Reproduced from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization website
The State of Food and Agriculture 1998
Region/Country |
Year |
Source2 |
Botswana |
1985/86 |
Valentine (1993)
Burkina Faso |
1981-85 |
Barrett et al. (1982)
Reardon et al. (1994) |
Ethiopia |
1989/90 |
Webb & Reardon (1992) |
Gambia |
1985/86 |
von Braun, Puetz & Wenn (1989) |
Kenya |
1984 |
Collier and Lal (1984)
Francis and Hoddinot (1993)
Livingstone (1991) |
Lesotho |
1976 |
Low (1986) |
Malawi |
1990/91 |
Peters (1992) |
Mali |
1988/89 |
Sundberg (1989) |
Mozambique |
1991 |
Tschirley & Weber (1994) |
Namibia |
1992/93 |
Keyler (1996) |
Niger |
1989/90 |
Hopkins & Reardon (1993) |
Nigeria |
1974/75 |
Norman (1973)
Matlon (1979) |
Rwanda |
1991 |
Reardon & Clay (1998) |
Senegal |
1988/90 |
Kelly et al. (1993) |
South Africa |
1982/86 |
Nattrass & Nattrass (1990) |
Sudan |
1988 |
Teklu, von Braun & Zaki (1991) |
United Rep. of Tanzania |
1980 |
Collier et al. (1990) |
Zimbabwe |
1988/89 |
Chopak (1991) |
Bangladesh |
1982 |
Hossain (1994)
Oshima (1986)
Hossain (1987) |
China |
1992 |
Lin (1994)
Jiang &Luo (1987)
FAO (1992) |
India |
1975/76 |
Chadha (1986)
Ramasamy, Paramasivam & Kandaswamy (1994)
Walker, Singh & Binswanger (1983)
Ahmed (1995/96)
Lanjouw & Stern (1993)
Hazell & Haggblade (1991)
Indonesia |
1983 |
Jatileksono (1994)
Hafid (1979)
Kasryno (1986) |
Japan |
1978 |
Oshima (1986)
Saith (1986) |
Malaysia |
1981 |
Shand (1986)
Oshima (1986)
Shand (1986)
Nepal |
1987 |
Uphadhyaya & Thapa (1994) |
Pakistan |
1986/89 |
Anderson & Leiserson (1980)
Adams (1994)
Ahmed (1995/96)
Arif, Ahmed & Jannison (1982)
Garcia & Alderman (1993) |
Philippines |
1994 |
David, Cordova & Otsuka (1994)
Abedullah (1993)
Balagot (1974)
Bouis & Haddad (1990)
Hayami et al. (1990)
Ranis & Stewart (1993)
Estudillo & Otsuka (1997)
Republic of Korea |
1980/81 |
Choi (1997)
Ahmed (1995/96) |
Sri Lanka |
1978 |
Oshima (1986)
Taiwan Province of China |
1980 |
Oshima (1986)
Thailand |
1972 |
Oshima (1986)
Isvilinonda & Wattanutchariya (1994)
Anderson & Leiserson (1980) |
Viet Nam |
1993/94 |
Government of Viet Nam (1994)
Wiens (1997) |
Argentina |
1996 |
Wiens (1997) |
Ecuador |
1995 |
Lanjouw (1997) |
El Salvador |
n.a. |
Lopez (1997)
FUSADES (1996) |
Mexico |
1984 |
de Janvry et al. (1995)
de Janvry, Gordillo de Anda &
Sadoulet (1997)
IFAD (1991)
de Janvry et al. (1995) |
Peru |
1984 |
Figueroa (1987) |
1 Sources are cited in full in Appendix Table References, p.346.
Note: n.a. = not applicable.
2 An expanded
version of this table, elaborating on statistical data used in the chapter, is included in
the diskette accompanying this publication (see the Excel file directory RNF-DATA).
