Published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD
Corporations, Extractive Industries and development
Investment Report 2007 (WIR07) is the seventeenth in a
series published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD). The Report analyses the latest
trends in foreign direct investment (FDI) and puts a special focus in
2007 on the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) in the extraction
of oil, gas, and metal minerals.
Higher prices for many
minerals have led to renewed investor interest in the extractive
industries. TNCs ( including some of the world´s largest
corporations) play a key role in the mining of metals and in the
extraction of oil and gas. Privately owned TNCs dominate the harvesting
of metal minerals, while State-owned companies from developing and
transition economies are key players in oil and gas. Many such
State-owned firms are emerging as TNCs in their own right.
Drawing on unique data,
the Report examines TNC involvement in the extraction
of mineral resources and maps the key countries and companies. It also
discusses how the forces driving investment change as raw materials
progress up the "value chain" to become finished products, and
as different types of companies participate. In view of recent
discussion of the so-called "resource curse," the Report
explores how the participation of TNCs may help or hinder
long-term, broad-based economic development in developing countries --
the best approach for reducing poverty and raising living standards. It
considers how energy and mineral extraction can help governments achieve
such aims.
In addition to the
general information on definitions and sources provided in
this year´s World Investment Report, more detailed
methodological notes for the data on FDI flows and stocks used
in the Report - including how they were obtained for each
economy - are available in electronic format only.