From e-governance in Africa, From Theory to Action: A Handbook on ICTs for
Local Governance"
(this book is a important contribution to the literature
on the subject of e-governance in general, and e-governance in
Africa in particular, as well as of ICTs and Development in Africa.
This volume reflects Gianluca Misuraca's vast knowledge of the field,
including his practical experience while working for UN-DESA on secondment to
the Tangier-based African Training and Research Centre in Administration for
Development (CAFRAD), domicile of the e-Africa Initiative of the New
Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) of the African Union. Misuraca
himself originally formulated the e-Africa Initiative on behalf of
CAFRAD and UN-DESA in 2002.) |

Document(s) 6 of 16
Decentralisation and local governance are increasingly recognised as basic
components of democratic governance, since they provide an enabling environment
in which decision making and service delivery can be brought closer to the
people, especially to the poor.
Decentralisation is instrumental in the overall issue of re-inventing
government and is essential to achieving the internationally set Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs).
Under the combined pressure of accelerating globalisation and persistent demands
for deeper and expanded democratisation, central governments are seeing their
traditional roles continuously challenged. Re-inventing government would then
require revisiting the nature and role of the state itself and the sharing of
political power and administrative responsibilities.1
But which
are the benefits of decentralisation? and how does decentralisation contribute
to the process of poverty reduction?
If we recall the key elements of good and democratic governance, and we
consider them both for economic growth and as a means of achieving the MDGs,
especially that relating to poverty reduction, decentralisation increases
popular participation in decision making because it brings government closer to
people, making it more accessible and knowledgeable about local conditions and
more responsive to peoples' demands.
Central governments located far away and preoccupied mostly with national and
regional issues, fall short of adequately and efficiently providing services
essentially local in nature. The case for decentralisation can, in fact, be made
on a number of grounds such as the following:
Local authorities tend to act more in line with local preferences and
conditions, and their response to local needs is more expeditious.
Decentralisation provides opportunities to marginalised sectors of the
community, like women in some countries, minorities etc., to participate
at the local level, enabling a more sensitive approach to policy
formulation and implementation.
Because decentralisation tends to enhance transparency and accountability,
the amount of money wrongfully diverted away from development often
declines. The Human Development Report (2003) 2,
underlines that in 55 countries, decentralisation of government spending
was closely associated with lower corruption among bureaucrats and reduced
rent seeking by private parties - leaving more money to spend on basic
services for poor people.
Decentralisation increases effectiveness in service delivery, like
reducing absenteeism among government employees, for example, in local
schools and health clinics because elected officials receive complaints
from their constituents and can improve discipline.
Decentralisation provides bureaucrats with early warnings of potential
disasters, enabling quick remedial action.
Decentralisation makes development projects more sustainable and cost
effective because local people are more likely to be involved in their
design, execution, and monitoring.
Decentralisation encourages communities to find solutions to their
everyday problems, yielding innovative ideas, which are more attuned to
local conditions.
Decentralisation provides opportunities for more people, including the
under-represented groups (like women in some countries, the poor,
minorities etc.) to participate in decisions that affect their lives.
To summarise, because of a greater degree of accountability, responsiveness
and participation, effective decentralisation can make a big difference by
making the provision of local (social and economic) services more efficient,
equitable, sustainable and cost-effective. Through community participation in
decision making, planning, implementation and monitoring and backed by
appropriate institutions and resources, it can go a long way
in improving the quality of life, particularly of the poorer and marginalised
sectors of the population, thereby alleviating poverty.3
But does decentralisation always work? And which are the constraints of
decentralisation? For the process of decentralisation to be complete and for it
to be successful, there are certain preconditions which may not exist in a
country at a given time.
According to the UNDP
Human Development Report (2003), these prerequisites include:
Effective state capacity;
Empowered, committed and competent local authorities; and
Engaged, informed and organised citizens and civil society.
Decentralisation requires co-ordination between levels of government and more
regulation -not less- to ensure basic transparency, accountability and
representation. The state also has to raise adequate fiscal resources to support
decentralisation. For the above to be achieved, effective state capacity is
necessary. Furthermore, to ensure that the decentralisation effort is not
hijacked by the local elites, and there is broad based participation, both a
strong state and a mobilised civil society are required.