Region/Country |
Year |
Source2 |
Bangladesh |
1990/91 |
Islam (1984)
Varma & Kuhmar (1996)
India |
1981 |
Islam (1984) |
Indonesia |
1982 |
Tambunan (1997)
Kasryno (1986)
Kasryno (1986)
Islam (1984)
Kasryno (1986)
Malaysia |
1980 |
Islam (1984) |
Pakistan |
1979/81 |
Islam (1984)
Arif, Ahmed & Jannison (1982) |
Philippines |
1982 |
Islam (1984) |
Sri Lanka |
1979/81 |
Islam (1984) |
Thailand |
1979/81 |
Islam (1984) |
Bolivia |
1988 |
Klein (1992) |
Brazil |
Graziano da Silva (1995)
Graziano da Silva & Eduardo
del Grossi (1997) |
Chile |
1982 |
Klein (1992)
Colombia |
1973 |
Klein (1992)
Costa Rica |
1984 |
Klein (1992)
Cuba |
1981 |
Klein (1992)
Ecuador |
1982 |
Lanjouw (1997)
Klein (1992)
de Janvry & Glikman (1991) |
El Salvador |
1975 |
Klein (1992)
Guatemala |
1989 |
CEPAL (1985)
Klein (1992)
Weller (1997) |
Haiti |
1982 |
Klein (1992)
Honduras |
1988 |
Klein (1992)
Mexico |
1980 |
Klein (1992)
Nicaragua |
1971 |
Klein (1992)
Panama |
1989 |
Klein (1992)
Weller (1997) |
Paraguay |
1982 |
Klein (1992)
Peru |
1981 |
Escobal & Valdivia (1997)
Klein (1992)
Uruguay |
1985 |
Klein (1992)
Venezuela |
1982 |
Klein (1992)
FUSADES (1996) |
1 An expanded version of this table, elaborating on statistical data used
in the chapter, is included in the diskette accompanying this publication (see the Excel
file directory RNF-DATA).
2 Sources are
cited in full in Appendix Table References, p. 346.
Note: n.a. = not applicable.
Region/Country |
Year |
Source2 |
Botswana |
1985/86 |
Valentine (1993) |
Burkina Faso |
1981-85 |
Reardon et al. (1994) |
Ethiopia |
1989/90 |
Webb & Reardon (1992) |
Gambia |
1985/86 |
von Braun, Puetz & Webb (1989) |
Kenya |
1974/75 |
Collier and Lal (1984) |
Lesotho |
1976 |
Low (1986) |
Mozambique |
1991 |
Tschirley & Weber (1994) |
Niger |
1989/90 |
Hopkins & Reardon (1993) |
Rwanda |
1991 |
Reardon & Clay (1998) |
Senegal |
1988/90 |
Kelly et al. (1993) |
India |
1975/76-1979/80 |
Chadha (1986)
Lanjouw & Stern (1993)
Hazell & Haggblade (1991)
Walker, Singh & Binswanger (1983) |
Indonesia |
n.a |
Hafid (1979) |
Japan |
1978 |
Saith (1986) |
Pakistan |
1979/80 |
Anderson & Leiserson (1980)
Adams (1994)
Garcia & Alderman (1993)
Arif, Ahmed & Jannison (1982) |
Philippines |
1972 |
Bouis & Haddad (1990)
Anderson & Leiserson (1980) |
Republic of Korea |
1996 |
Choi (1997)
Viet Nam |
1992/93 |
Government of Viet Nam (1994) |
Argentina |
1996 |
Wiens (1997) |
Ecuador |
1995 |
Lanjouw (1997) |
El Salvador |
1995 |
Lopez (1997) |
Mexico |
1984 |
de Janvry et al. (1995)
de Janvry, Gordillo de Anda &
Sadoulet (1997)
Marsh In the Janvry et al. (1995)
de Janvry et al. (1995) |
1 1 An expanded version of this table, elaborating on statistical data used
in the chapter, is included in the diskette accompanying this publication (see the Excel
file directory RNF-DATA).
2 Sources are
cited in full in Appendix Table References, p. 346.
Note: n.a. = not applicable.
Abedullah. 1993. The role and nature of risk in alternative cropping patterns in Claveria,
northern Mindanao, the Philippines. Los Baños, University of the Philippines. (M.Sc.
Adams, R.H.J. 1994. Non-farm income and inequality in rural Pakistan: a decomposition
analysis. Journal of Development Studies, 31(1): 110-133.
Ahmed, M.U. 1995/96. Development of rural non-farm activities: a dynamic approach to
poverty alleviation in rural Asia. Regional Development Studies, 2(Winter): 1-22.
Anderson, D. & Leiserson, M.W. 1980. Rural nonfarm employment in developing countries.
