Reproduced from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization website
The State of Food and Agriculture 1998
The sudden, severe and largely unexpected financial crisis that erupted in mid-1997 in
East and Southeast Asia has since then been a dominant feature of the current world
economic environment.
The crisis first hit several of the fastest-growing economies in the world, more
severely Indonesia, the Republic of Korea and Thailand, and to a lesser extent Malaysia
and the Philippines (see Regional review, Asia and the Pacific). Underlying the crisis
were massive capital inflows into these economies (encouraged by their previous impressive
performances and what appeared to be solid exchange rate guarantees), which were
inadequately allocated and supervised by the domestic banking systems and authorities.
A re-evaluation by investors of the sustainability of exchange rates in these
countries, triggered in particular by mounting current account deficits in several of
them, led to a sudden withdrawal of funds and an attack on their currencies. The ensuing
crisis deepened throughout the second half of 1997, becoming far more serious than
initially expected and spreading negative influences on financial markets, economic
activity and trade worldwide. Such influences manifested themselves in the form of reduced
private foreign financing, falling stock market prices and pressure on national
currencies. For the countries affected, the policy measures adopted to restore market
confidence and halt the foreign exchange drain tighter monetary and fiscal policies
translated into reduced domestic demand and imports, the latter also being
negatively affected by currency devaluations. Considerable uncertainty remains over the
evolution of the crisis in the countries most affected and the worldwide repercussions it
could have.
On the one hand, there are a number of positive features in the overall economic
fundamentals. Economic activity has remained dynamic and domestic demand conditions are
very favourable in much of the developed world Japan being the major exception.
Only moderate contractionary and disinflationary effects are to be expected from the
crisis in the developed countries, with such effects also contributing to a reduced risk
of overheating in several of them. In general, the developing countries also showed
considerable resilience to the crisis after a severe initial shock for those whose
macroeconomic imbalances made their economies vulnerable to speculation. For the five most
affected economies, some observers suggest that a reasonably rapid export-led recovery may
be expected, given the outstanding record of these countries as successful exporters;
their strong currency depreciations; their excess capacity for exports, resulting from
depressed domestic demand; and the fact that, for some of these five economies, a large
share of total trade is accounted for by foreign multinationals, implying that a large
part of their trade is sheltered from the financial turmoil.
On the other hand, fears remain concerning a possible extension of the crisis and, in
the longer term, the likelihood of similar situations occurring with increasing frequency
as a result of the growing globalization of financial markets and the often overreactive
behaviour of investors and speculators. There is a danger that countries threatened by
such speculative behaviour might adopt defensive policies countering previous reform
efforts, thereby exacerbating the risks of financial turbulence, loss of investor
confidence and depressed growth. These risks appear all the more serious for developing
countries where the process of economic stabilization and reform is not yet fully
Downward revisions of IMF forecasts for world economic growth in 1998 were greater for
the developing than for the developed countries.
Largely because of the Asian crisis, prospects for world economic growth have weakened
significantly. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is forecasting world economic growth
in 1998 to be barely more than 3 percent (a year earlier, projections for 1998 were 4.25
percent), compared with 4.1 percent in 1997.11
Downward revisions were greater for the developing than for the developed countries, as
the former generally suffered more from adverse terms of trade, capital outflows and more
restrictive policy stances.
Despite the trade-depressing effects of the financial turmoil in Asia, according to
estimates by the World Trade Organization (WTO), in 1997 the volume of world merchandise
trade accelerated to 9.5 percent, the highest rate recorded in more than two decades, with
the exception of 1994. Much of this strong increase reflected the dynamism of economies in
North and South America. Thus, in line with a well-established historical trend,
merchandise exports expanded much faster than world output (see Figure 15). Measured in
current dollar terms, however, world trade growth decelerated between 1996 and 1997, from
4 to 3 percent, reflecting the appreciation of the US dollar vis-à-vis the currencies of
the major trading nations in Western Europe and Asia.
Growth of world trade is forecast to fall from 9.4 percent in 1997 to 6.4 percent in
1998, with a large decline in the developing countries (from 12.1 to 5.2 percent).