Decentralisation is influenced by a country's size, population, its political
and institutional inheritance and diversity. These attributes have an important
effect on the design and modalities of decentralisation, which are crucial for
its success. Appropriateness of functions to be decentralised, adequacy of
fiscal resources to be transferred to the sub-national government, efficacy of
administrative and legal setups and sufficiency of technical/skilled personnel
at all levels of government are important ingredients for successful
However, politicians have more often than not used the slogan of
decentralisation as rhetoric to strengthen their own power base rather than
improve governance. In practice, the lack of willingness of the centre to
relinquish or share power has been a major impediment to effective
decentralisation. In fact, the inability to make the transition to a people-centred
governance, with its commensurate implications for
participation and empowerment is perhaps a bigger bottleneck in the process of
decentralisation than legislative changes, which in their own right are also
Finally, lack of public awareness and an absence of a culture of
participation and a weak "voice'' of particularly the poor and marginalised
sections of the population has inhibited the development of: firstly, a two way
accountability system whereby local governments are not only supervised by an
effective state government from above but also a strong civil society from
below; secondly, a local government system which is responsive to the needs of
all sections of populations, particularly the poor and the marginalised. As a
matter of fact, the decision making process is dominated by local elites and
government functionaries with little, if any, participation by the masses.
However, "a process for participation does not ipso facto lead to
empowerment, and to be consulted does not mean that one's voice had weight in
decisions taken": one way of achieving this is through "engaged
governance" whereby an attempt is made, through new forms of collaboration
between citizens' groups and the public sector, to link social capital into the
development management process of a country.6
is both a process and a
form that attempts to link social capital into the development
management processes of a country. This form of management goes beyond
the realm of public administration and other formal institution and
links itself to civil society organizations to help mainstream citizen
or community inputs into the process of policy formulation. Though
engaged governance is an emerging concept, there are examples where it
has been successfully implemented. For example, in South Africa
citizens' groups actively participate in budgeting and fiscal policy
processes. In Australia, the state government of Queensland has
established an Engaged Government Unit within the Premier's Department
to ensure community's inputs into policy deliberations. The concept is
finding support in other developing countries also.
(Katsiaouni, Workshop
on Poverty Alleviation and Decentralisation for ten West African
countries, organised jointly by UNDESA and the Government of Senegal,
Dakar, July, 2003)
In this context, the role of the Civil Society for Poverty Reduction can be
instrumental. Recent years have witnessed a considerable surge of interest
throughout the world in the broad range of social institutions that operate
outside the confines of the market and the state. Known variously as the
'non-governmental organisations' (NGOs), 'Civil Society' or 'third' sector, this
set of institutions includes within it a wide array of entities – hospitals,
universities, professional organisations, human rights organisations, job
training centres and many more.
A growing number of political leaders, community activists and international
donors have come to see such civil society organisations as strategically
important participants in the search for a middle way between sole reliance
either on the market or on the state. In fact, even governments are now
increasingly viewing NGOs as an integral part of the institutional structure
particularly for addressing the poverty problem. This is reflected in the
poverty reduction strategy put in action by governments in most developing
countries in Asia and now increasingly so in Africa.
But what is the link between civil society and poverty alleviation? And what
role can NGOs play to help tackle the problem of poverty?
Potentially, NGOs, both local and international, can respond to the growing
problem of poverty in a number of ways. Their responses can be categorised into
the following: advocacy, social mobilisation, delivery of social services,
providing livelihood programmes, training and relief and rehabilitation.7
NGOs, through advocacy, can potentially play a very significant role in
influencing economic and political policies that have an impact upon the poorer
sections of population. The agents of an active civil society, for example, can:
give useful input on the thrust and design of economic policies; bring specific
issues of social concern such as the environment, labour rights, gender equality
and public health into the public spotlight. In some cases even help to change
prevailing social norms; contribute to greater transparency and accountability
and thereby curtail patronage, powerful special interests and corruption;
ensuring that government policies are carried out in the manner intended and
thereby significantly contribute to good governance.
Civil society can mobilise the masses, empower them and give them a
"voice", supplement government in the provision of services,
particularly social services, design and implement income generating programmes
and micro-credit, improve community skills through technical/vocational and
entrepreneurial training, and perform relief and rehabilitation functions.
Another, albeit often overlooked, contribution of civil society groups to
poverty alleviation is as a potential source of financial support to carry out
various development programmes. A lot of the work undertaken by the NGOs is on a
self-help basis and financed by philanthropic contributions, a source which
otherwise would have perhaps remained untapped.
In conclusion, civil society organisations can potentially play an important
role in poverty alleviation in developing countries.