Economic Development and Cultural Change, 28(2): 227-248.
Arif, M., Ahmed, B. & Jannison, M. 1982. Demographic employment and wage patterns. In Expansion
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Balagot, Q.M. 1974. A Study of Financing Small-Farm Operations in Mindanao,
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Barrett, V., Lassiter, G., Wilcock, D., Baker, D. & Crawford, E. 1982. Animal
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International Development Paper Report No. 4. East Lansing, USA, Michigan State
Bouis, H. & Haddad, L.J. 1990. Effects of agricultural commercialization on land
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Report No. 79. Washington, DC, IFPRI.
Chadha, G.K. 1986. Off-farm economic structure of agriculturally growing regions: a
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Choi, J.-S. 1997. Policies promoting rural non-farm activities in rural development
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Chopak, C.J. 1991. Determinants of rural incomes in communal areas of Zimbabwe: household
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Collier, P. & Lal, D. 1984. Why poor people get rich: Kenya 1960-79. World
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Varma, S. & Kumar, P. 1996. Rural non-farm employment in Bangladesh. Paper presented
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Walker, T.S., Singh, M. & Binswanger, H.P. 1983. Fluctuations in income in three
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Africa. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 3(July-September): 230-246.
Weller, J. 1997. El empleo rural no agropecuario en el Istmo Centroamericano. ECLAC
Report No. 62. Santiago de Chile, ECLAC.
Wiens, T.B. 1997. Rural poverty in Argentina. Washington, DC, World Bank. (mimeo)
1 Throughout this chapter farm activity will be used
synonymously with agriculture and non-farm activity synonymously
with non-agricultural activity.
2 Farm households are defined as rural households that carry
out some farming activities.
3 The distinction between push and
pull factors is not always precise. Indeed, when considering the relative
merits of the two sectors, pull and push factors are
interchangeable. In some cases, however (e.g. the risk motive or credit/cash constraints),
the distinction is clearer: the risk of farming and lack of insurance and credit markets
may push farm households to devote some of their productive resources to RNF
activities, which produce a more stable income even though the returns expected from the
farm activity are higher on average (i.e. when averaged over several periods).
4 Agroclimatic zones are characterized by common rainfall
patterns, soil characteristics, sunlight and temperature, and hence by a common potential
for agriculture.
5 See note 2.
6 Data on non-farm income shares are based exclusively on
survey case studies, while the data on non-farm employment shares are based on a
combination of occupation censuses and survey data from Asia and Latin America.
7 A complete documentation of the statistical data used in the
analysis can be found in spreadsheet format on the accompanying diskette, which also
includes a set of international agricultural time series. The Excel files containing
these data are located in the directory RNF-DATA.
8 The coefficient of variation is a statistical indicator of
the degree to which the various observations in a sample are dispersed around its mean.
The smaller the coefficient of variation, the closer the observations on the whole are to
the mean; the larger the coefficient of variation, the more they are dispersed around the
mean value of the sample.
9 S. Haggblade, P. Hazell and J. Brown. 1989. Farm-non-farm
linkages in rural sub-Saharan Africa. World Development, 17(8): 1173-1201.
10 Further reasons why it is difficult to make a comparison
between the two sources are: i) the employment shares are derived from official aggregate
statistics, while the income shares have been derived from selected case studies; ii)
official employment statistics tend to include both rural towns and the countryside while
the case study income information mainly refers to the countryside.
11 T. Reardon, A. Fall, V. Kelly, C. Delgado, P. Matlon, J.
Hopkins and O. Badiane. 1994. Is income diversification agriculture-led in the West
African semi-arid tropics? The nature, causes, effects, distribution and production
linkages of off-farm activities. In A. Atsain, S. Wangwe and A.G. Drabek, eds. Economic
policy experience in Africa: what have we learned?, p. 207-230. Nairobi, African Economic
Research Consortium.
12 K. Otsuka. 1998. Rural industrialization in East Asia. In
Y. Hayami and M. Aoki, eds. The institutional foundation of East Asian economic
development. London, Macmillan.
13 Details on the methodology and findings can be found in A.
Klein. 1992. El empleo rural no agricola en América Latina. Report No. 364. Santiago,
14 Ibid.
15 D. Mead. 1994. The contribution of small enterprises to
employment growth in southern and eastern Africa. World Development, 22(12): 1881-1894.