The limited impact of the Asian situation on world trade in 1997 reflected the fact
that the crisis only deepened in late 1997 and there had not been time for its effects to
filter through to trade developments. Trade prospects for 1998 remain uncertain but a
significant slowdown appears likely. IMF forecasts a decline in the growth of world trade
(in volume) from 9.4 percent in 1997 to 6.4 percent in 1998, with a large decline in the
developing countries (from 12.1 to 5.2 percent). One source of uncertainty is the pace and
strength of economic recovery in Japan, a major actor in world trade.
Convergence in the areas of inflation, public finances and interest and exchange rates
should help strengthen the economic performance of prospective EMU members.
For the IMF-defined advanced economies, growth in 1997 was 3 percent and is projected
to slow down to 2.4 percent in 1998. The United States staged a very favourable economic
performance in 1997, with the fastest growth in nine years, the lowest inflation rate in
three decades, the lowest unemployment level in over two decades and virtually a federal
budget balance for the first time since the early 1970s. Prospects for 1998 are for a
deceleration in growth to 2.9 percent from 3.8 percent in 1997. Growth in the EU was less
dynamic 2.6 percent in 1997 and a projected 2.8 percent in 1998 with wide
divergences in cyclical positions. A group of countries, including Denmark, Finland,
Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom, achieved fast growth in
1997, while economic activity strengthened only moderately in France, Germany and Italy,
where unemployment problems remained serious. The dominant economic issue in Europe is the
European Monetary Union (EMU). In May 1998, it was decided that 11 out of the 15 EU Member
States would join EMU at its outset in 1999. Stage 3 of EMU is due to begin in January
1999 with the locking of exchange rates. Convergence in the areas of inflation, public
finances, interest rates and exchange rates will create a firmer basis for strengthening
the economic performance of prospective EMU members, but structural rigidities in labour
markets remain a major challenge in several countries.
In Japan, the depressed economic conditions in 1997 are expected to accentuate in 1998,
current prospects being for zero growth this year. The signs of recovery that had been
seen in Japan in 1996, after four years of stagnation, proved short-lived. A number of
largely interrelated factors fragilities in the financing system, weakening asset
prices and budgetary cuts contributed to this outcome. Reduced demand from, and
competitiveness vis-à-vis, neighbouring trading partners affected by the crisis also
contributed to a weakening in Japanese exports.
With the encouraging exception of Africa, the developing countries are expected to
share in an estimated deceleration of growth, recording the lowest rate since 1990.
For the developing countries as a whole, growth is estimated to decelerate from a
robust 5.8 percent in 1997 to 4.1 percent in 1998, the lowest rate since 1990. All the
developing country regions are expected to share in the slowdown, with the notable and
encouraging exception of Africa. Other than the Asian economic crisis, negative movements
in commodity prices and terms of trade, factors contributing to the slowdown included the
effects of the El Niño phenomenon and strengthened measures to stabilize domestic and
external balances. Merchandise trade remained dynamic in 1997, growing in volume by nearly
11 percent on the side of exports and by 12 percent on the side of imports. Nevertheless,
exports and, more markedly, imports are expected to be less dynamic in 1998, and a
deterioration in terms of trade is also expected this year after three years of
improvement. After three years of dramatic decline, developing countries inflation
rates are forecast to increase from 8.5 in 1997 to 10.2 percent in 1998, mainly
reflecting sharp price increases in the Asian countries hit by the crisis. In both
Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean, on the other hand, the increase in consumer
prices is forecast to decelerate further in 1998. Many developing countries have also
achieved considerable progress in restoring fiscal balances; for these countries as a
whole, central government deficits fell from more than 3 percent of GDP in the early 1990s
to 2.2 percent in 1997, although some increase in the deficits is expected in 1998 (see
Regional review).
For the first time in eight years, the economies in transition as a whole showed
positive growth in 1998.
The economies in transition also experienced financial market
difficulties associated with the Asian crisis, since the currencies of several countries
came under attack and required tightened fiscal and monetary measures. The most affected
were Estonia, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. However, for the group as a whole,
economic activity remained on an upward trend. The Russian Federation and the other
economies in transition showed positive growth in 1997 (1.7 percent) for the first time in
eight years. Prospects for 1998 are for an acceleration in growth, to around 2.9 percent,
with none of these economies experiencing a decline in economic activity. Higher interest
rates and reduced access to foreign capital are expected to lower growth in the Russian
Federation and Ukraine, but growth prospects appear to have improved in Hungary and
Poland, thanks in particular to strong export growth. Consumer price increases are also
expected to decelerate further, most dramatically in Bulgaria and Romania, although
inflation rates in these and many other transition economies remain very highs.