One of the major findings of the Fifth African Governance Forum, is that the
fundamental challenge for good governance in Africa is to strengthen the
political will in support of decentralisation. The first step in this direction
would be for leaders of the African countries to show their real commitment to
decentralise. In many African countries, clear constitutional principles as well
as legislative and regulatory frameworks, which are key for decentralisation,
are not yet in place. Other major constraints to effective political
participation by the citizenry include: scarcity of resources, poorly trained
cadres at the local government level, intra-partisan rivalries and
non-responsive political parties, weak governance structures to control
corruption and to promote accountability and transparency, and inadequate
attention of local authorities to the importance of decentralisation.8
But if we analyse the situation in Africa, most of the important
prerequisites for successful decentralisation are almost non-existent or in the
very early stages of development, especially considering that some countries are
emerging or have just emerged from conflict or crisis. Which are then the
imperatives and reasons for decentralisation in Africa?
For a long time, worsening poverty levels in Africa were explained in terms
of poor economic performance. Emerging evidence, however, shows that economic
growth alone is not sufficient to bring about, in a sustainable way, the needed
reduction in poverty. In fact for some African countries, GDP growth has come
hand in hand with worsening social indicators, validating an established fact
that while economic growth is important for poverty
alleviation, particularly in the medium and long term, it is definitely not
sufficient by itself. In the African context, the lack of responsiveness of
poverty to the economic stimulus is attributed in part to problems with
governance, especially at the local level.9
In pro-poor interventions, one of the primary hurdles is how to effectively
target the poor. Proper targeting has generally proved to be elusive. The other
challenge is how best to ensure that there is local ownership of the
interventions. These considerations bring to the fore the issues of local
governance. One of the lessons from past failures of poverty-focussed
interventions is the importance of avoiding a 'top down' approach to project
design and implementation as this invariably results in ineffectiveness of the
Also, concerns regarding central administrative capacity, fiscal constraints
and the limited accountability at all levels of government have led African
leaders to place increased emphasis on the importance of decentralisation and
developing local governance capacities. The other supporting argument for
decentralisation is the need for improved government effectiveness in the
delivery of goods and services and revenue collection.
External pressure by funding agencies like the World Bank, UN etc. have also
been important motivations for decentralisation in many countries.11
Furthermore, a good number of African countries see decentralisation as a
solution not only to the enhancement of the state's capacity to accelerate local
development but also as a way to enhance the voice and power of the poor in the
continuing fight against poverty. On the political side, decentralisation has
been opted for as a solution to political challenges that seem to threaten
national cohesion. Countries with a history of tensions (linguistic,
ethnic/tribal, religious) have often found the federal approach to national
governance as most suitable. Central politicians also tend to support
decentralisation to appeal to voters and win elections as a means of
undercutting the power base of rivals.12
However, despite the political and developmental motivations,
decentralisation is perhaps much more of a challenge in Africa than elsewhere in
the world. It is, therefore, important that there is consensus on the
decentralisation policy, which is not centrally or donor driven, and which has a
holistic framework, focussing on all levels of government and
civil society simultaneously. It should be based on improving the enabling
environment and building capacities and not on projects. The need for immediate
success and quick results can lead to quick fixes, which are unsustainable. As
such, it is important that decentralisation is viewed with a long-term
perspective. African leadership will have to demonstrate patience and
uninterrupted and determined commitment for the successful implementation of
decentralisation in the continent.
Given the above, capacity development - that will enable participation of key
stakeholders - is crucial to achieving sustainable development. Experience has
shown that there is a gap between existing capacities and demand for services
and accountability at the local level. This situation calls for the creation of
awareness, clear articulation of roles, and harnessing of the potentials of the
different actors involved.
Decentralisation policies sometimes call for establishing new structures,
participatory mechanisms and accountability systems. However, the option of
strengthening existing traditional structures should not be totally discounted.
According to studies and analysis conducted in several countries, for
effective local governance decentralisation policies, strategies, legal
frameworks, programmes and activities should be conceived from two planes13:
The vertical plane: involving the transfer of authority functions,
responsibilities and resources from central government to local
The horizontal plane: involving the empowerment of grass-root communities
to enable them to determine, plan, manage and implement their own
socio-politico-economic development.
While vertical decentralisation requires shifts in central government policy,
laws as well as institutional and structural arrangements to provide for the
sharing of powers, authority functions and resources and enable local
governments to perform fully, horizontal decentralisation may take place without
necessarily making adjustments in the laws. However it
requires determined mobilisation and organisation of local communities to
participate fully in the planning and implementation of socio-economic
activities that are aimed at strengthening their capacity to determine and enjoy
their livelihood.
An important linkage between vertical and horizontal decentralisation is that
in countries used to highly centralised governments and/or dictatorships,
horizontal decentralisation empowers local populations and prepares them to be
able to positively receive and utilise the powers, authority and resources
transferred to them via the vertical decentralisation.
