided strategies. Picture This looks at the
possible benefits to agriculture from the Doha round of trade talks.
The Country Focus is on Brazil and People in Economics profiles Linah
Mohohlo, the award-winning central bank governor of Botswana.
2004: Marking the IMF's 60th anniversary, this issue
explores the forces that are likely to shape the global economy over
the next 25-50 years and how the IMF will prepare itself to meet the
consequent challenges. It also looks at reforms the IMF will need to
implement if it is to retain its political legitimacy. L. Van Houtven
discusses IMF governance and the need to overhaul the Executive Board.
C. Rustomjee also argues for reforming the Board to increase the
representation of developing countries. Three former IMF Managing
Directors share their views on improving IMF governance, strengthening
IMF surveillance, and preventing crises. The issue also features a
profile of Nobel Prize-winner Amartya Sen; Country Focus on Nigeria's
economy; and three articles on development issues. One discusses the
implications of recent initiatives calling for more foreign aid in the
form of grants rather than loans. The IMF's Raghuram Rajan explores
the pitfalls of relying on orthodox economic models for policymaking.
2004: Focuses on the economic challenges facing the
European Union (EU) following the accession of 10 new members on May
1. The main challenge, weak growth, entails tackling such deep-rooted
problems as a lack of competitiveness and unemployment. This issue
also looks at the EU’s Stability and Growth Pact, the single
European currency, the implications of population aging for Europe,
problems over migration between the established EU members and the new
members, and viewpoints on the EU’s enlargement. This issue also
presents some recent developments in microfinance, including a recent
experimental project in which banks on wheels have brought financial
services to Vietnam’s poorest citizens and the evolution of
microfinance institutions that provide flexible, high-quality
financial services to low-income clients on a sustainable basis. Other
contributions include a Country Focus on the Indian economy, a
celebration of 40 years of F&D, an inside account of the
successful restructuring and privatization of Seoul Bank in 2000-02,
and a profile of Brookings Senior Fellow Alice Rivlin.
2004: Explores the important links between health and
economic progress. The past century has been marked by rapid advances
in human welfare. People in most parts of the world are healthier and
are living longer. While these trends are likely to continue, hopes
are fading in some regions where progress slowed or went into reverse
in the 1990s, primarily as a result of the AIDS epidemic. David E.
Bloom, David Canning, and Dean T. Jamison discuss the trends. The
issue also examines the progress made by the new IMF watchdog—the
Independent Evaluation Office—in probing the effectiveness of the
IMF. Princeton's Peter Kenen, a seasoned watcher of the Bretton Woods
institutions, reviews the IEO's work. Other contributions include: a Country
Focus on the U.S. economy; an interview with Martin Feldstein; a
look at globalization, past and present, by Alan Taylor; and the
latest thinking on antimalarial drugs by Kenneth Arrow. Raghuram Rajan,
the new Director of the IMF's Research Department, launches his column
by examining dollarized debt and "original sin."
2003: The issue focuses on the Millennium Development
Goals and what it will take to achieve these globally adopted targets
that center on halving the 1990 incidence of extreme poverty by the
year 2015. The main article is based on a World Bank study of 18
low-income countries with relatively good policies. Separate articles
look at debt sustainability, external shocks, and fiscal policy in
low-income countries. Other articles examine financial systems in the
CIS-7 countries and China’s integration into the global trading
system. Hernando de Soto is interviewed for the People in Economics
section, while Picture This focuses on the world’s forests.
Kenneth Rogoff sees the past decade of global disinflation as an
unsung benefit of globalization, while the Country Focus
section examines the economies of the Commonwealth of Independent
2003: Articles on moving beyond the Washington
Consensus and redrafting the reform agenda by John Williamson,
Guillermo Ortiz, and Trevor A. Manuel. One article from the World Bank
based on the -World Development Report 2003/2004- on improving service
delivery to the poor, and a joint IMF-World Bank article on what needs
to be done to accelerate progress toward the Millennium Development
Goals. Two articles on what developing countries can do to protect
themselves against natural disasters. Other articles on monetary
regime options for Latin America, central bank intervention in
volatile foreign exchange markets, assessment of offshore financial
centers, long-term fiscal challenges confronting countries, and income
inequality. Profile of development economist Esther Duflo. Kenneth
Rogoff's column on why the IMF needs to do more whistle-blowing and
less cheerleading when countries seem to be headed for trouble.
Statistics on the Middle East and North Africa. Book reviews.
