RROJAS DATABANK Volumen 2, Number 8 /1996
Last Change: Wednesday, 01-Nov-95 19:35:15 MET
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Services and Resources
New Delhi, 15 October 1995.
* Introduction
* Forecasts
* Issues and influences
* Background
A surge in manufacturing activities world wide is leading the global
economy steadily out of recession, says UNIDO's latest report on the
state of world industry, Industrial Development Global Report 1995,
released here today. Developed countries' manufacturing grew 4.2 per
cent in 1994 compared to the average decline of 0.2 per cent in the
previous four years.
Their recovery was outpaced, however, by developing countries, whose
output rose again last year with an annual growth of 7.6 per cent.
But while all groups are expected to sustain both their industrial and
overall economic performance throughout this year, the UNIDO review
raises doubts on the sustainability of this growth impetus even in the
short run.
It is important that the main driving forces for global recovery
- economic liberalization and globalization accompanied by accelerated
trade, investment and technology flows - are not just implemented, but
implemented at an accelerated pace in both developed and developing
countries, the report says.
The international community will have to pay particular attention to
the needs of countries that may turn out to be net losers.
Deterioration in the terms of trade and the need to increase food
imports will hurt the group of least developed countries (especially
sub-Saharan Africa), the UNIDO report warns.
UNIDO predicts that world manufacturing growth will drop back again
this year to 3.2 per cent. Mainly responsible is a slow down in
developed market economies (2.4 per cent) where the former East
Germany is the only area with a double-digit increase and only
Finland, Ireland and Malta likely to exceed 5 per cent.
Further negative growth is forecast in Eastern Europe and the former
USSR (minus 8.5 per cent) mainly because of a 19.5 per cent
contraction in Russia and newly independent states, still in deep
recession, and ongoing negative growth in Albania, Bulgaria, Romania
and former Yugoslavia.
Industrial decline swept across all branches of industry in the former
USSR, particularly in transport equipment, machinery and industry
chemicals. The UNIDO report nevertheless finds some signs that policy
reforms on industrial production, enterprise restructuring and
employment are shifting the region to a more open economy.
Among developing countries, except for China and East and South East
Asia, industrial progress has not been impressive, the UNIDO report
says. Moreover, the prospects for least developed countries remain
discouraging in the short term. The world share of these countries
remained almost stable and structural changes in the composition of
industrial activity have been negligible. Low-technology industries
still account for the bulk of industrial output, and the share of
machinery in total manufacturing ranges from 10 per cent in Latin
America to a mere 3 per cent in tropical Africa.
In least developed countries, manufacturing often contributes to less
than 15 per cent of GDP and both capacity utilization and labour
productivity remain low.
Thus, the gap between the least developed countries and those moving
towards NIC (newly industrializing country) status seems to be
widening considerably. High manufacturing growth will continue
in China (up 14 per cent this year) and East and South East Asia
(up 9.5 per cent). Double-digit growth is expected in Indonesia,
Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Vanuatu. Malaysia, Papua
New Guinea, Philippines and Taiwan Province of China will exceed 5 per
cent. The increase in the world share of developing countries in
manufacturing is almost entirely explained by the increases in these
two areas, the UNIDO report finds. Their increases moreover, derive
equally from low- and higher technology industries - indicating that
industrialization is broadly based and the structure of industry
already resembles that in developed countries.
Industry in the Indian Sub-continent will also grow by over 5 per cent,
ahead of Western Asia and sub-Saharan Africa (both 3.8 per cent).
Western Asia is buoyed by Kuwait's 12 per cent industrial expansion.
In Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Seychelles will top 10 per cent.
In Latin America and the Caribbean growth will be down (2.4 per cent
compared to 4.8 per cent last year); however, Chile, Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, Guyana, Monserrat, Netherlands Antilles and
Peru will exceed 5 per cent.
Issues and influences
The trend to liberalization and globalization will benefit developing
countries through greater access to foreign markets, particularly
their exports of traditional light manufactures. But the highest gains
will go to countries benefiting from clear, well-focused industrial
restructuring, and an export development programme consistent with the
shift in international comparative advantage. Exporters of goods
benefiting from large tariff cuts will also gain. For the same
reasons, least developed countries, especially those in sub-Saharan
Africa may turn out to be net losers.
But, also as a result of increasing liberalization, a strong
resurgence of regionalism has given rise to three major trading blocks
centred around Europe, North America and Asia and the Pacific. There
will be significant adverse impact on world industries, particularly
for non-member countries, if such groupings and their sub-regional
equivalents become inward looking, the UNIDO report warns. Because of
the risk that trade will be diverted from non-member countries,
Article XXIV of GATT needs to be further tightened to safeguard and
improve the treatment of non-member countries. Further, the monitoring
and review mechanism of the World Trade Organization needs to be
strengthened to focus on the discriminatory elimination of rights,
rather than on the preferential creation of rights under regional
Currently manufactured goods account for almost 60 per cent of
developing countries' total exports - a significant improvement on
the 5 per cent they managed in 1955. Their share of world exports of
manufactures only reached 5 per cent in 1970: last year they reached
22 per cent, the UNIDO report notes. Because of globalization and
falling trade barriers, developing countries' production and trade
are expected to increase substantially.
Trade can be one of the key avenues for poverty alleviation, but it
works well only for countries having a substantial industrial base
and a competitive export sector in manufactures. Thus trade as an
avenue of growth is irrelevant to many countries of sub-Saharan Africa
and South Asia where poverty is pervasive. A different set of
policies is needed for these countries, says the UNIDO report,
focusing on creation of productive employment. One such approach is to
promote labour intensive industries through development of micro-,
small- and medium-scale industries.
In the coming decades, however, much will also depend on the ability
of developing countries to build technology capabilities and to
innovate the new products and processes essential to maintaining an
edge in the global market. The effects of new technologies are likely
to be positive and negative, the report says. Policy measures should
be directed to mitigate the latter and maximize the former. For
example, the shift to high technology evident in some countries could
pose problems because high-tech industries tend to be poor employment
generators. It is important for such countries to maintain their
competitivity in low-tech manufacturing because of its impact on
employment generation.
Another factor is developing countries' need for more capital to
finance growth. Most will continue to depend on foreign capital
inflows for some time. And although this is increasing, many
developing countries have not benefited. It is important, therefore,
for developing countries to look for other ways to finance their
growth, the UNIDO report concludes promotion of domestic savings and
investment, private sector participation, and prudent use of capital
and resources.
The 242-page report is published in English by Oxford University
Press and retails for $40 in hard cover and $20 in paperback.
French and Spanish versions are in preparation.
The contents are divided into three parts:
Part I
highlights major issues relating to changes in the world taking place
today - world economic trends and key influences, GATT and the gains
from trade, regional integration and the implications for developing
countries, new concepts of industrial competitiveness,
industrialization and poverty alleviation, and UNIDO's role in a
changing global context.
Part II
provides a regional perspective of the status and prospects of the
manufacturing sector, including a discussion of key development issues
in each of ten regions - NorthAmerica, Japan, Western Europe, Eastern
Europe and the former USSR, Latin America and the Caribbean, Tropical
Africa, North Africa and western Asia, Indian Sub-continent, China,
East and South-East Asia.
Part III
contains statistical information on industrial development indicators
for 185 countries and territories.
* Document name: releases33.htmls
* Document Reference ID: [ ID: | V.1 | Date: 1 November 1995 ]
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