It is always of great use to engineer efforts of decentralisation on the two
planes involving all stakeholders: horizontal decentralisation will empower
local communities and, vertical decentralisation will create conducive
structural arrangements and transfer of powers, functions, responsibilities and
resources that will supplement the empowerment created by vertical
Conceiving the two planes of decentralisation is also useful in the situation
where the debate and agreement on formal vertical decentralisation, involving
the transfer of powers, authority, functions, and resources from central
government to local governments, for various reasons takes a long time. In such
cases it is possible and advisable to start on programmes, projects and
activities that empower local communities via, for example, NGOs or Community
Based Organisations (CBOs).14
In conclusion, based on the experiences and lessons learned in this field by
eminent experts and practioners, the key policy messages and recommendations for
local governance-decentralisation, or Decentralised Governance,
can be summarised as follows:
Decentralised governance for poverty reduction is a long-term learning and
development process that requires a sustained commitment from,
co-ordination of, and strengthened capacities of all stakeholders at
various levels;
At the national/central level, there must be an enabling environment to
ensure that devolution of authority/power to the local level would succeed
for community empowerment;
For decentralisation to contribute to poverty reduction, it is necessary
to give due attention to administrative and fiscal decentralisation and
not just to political decentralisation;
For decentralisation to be effective, adequate emphasis should be placed
on ensuring participatory monitoring and evaluation at all levels;
Decentralisation initiatives should not be prescriptive, but instead take
into account the specific contexts (e. g. local cultures). 15
Moreover, a specific framework incentives-focused able to motivate local
people should be established.
Report of the Capacity Development Workshop on "Decentralized Governance
and Poverty Reduction", organized by UNDP,
during the 4th Global Forum on Re-inventing
Government - Citizens, Businesses and Governments: Dialogue and partnerships for
Development and Democracy, Marrakech, Morocco, 10-13 December 2002, UN, New York
UNDP, Human
Development Report – 2003, "Millennium Development Goals: A compact among
nations to end human poverty", UN, NY, 2003.
Report of the workshop on Poverty Alleviation and Decentralisation for ten West
African countries, jointly organised by UNDESA and the Government of Senegal,
Dakar, July, 2003.
Mani, Presentation to the workshop on Poverty Alleviation and Decentralisation
for ten West African countries, organised jointly by UNDESA and the Government
of Senegal, Dakar, July, 2003.
Katsiaouni, Presentation to the workshop on Poverty Alleviation and
Decentralisation for ten West African countries, jointly organised by UNDESA and
the Government of Senegal, Dakar, July, 2003.
Khan and Katsiaouni, Presentation to the workshop on Poverty Alleviation and
Decentralisation for ten West African countries, jointly organised by UNDESA and
the Government of Senegal, Dakar, July, 2003.
Adablah and Mani, Presentation to the workshop on Poverty Alleviation and
Decentralisation for ten West African countries, jointly organised by UNDESA and
the Government of Senegal, Dakar, July, 2003.
Fifth African Governance Forum (AGFV), "Local Governance for Poverty
Reduction in Africa", Maputo, Mozambique, 23-25 May 2002.
Kemo Conteh and Sheikh E.T Lewis, "Decentralization and Civil Society
approaches as means of improving governance and poverty reduction: The Gambia
Experience"; and Sao-Kpato Max-Kyne and Abu Brima "Sierra Leone's
experience with decentralization as a means to improve governance and combat
poverty", 2003.
Aliyu Dr. Abdullahi, "Nigerian experience of decentralization as a mean to
improve governance and how it contributes to combating poverty", 2003.
Adablah, Presentation to the workshop on Poverty Alleviation and
Decentralization for ten West African countries, organized jointly by UNDESA and
the Government of Senegal, Dakar, July, 2003.
Gyan-Baffour Prof. George, "Decentralisation as a means to improve
governance and poverty reduction: Experience from Ghana", 2003.
Kauzya John-Mary, "Local Governance Capacity Building for Full Range
Participation: Concepts, Framewoeks, and Experiences in African Countries";
Background Paper of the 4th. Global Forum on Re-inventing Government - Citizens,
Businesses and Governments: Dialogue and partnerships for Development and
Democracy, Marrakech, Morocco, 10th.-13th. December, 2002, UN, New York 2002.
Kauzya John-Mary, idem.
Report of the Capacity Development Workshop on "Decentralized Governance
and Poverty Reduction", organized by UNDP,
during the 4th. Global Forum on Re-inventing Government - Citizens, Businesses
and Governments: Dialogue and partnerships for Development and Democracy,
Marrakech, Morocco, 10th.-13th. December, 2002, UN, New York 2002.