2003: The issue focuses on inflation and the role of
institutions in development. Three articles look at disinflation,
hyperinflation, and deflation. A new feature, “Country Focus,”
provides a snapshot of Japan’s stagnant economy while “Back to
Basics” examines the increasingly popular practice of inflation
targeting. Four articles examine the part institutions play in
development, compared with other factors such as geography and
resource endowments. F&D interviews Professor Allan H. Meltzer to
get his views on the international financial institutions, especially
the IMF, three years after the release of the controversial U.S.
congressional report that bore his name. In “Straight Talk,”
Kenneth Rogoff, the IMF’s Economic Counsellor and Research
Department Director, argues that the UN Millennium Development Goals
are valuable but not as an all-encompassing framework for long-term
2003: The issue focuses on the Middle East and North
Africa: the problems it faces, the reasons its economic performance
has been disappointing over the past decade, and the measures it could
take to become better integrated with the global economy. Articles
explore the region’s social policies, high unemployment rate, large
and inefficient public sectors, underdeveloped financial sector,
exchange rate regimes, and dominant role in world energy markets. Two
other articles look at the political economy of oil-exporting
countries worldwide and describe how they can protect themselves
against fluctuating oil prices and dwindling reserves, while a third
describes how the currencies of commodity-dependent countries are
affected by fickle commodity export prices. Two new features are
introduced with this issue: “People in Economics,” which profiles
Nobel Prize winner Vernon Smith; and “Back to Basics,” which
delves into the concept of Dutch disease. In his regular column,
Kenneth S. Rogoff, the IMF’s Economic Counsellor and Director of the
IMF’s Research Department, explains why he opposes the rigid
coordination of dollar, yen, and euro monetary policy.
2002: The main theme is the prevention, management,
and resolution of financial crises. Articles discuss new techniques
for predicting crises, such as early warning systems; describe various
indicators of vulnerability, including high levels of debt and
mismatches between assets and liabilities on a country's balance
sheets; outline possible ways to resolve crises when they do occur;
and explain the importance of granting independence to financial
regulators. Other articles cover the fiscal impact of aid, the
informal system for transferring funds known as hawala, prolonged use
of IMF loans, the challenges facing small states, the monetary union
to be formed by the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the
Gulf, the role of legislatures in poverty reduction, the economic
impact of armed conflict and terrorism, and the economic impact of
corruption and poor governance. In his regular column, Straight Talk,
Kenneth Rogoff, IMF Economic Counsellor and Director of the IMF's
Research Department explores the question of capital controls.
2002: Main theme is trade liberalization. Point of
View by former WTO director-general Peter Sutherland on the benefits
of globalization. Article co-authored by IMF Deputy Managing Director
Anne Krueger on why trade openness can help curb poverty. Also,
articles on the Doha development agenda, the importance of increased
market access for developing countries, industrial country tariffs,
the implications of China's membership in WTO, and the impact of
globalization on income inequality in China. Other subjects covered in
the issue are capital surges in transition countries, the embattled
energy sector in the Commonwealth of Independent States, the future of
pension reform in Latin America, the international community's fight
against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and the
challenges of the e-banking revolution. In his regular column, Kenneth
Rogoff, IMF Economic Counsellor and Director of the IMF's Research
Department, enters the debate on whether IMF loans create moral
2002: Main theme is poverty reduction. Point of View
by Professor Angus Deaton of Princeton University on reliability of
poverty counts. Overview on new approaches to poverty reduction
followed by articles covering recent reviews of the IMF/World Bank
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper approach and the IMF’s Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility, as well as an article on the
preparation of Bolivia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper bringing
together the views of five participants. Other articles on how
financial crises affect income distribution and the poor, the need for
automatic safety nets, the streamlining of IMF conditionality in new
loans, the impact of external debt on growth, the issue of whether
countries should be obligated to repay “odious” debt incurred by
their leaders, and the challenges of expanding aid flows to poor
countries with small economies. On other subjects, articles on the
popular value-added-tax and the lessons from a decade of transition in
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. In his regular column,
Straight Talk, Kenneth Rogoff, IMF Economic Counsellor and Director of
the IMF’s Research Department explores the volatility of G-3
exchange rates.
2002: Main theme is the shape of global integration.
In addition to an overview on the challenges of globalization by IMF
Deputy Managing Director Eduardo Aninat and a debate between Kevin
Watkins of Oxfam and two World Bank economists on the impact of
globalization on the poor, there are articles on financial
globalization, financial stability in the world of global finance, the
impact of G-3 exchange rate volatility on developing countries,
September 11 and the U.S. payment system, the economic implications of
global warming, the international develoment goal of universal primary
education for all children by 2015, AIDS as part of the global
development agenda, and the silent revolution of the 1980s. Other
articles deal with southeastern Europe after the Kosovo Crisis and the
institutions developing countries need to support their fledgling
market economies. Introduction of a new feature that will appear in
every issue, a column by Kenneth Rogoff, IMF Economic Counsellor and
Director of the Research Department; the subject in this issue is the
popularity of paper currency.