16 K. Otsuka, op. cit., note 12.
17 J.A. Schaffner. 1993. Rural labor legislation and permanent
agricultural employment in northeastern Brazil. World Development, 21(5): 705-719.
18 See R. Adams. 1996. Remittances, income distribution and
rural asset accumulation. Research Report No. 17. Washington, DC, IFPRI.
19 X. Milicevic and J. Berdegue. 1998. Non-farm employment
linked directly and indirectly to the agro-industrial boom: the horticultural belt of
central Chile. Paper presented at the III Simposio Latinoamericano de Investigación y
Extensión en Sistemas Agropecuarios, 19-21 August 1998, Lima, RIMISP.
20 E. Francis and J. Hoddinott. 1993. Migration and
differentiation in western Kenya: a tale of two sub-locations. Journal of Development
Studies, 30(1): 115-145.
21 L. Daniels. 1995. Entry, exit and growth among small-scale
enterprises in Zimbabwe. Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA. (Ph.D.
22 This comparison could be made in the case of household
studies reported from Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, the Sudan and Zimbabwe.
23 C. Liedholm and D. Mead. 1987. Small-scale industries in
developing countries: empirical evidence and policy implications. Report No. 9. Department
of Agricultural Economics. Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA; and D. Mead.
1994. The contribution of small enterprises to employment growth in southern and eastern
Africa. World Development, 22(12): 1881-1984.
24 The latter argument dates back to the British economist
David Ricardo whose model reflected circumstances in nineteenth-century United Kingdom but
is still widely applicable in developing country agriculture today. In Ricardos
model, rising food costs (driven by rising farm production costs from diminishing returns
to labour, i.e. declining factor productivity) drive up the subsistence wage, hence the
market wage, which drives down profits and investment and growth in the non-farm economy.
By contrast, cheap food was an important factor and agricultural
success a preliminary condition in the East Asian rural industrialization from the
1950s (A. Saith. 1986. Contrasting experiences in rural industrialization: are the East
Asian successes transferable? In R. Islam, ed. Rural industrialization and employment in
Asia. New Delhi, ILO). The converse also holds high food costs have been a drag on
African industrialization, whether rural or urban (M. Lipton and M. Lipton. 1993. Creating
rural livelihoods: some lessons for South Africa from experience elsewhere. World
Development, 21(9): 1515-1548).
25 R. Ahmed and M. Hossain. 1990. Developmental impact of
rural infrastructure in Bangladesh. Research Report No. 83. Washington, DC, IFPRI.
26 H. Oshima. 1986. Levels and trends of farm families
non-agricultural incomes at different stages of monsoon development. In Y.B. Choe and F.C.
Lo, eds. Rural industrialization and non-farm activities of Asian farmers. Seoul, Korea
Rural Economics Institute.
27 Y.B. Choe. 1986. M-cycle hypothesis, non-farm activities
and rural industrialization in the Asian monsoon economy. In Choe and Lo, op. cit., note
28 See M.U. Ahmed and N. Rustagi. 1987. Marketing and price
incentives in African and Asian countries: a comparison. In E. Elz, ed. Agricultural
marketing strategy and pricing policy. Washington, DC, World Bank.
29 Reardon et al., op. cit., note 11.
30 Saith, op. cit., note 24.
31 J. Dione, J.-C. Le Vallée, J. Staatz, J. Tefft, M. Yade,
A. Chohin and B. Kante. 1997. Lessons from the impact of the devaluation of the CFA franc
on agri-food subsectors in West Africa. Policy Brief. Department of Agricultural
Economics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA.
32 P. Collier and D. Lal. 1984. Why poor people get
rich: Kenya 1960-79. World Development, 12(10): 1007-1018.
33 R. H. J. Adams. 1994. Non-farm income and inequality in
rural Pakistan: a decomposition analysis. Journal of Development Studies, 31(1): 110-133.
34 J.E. Taylor and A. Yunez-Naude. 1998. Selectivity and the
returns to schooling in a diversified rural economy. University of California at Davis,
Davis, USA. (mimeo)
35 P. Lanjouw and N. Stern. 1993. Markets, opportunities and
changes in inequality in Palanpur, 1957-1984. In A. Braverman, K. Hoff and J. Stiglitz,
eds. The economics of rural organization: theory, practice and policy. New York, Oxford
University Press.