According to preliminary estimates, the external debt stock of developing countries
totalled an estimated $2 171 billion at the end of 1997, a 3 percent increase in nominal
value from $2 095 billion in 1996. Outstanding debt stock increased in all regions except
sub-Saharan Africa, where debt decreased from $227 billion in 1996 to $223 billion in 1997
as interest arrears on long-term debt dropped by $5 billion. Total private long-term debt
reached $46 billion in 1997, a rise of 4 percent over 1996, while official debt totalled
$133 billion, down by $2 billion from 1996. Total short-term debt stock (with a maturity
of one year or less) of developing countries went up from $286 billion at the end of 1994
to $361 billion in mid-1997. More than 50 percent of the rise was accounted for by East
Asia and the Pacific.
The ratio of debt to export earnings of all developing countries fell from 137
percent in 1996 to 134 percent in 1997, mainly owing to improved export performances. The
ratio declined in all regions except the Near East and North Africa where, because of the
sharp rise in private borrowing in 1997, it increased to 115 percent against 111 percent
in 1996.
The debt-service ratio (the ratio of total debt service to the value of exports of
goods and services, including workers remittances) declined marginally for all
developing countries, to 17 percent in 1997. To service all their long-term and short-term
external liabilities, the developing countries paid $269 billion in 1997, which was $7
billion more than in 1996.
In 1996, IMF and the World Bank jointly developed a programme of action to provide
exceptional assistance to heavily indebted poor countries (HIPCs) that follow sound
policies designed to help them reduce their external debt burden. This exceptional
assistance will entail a reduction in the net present value of the future claims on the
indebted country and will help provide incentives for investment and broaden domestic
support for policy reforms. In 1997, seven countries that had established the required
record of good economic performance were considered for additional debt relief under the
initiative. Agreements were reached with Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Côte dIvoire,
Guyana and Uganda, and preliminary discussions were started with Guinea-Bissau and Mali.
The programme should reduce the debt of these countries by a total of $1.5 billion in
present value terms.
Since 1989 the debt to commercial banks has mainly been rearranged through buybacks
supported by the IDAs Debt Reduction Facility for low-income countries and through
officially supported debt and debt-service reduction programmes (Brady operations) for
middle-income countries. In 1997, nine debt-reduction agreements with commercial bank
creditors were concluded, restructuring $19 billion in debt and reducing outstanding debt
by $7 billion.
Aggregate net resource flows to developing countries rose to an estimated $300
billion in 1997, up from $282 billion in 1996. For the twelfth year in a row, net
long-term flows from private sources reached a new record, totalling $256 billion against
$247 billion in 1996. Private capital flows to developing countries, which represent 85
percent of total net flows, continued to outpace by far official flows. In the last
quarter of 1997 however, private flows fell sharply, reflecting the growing dimension of
the crisis in Asia and a general retreat from new investments in emerging markets.
The largest form of net private flows in developing countries continue to be foreign
direct investment (FDI), estimated to be $120 billion in 1997, followed by bonds at $54
billion, commercial bank lending at $41 billion and portfolio equity at $32 billion. Net
flows of FDI, five times their 1990 level, again touched a record level in 1997 but growth
rates were markedly lower than in previous years. The ratio of FDI to GDP in developing
countries increased from 0.8 percent in 1991 to 2 percent in 1997. More than 70 percent of
net FDI flows have been concentrated in ten countries. Most of the recipients are
middle-income countries (with the exception of China and India in 1997), reflecting their
large markets and rapid growth in recent years.
Deepening financial problems in Asia had severe repercussions on FDI flows during
the last quarter of 1997. The decline in FDI flows to the two largest East Asian
recipients, China and Indonesia, were compensated by increased flows to Latin America in
response to privatization transactions (primarily with Brazil) and improved economic
performance. While FDI flows to East Asia and the Pacific declined by 9 percent in 1997,
totalling to $53 billion, flows to Latin America and the Caribbean rose by 10 percent,
reaching $42 billion. Large privatization projects in infrastructure as well as a better
economic performance and strong flows into and within the Southern Common Market
(MERCOSUR) all contributed to Latin Americas increased FDI in 1997.