2001: Eleven articles on globalization and Africa: the
steps the continent is taking to meet the challenges, maximize the
benefits, and minimize the risks. Other articles on IMF
conditionality, human rights and the IMF, international trade and
poverty reduction, oil funds, whether or not foreign investors have
contributed to financial crises in emerging market countries by acting
like a panic-prone herd, and a new book on John Maynard Keynes. A
point of view piece by Robert Hunter Wade on the rising inequality of
world income distribution.
2001: Three articles on social sector reforms: social
sector reform in transition countries, the truth about pension reform,
and debt relief and public health spending in heavily indebted poor
countries. Three articles on transition countries: state capture,
intergovernmental relations in Russia, and an initiative for
institutional reform in Odessa. Other articles on the links between
trade, growth, and poverty; the Suez Canal crisis in 1956; lessons
from California's power crisis; the global digital divide;
public-private partnerships; and water management in the Middle East.
A Point of View piece by Jagdish Bhagwati on rich-country
2001: Three articles on capital flows and foreign
direct investment, articles by Stanley Fischer on the bipolar view of
exchange rate regimes and by Ronald McKinnon on the impact of U.S. tax
cuts on the world economy, and three articles on transition economies.
Also an article by Paul Streeten on integration, interdependence, and
globalization, and other articles on the impact of the "new
economy" on the United States and other industrial countries, the
role of private enterprises in reducing poverty in developing
countries, macroeconomic policies and poverty reduction, IMF financing
and moral hazard, and how private sector lenders have adapted to the
resolution of financial crises.
2001: Six articles on reform and restructuring in
Asia. Other articles on the role of capital in development, the effect
of globalization on tax systems, poverty in Latin America and the
Caribbean, economic stabilization in the Caribbean, and transition in
Poland. Three articles present two points of view on expanded monetary
union in West Africa, an inside view of the IMF's dialogue with
nongovernmental organizations, and a useful tool to help developing
countries secure foreign finance.
December 2000: A special focus on the issue of
"How We Can Help the Poor," with articles on ways to broaden the agenda for
poverty reduction; the ongoing and often hollow debate on growth versus poverty reduction;
the international community's response on supporting poverty reduction; progress toward
international development goals; the powerlessness of the poor; rural poverty; the
distinct problems facing Africa; and issues of debt relief. Other articles deal with
proposals for a new global banking standard and the role of short-term debt in recent
September 2000: Focus on the transition
countries. After an overview of the progress made since transition began in the early
1990s, 11 articles on specific countries or groups of countries and on challenges faced by
these countries, such as joining the European Union, building treasury systems from
scratch, and conducting monetary policy. Other articles on monetary regimes and inflation
targeting, macroeconomic indicators as tools for assessing financial system soundness, and
the U.S. debate on funding the IMF. A special supplement covering the economy of the Czech
Republic, site of the 2000 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings; and two IMF reports to be
released this fall, World Economic Outlook, and International Capital Markets Report.
June 2000: Four articles on the battle against
corruption, and four articles on trade and developing countries. Other articles on
prospects for emerging markets, European labor markets and EMU, the changing world of
banking, agricultural development banks, and the IMF's template for reporting on
international reserves.
March 2000: An article by the IMF's Historian on
Michel Camdessus's tenure as Managing Director of the IMF; nine articles on economic
reform and recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean since the financial crises of the
late 1990s, including four articles by finance ministers and central bank governors of
Latin American countries; other articles on the sustainability of the U.S. current account
deficit, the rise and fall of Albania's pyramid schemes, and the importance of orderly and
effective insolvency procedures.
December 1999: Nine articles discussing issues
for the new millennium, including an interview of distinguished economist John Kenneth
Galbraith and articles on trade, liberalization, the changing development landscape, the
importance of human development in development strategies, decentralization of governance,
and governance in the digital economy. Other articles focus on issues in financial
markets, such as the changing nature of risk and integrated financial supervision, and
tobacco control.
September 1999: The reform of the international
financial architecture--building transparency, developing financial standards,
liberalizing the capital account, and adapting the international financial
institutions--is the subject of five articles in this issue. Other articles deal with
issues in the international monetary system, problems of transition, commodity prices, and
the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis.