36 J.P. Estudillo and K. Otsuka. 1998. Green revolution, human
capital and off-farm employment: changing sources of income among farm households in
central Luzon, 1966-94. Economic Development and Cultural Change (forthcoming).
37 For the purpose of this chapter, agro-industrial
activities are defined as the collective set of production linkage activities, i.e. farm
input provision and agroprocessing and distribution.
38 J. von Braun and R. Pandya-Lorch. 1991. Income sources of
malnourished people in rural areas: microlevel information and policy implications.
Working Paper No. 5. Washington, DC, IFPRI.
39 A. de Janvry, G. Gordillo de Anda and E. Sadoulet. 1997.
Mexicos second agrarian reform: household and community responses, 1990-1994. La
Jolla, Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, USA.
40 M.U. Ahmed. 1995/96. Development of rural non-farm
activities: a dynamic approach to poverty alleviation in rural Asia. Regional Development
Studies, 2(winter): 1-22.
41 T. Reardon. 1997. Using evidence of household income
diversification to inform study of the rural nonfarm labor market in Africa. World
Development, 25(5): 735-748.
42 The Gini coefficient is a statistical indicator that
measures the extent to which the actual income distribution diverges from a hypothetical
perfectly equal distribution. The larger the Gini coefficient is, the more unequal income
distribution is.
43 In this case, in a comparison of Gini coefficients, the
coefficient for total income is higher when non-farm income is included than when it is
not or, if using the Gini decomposition approach, marginal changes in non-farm income
when all other factors are constant increase the Gini coefficient.
44 T. Reardon and J.E. Taylor. 1996. Agroclimatic shock,
income inequality and poverty: evidence from Burkina Faso. World Development, 24(4):
45 Op. cit., note 35.
46 Op. cit., note 44.
47 G.K. Chadha. 1986. Off-farm economic structure of
agriculturally growing regions: a study of Indian Punjab. In R.T. Shand, ed. Off-farm
employment in the development of rural Asia. Canberra, National Centre for Development
Studies, Australian National University.
48 A. Narongchai. 1981. Rural off-farm employment in Thailand.
Bangkok, Industrial Management Company, Ltd.
49 For a report on Mexico, see J.E. Taylor. 1992. Remittances
and inequality reconsidered: direct, indirect and intertemporal effects. Journal of Policy
Modeling, 14(2): 187-208; for a report on Africa, see T. Reardon, E. Crawford and V.
Kelly. 1994b. Links between nonfarm income and farm investments in African households:
adding the capital market perspective. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76(5):
50 Francis and Hoddinott, op. cit., note 20.
51 C. André and J.-P. Platteau. 1998. Land tenure under
unbearable stress: Rwanda caught in the Malthusian trap. Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, 34(1).
52 Estudillo and Otsuka, op. cit., note 36.
53 In some countries, an infrastructural instrument that has
been used, with mixed results, to effect RNF company starts and the relocation of
businesses to rural areas is the establishment of industrial parks or districts (such as
in South Africa and the Republic of Korea and in some developed countries, such as Italy).
54 For a further discussion, see V. Kelly, J. Hopkins, T.
Reardon and E. Crawford. 1995. Improving the measurement and analysis of African
agricultural productivity: promoting complementarities between micro and macro data. MSU
International Development Paper No. 16. East Lansing, USA, Michigan State University.
55 The assessment of such effects for different
agro-industries and products is the subject of a current FAO project on farm/non-farm
56 A. Schejtman. 1996. Agroindustria: alcances conceptuales
para una política de estimulo a su articulación. LC/R Report No. 1660. Santiago de
Chile, CEPAL.
57 Ibid.
58 For the case of West Africa, see N.N. Dembele and K.
Savadogo. 1996. The need to link soil fertility management to input/output market
development in West Africa: key issues. Paper presented at the International Fertilizer
Development Center Seminar, 19-22 November, Lomé, Togo.
59 FAO. 1996. Ciudades intermedias y desarrollo rural: el caso
de Zamora, Michoacán (Mexico). By F. Rello. Santiago de Chile, FAO Regional Office for
Latin America and the Caribbean.
60 Op. cit., note 24