The World Bank World Tables The Second Edition [1980]
From the data files of the World Bank (File 9985) |
Table of contents and explanatory texts
- Preface
- Introduction
- Notes on the organization and contents of tables
- Series I. Economic Data Sheet I: Population, National Accounts, and Prices
- Series II. Economic Data Sheet II: Balance of Payments, External Public Debt,
Foreign Trade Indexes, and Central Government Finances
- Series III: Comparative Economic Data
- Series IV: Social Indicators
- Glossary of Acronyms, Initials, and Symbols
- Translations of Heading and Titles
The Tables
Series I. Economic Data Set I: Population, National Accounts, and Prices
Series II. Economic Data Set II:
Series III. Comparative Economic Data:
- Table 1. Selected Economic Development Indicators: Population and Production.
- Table 2. Selected Economic Development Indicators: Expenditure.
- Table 3. Economic Structure Indicators: Expenditure.
- Table 4. Economic Structure Indicators: Product.
- Table 5. Foreign Trade Structure: Export Composition.
- Table 6. Foreign Trade Structure: Import Composition.
- Table 7. Capital Flows.
- Table 8. Selected Economic Indicators I.
- Table 9. Selected Economic Indicators II.
- Table 10. Rank Order by Country I.
- Table 11. Rank Order by Country II.
Series IV. Social Indicators:.
- Table 1. Population.
- Table 2. Demographic Caracteristics.
- Table 3. Health and Nutrition.
- Table 4. Education.
- Table 5. Employment and Income.
- Table 6. Housing and Consumption
Classification of Countries:
- Developing Countries by Income Group.
- Developing Countries by Geographic Region.
- Capital Surplus Oil-Exporting Countries.
- Industrialized Countries.
- Centrally Planned Economies.
- Index of Country Coverage
"This edition of World Tables provides historical time series for individual countries
in absolute numbers for most of the basic economic variables. It also includes derived economic
indicators for periods of years and social indicators for selected years in a form suitable for making
comparisons among countries and country groups."
"The data are organized into four series of tables: In Series I there is a single table for each country;
each table includes historical data series in absolute values for population, items of
national accounts, and prices. In Series II there is a single table for each of the developing
countries; each table includes historical data in absolute values for items of balance
of payments, external public debt, and central government finances. In addition there are
derived indicators such as growth rates, shares, and ratios suitable for making comparisons among
countries for the periods 1950-60, 1960-70, and 1970-77.
Each table in Series III and IV covers a number of related economic, demographic, or social topics for individual
countries and country groups." (Text from The World Bank Group)