June 1999: Seven articles discussing key issues
in transition economies, including lessons of the Russian crisis (by former Russian Prime
Minister Yegor Gaidar), inflation, growth, privatization, and the changing role of
government. Other articles focus on the Asian crisis, the challenges of financial
globalization for developing and transition countries, the predictability of currency and
banking crises, the impact of the euro on Latin America, and the brain drain from
developing to developed countries.
March 1999: Challenges facing sub-Saharan Africa
and the region's future prospects are the subject of four articles. In addition, articles
on monetary policy in the euro area, deposit insurance, capital flows, corporate
restructuring in Asia, and contingent government liabilities.
December 1998: December 1998 Discusses the
far-reaching implications of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Other topics
include capital account liberalization; dealing with financial crisis; monetary policy and
currency boards; and the evolution of IMF conditionality.
September 1998: Economic Policy and Equity, The
Asian Crisis, Transition Countries--Articles by Vito Tanzi; Sanjeev Gupta, Benedict
Clements, and Erwin Tiongson; IMF Area Department Directors; Patrick Lenain; Julian Exeter
and Steven Fries; Dale Gray; Christoph B. Rosenberg and Tapio O. Saavalainen; James M.
Boughton; Jan Aart Scholte; Philip Gerson; and IMF Staff
June 1998: The Asian crisis and its implications
for the global economy--articles by Stanley Fischer, Guillermo Ortiz, John Lipsky, and
Manuel Guitián. Other articles discuss Asia's aging societies, infrastructure development
in Asia, private investment in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the impact of bribery in
international commerce, and the prospective role of the euro as an international currency.
March 1998: The problem of corruption worldwide;
AIDS--economic implications, role of governments, priorities in prevention; civil
liberties, democracy, and the performance of government projects; two articles on
inflation; biodiversity in agricultural development; distance education; and currency
crises and the role of monetary policy.
December 1997: Aid spurs growth--in a sound
policy environment; capital flow sustainability and speculative currency attacks;
sovereign debt: managing the risks; IMF monetary model; are international labor standards
needed to prevent social dumping?; explaining the dividend yield in the U.S.; job
uncertainty, unemployment, and inflation in the U.S.; private participation in
infrastructure; new initiative to promote clean coal; developing rural financial markets;
Egypt: poised for sustained growth?; and can public pension reform increase saving?
September 1997: Hong Kong, China in transition;
maturation of the East Asian miracle; Japanese foreign direct investment and regional
trade; reforming legal systems in developing and transition countries; the state in a
changing world; how can states foster markets?; improving the state's institutional
capability; financial sector reforms in Morocco and Tunisia; experience under the IMF's
ESAF; decentralizing government; efficient public sector downsizing; the Real plan,
poverty, and income distribution in Brazil; and impact of EMU on European securities
June 1997: How can sub-Saharan Africa attract
more private capital inflows?; financial liberalization in Africa and Asia; tackling the
rural energy problem in developing countries; Japan's economy needs structural change;
bias in the U.S. consumer price index; growth and the environment; the reform of wholesale
payment systems; creditors' crucial role in corporate governance; interest rates: approach
to liberalization; developing countries get more private investment, less aid; improving
India's saving performance; Islamic financial systems; and education and health care in
the Caribbean.
March 1997: Causes of capital inflows and policy
responses to them; money laundering, rating the raters of country creditworthiness;
Stanley Fischer on financial system soundness; what happened to the peace dividend?; How
Indochina's economies took off; statistical discrepancies in the world current account;
international joint ventures in developing countries; how tax systems treat men and women
differently; private capital in water and sanitation, economic growth and income
inequality; the banking crises in the Baltics; and economic trends in the developing
December 1996: The new environmentalism; risk
management in financial and foreign exchange markets; central banks and price stability;
economic forecasting; sub-Saharan Africas marginalization in world trade; private
sector development in the Visegrad countries; the urban poor in developing countries.
September 1996: Government reform.
EU--Mediterranean strategy; agricultural water pollution. Transition economies--global
integration; education and health care. Also, monetary policy in EMU; warehouse receipts;
social assistance in Germany; pension reform in Costa Rica; disparities in global
June 1996: Energy policy; the Tobin tax; the
impact of adjustment on growth; pension debt; revenue decline in the former Soviet
republics; the IMFs data standards; widening income gap between rich and poor
countries; the economic importance of collateral; stock market development and corporate
finance; urbanization.
March 1996: March 1996 Banking and monetary
reform; globalization and the developing countries; exchange rate regimes and inflation;
growth and financial stability in the Middle East and North Africa; and convergence of
economic conditions in Indias states.
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