Environment and Economics in Project Preparation
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From the Asian Development Bank
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ISBN: 971-561-201-6
Paperback (Pub. Date: 1999)
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A key feature of this book is the inclusion of ten cases
illustrating practical approaches to environmental economic analysis
in situations where information and time are limited and entail a
lot of resources. The book provides case-specific examples of
bringing environmental concerns to focus, thus providing guidance
based on real world examples for project designers and evaluation
experts on how to use environmental valuation for project design.
From these examples, it can be concluded that the inclusion of
environmental valuation in project design improves project quality.
1999. 394 pages.
[ PDF: 10.8 kb | 4 pages ]
[ PDF: 7.62 kb | 2 pages ]
1: Introduction [
PDF: 21.6 kb | 7 pages ]
The attainment of sustainable economic development requires due consideration
of how human actions affect environmental and natural resources,
upon which we depend for material and cultural existence. The
conscious alteration of bio-physical surroundings through investment
projects carries with it the implicit obligation that the present generation’s
welfare be maximized. It is also necessary that investment projects, programs,
and policies be formulated such that current activities do not jeopardize
the possible well-being of future generations. In that sense, the
augmentation of a nation’s rate of economic growth through explicit
projects, or through growth-oriented policies, must be carefully crafted so
that the long-run social benefits are greater than the long-run social costs.
It is this recognition of the need for a broad evaluation of projects and
policies that has driven the interest in the environmental evaluation of
various development-assistance activities (see Appendix 1).
Traditionally, cost-benefit analysis of projects gave little attention to
many environmental implications of development projects. As a result, the
economic internal rate of return (EIRR) represented an incomplete picture
of the true environmental and consequently, economic implications of such
- The Book and its Objectives
- Methods, Applications, and Target Audience
- Organization
2: Economic Evaluation of Environmental Impacts [
PDF: 101 kb | 38 pages ]
- General Issues
- Nonmarket Goods and Services
- The Valuation Problem
- Valuation Methods
3: Challenges in Economic Evaluation of Environmental
Impacts [ PDF: 57.6
kb | 22 pages ]
- Evaluation Issues
- The Environment and Human Values
It is now recognized that the economic evaluation of environmental
impacts is limited by ethical and moral considerations. This can be seen
in controversial efforts to assign monetary values to human life and health
status. The previous discussion of discounting the welfare of future persons
is another example of the ethical content of economic analysis. While
methods have been devised to evaluate project outcomes that will adversely
affect human health (the value of lost earnings, the necessary increase in
health costs to the individual), it is more difficult to address the question
of the economic value of a human life. Noteworthy here are the complications
arising from the moral dimension of choice, and the important role
of perceptions of individual and group entitlements to certain situations
and outcomes.
4: Case Studies [
PDF: 31.2 kb | 12 pages ]
- The Role of Economic Evaluation
- Steps in Economic Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
- The Case Studies
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Water Resources
Infrastructure, Energy, and Industry
5: Promoting Environmental Improvements through Projects
[ PDF: 75.2 kb | 28 pages ]
- Three Possible Scenarios
- Sectoral Examples
- Environmental Improvement Projects
6: Conclusions [ PDF:
23.3 kb | 9 pages ]
In the initial chapters, economic evaluation of environmental impacts was
said to be essential to improved project analysis on several counts. First,
economic evaluation of environmental impacts would allow a more complete
accounting of the many project impacts that had traditionally been
considered less important or regarded as mere “externalities.” Second, it
was suggested that environmental improvement is a part of the overall enhancement
of human well-being and therefore both positive and negative
environmental impacts must be recognized and not treated as mere “side
issues.” Effort must be expended to assign monetary values, and incorporate
these values into economic analysis. Third, progress in environmental
economics means that economists are now able to draw on methods so that
those impacts previously regarded as incidental might be fully incorporated
into cost-benefit analysis. As an induced benefit of the development
of environmental economics, it is now possible for projects to be reformulated
and redesigned in response to new knowledge of the environmental
implications of projects. Finally, advancements in environmental economics
provide ways and means to design and analyze environmental policies,
which maximize a project’s utility.
Protection and the Asian Development Bank [
PDF: 28.3 kb | 10 pages ]
Systems Impact [
PDF: 35.4 kb | 13 pages ]
for Indonesia: Central Sulawesi Integrated Area
Development and Conservation Project [
PDF: 71.9 kb | 33 pages ]
for Pakistan: Korangi Wastewater Management Project
[ PDF: 26.8 kb | 11
pages ]
for Bangladesh: Jamuna Bridge Railway Link Project
[ PDF: 77.1 kb | 35
pages ]
for People�s Republic of China: Yunnan Dachaoshan
Power Transmission Project [
PDF: 56.1 kb | 25 pages ]
Stressors Glossary [
PDF: 13.2 kb | 4 pages ]
of Total Economic Value of Environmental and Natural
Resources [ PDF:
10.5 kb | 1 page ]
Categories of Environmental Resources/Goods and Services
from Wildlife and Forest [
PDF: 12.9 kb | 1 page ]
© Asian Development Bank 1999
All rights reserved
First published August 1999
This publication was prepared by Asian Development Bank staff. The findings,
interpretations, and conclusions expressed in it do not necessarily
represent the views of the Bank or those of its member governments. The
Asian Development Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data
included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for
any consequences of their use.