Implications for developing countries agricultural growth and
Developments in East and Southeast Asia are important to agriculture because of their
immediate implications for commodity markets.
The above trends and features suggest a generally favourable economic environment for
agricultural output and trade. As already mentioned, however, major uncertainties remain
regarding the course of events in East and Southeast Asia and repercussions worldwide.
Developments in this region are important to agriculture, not only for their indirect
effects on world economic activity but also because of their immediate implications for
commodity markets. Indeed, the Republic of Korea and ASEAN-4 countries (Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand) account for a sizeable share of world consumption
of some commodities. The general reduction in import demand in these and other countries
affected by the crisis, together with higher import costs resulting from devaluations and
reduced credit for financing imports, were important factors contributing to the decline
in commodity prices during much of 1997/98 (see Current agricultural situation
facts and figures, 6. International agricultural prices). Export incentives
arising from currency depreciations, along with larger export supplies arising from
reduced domestic demand, also affected the supply of certain commodities, exerting
downward pressure on prices. The crisis reduced Asian demand in particular for maize,
bovine meat, soybean meal, temperate fruits, cotton and hides and skins, while boosting
the regions exports of tropical fruits and rubber (see Regional review, Asia and the
Other current features determining the agricultural outlook are the unusual weather
conditions that have prevailed during much of 1997/98, largely as a consequence of the El
Niño phenomenon, and an agricultural situation characterized by ample supplies in
relation to demand for many commodities. The El Niño phenomenon has attracted much media
coverage and raised general concern about its immediate and prospective impact on food and
agricultural supplies. However, while the phenomenon has caused considerable losses in
crop and livestock production and created food emergency situations in various parts of
the world, its overall impact on commodity supplies and international prices has been
limited. On the contrary, important crops such as grain have benefited from favourable
weather conditions in 1997/98 and prospects for 1998/99 also appear favourable, suggesting
downward pressure on prices as seen above.
Overall, prices of major foodstuffs and raw materials are likely to be weak throughout
1998, followed by a gradual stabilization of markets and resumption of moderate price
increases at a later stage. Prices of coffee are expected to be substantially below the
peak levels of 1997 owing to expectations of larger crops in 1998/99; sugar prices could
remain relatively low because of an expected increase in production in 1998/99 and slower
growth in import demand in some leading Asian markets affected by the financial crisis as
well as in major importing countries such as China and the Russian Federation.
However, over the long term, import demand is expected to be stimulated by the lower price
levels. Cotton prices, which declined in 1997/98, are expected to stabilize in 1998/99
while natural rubber prices are expected to be depressed in dollar terms, at least in the
short term. On the other hand, prices of jute may be expected to rise from the
exceptionally low levels of 1997/98 and market conditions should remain generally tight
for cocoa.
Over the medium term, the expectations are for a general pattern of economic stability
and resumed economic and trade growth.12
Project LINK projections13
for agricultural growth and trade for 1998-2002 in the developing country regions suggest
the following:
After a temporary slump in 1998, agricultural output in the developing countries is
expected to regain dynamism in the coming years.
After a temporary slump in the course of 1998, agricultural output in the
developing countries as a whole is expected to regain dynamism in the coming years.
Overall, the average growth rate of agricultural output during the period 1998-2002 is
forecast to be about 3.9 percent, close to that of 1991-97 and above longer-term trends (3
percent during the 1970s and 3.5 percent during the 1980s).
All the developing country regions except Asia and the Pacific are forecast to
raise average growth rates above those of the 1990s. The improvement would be more
pronounced for Latin America and the Caribbean, where agricultural output would rise by an
average yearly rate of nearly 4 percent annually, up from the mediocre 2.8 percent
recorded during the period 1990-97. For sub-Saharan Africa, following two bad crop years
in 1997 and 1998, production is expected to rebound to rates comparable with those of
1993-96, a period of relatively high growth for the regions agriculture. Forecasts
for the Near East and North Africa region also suggest somewhat better average
performances than during 1990-97. For Asia and the Pacific, the projected slowdown to 3.8
percent (from about 4.6 percent during 1991-97) would largely stem from depressed
performances in East and Southeast Asia, particularly in 1998 and 1999.
After having expanded at a vigorous 9 percent yearly rate during the first half
of the 1990s, developing countries agricultural export earnings are estimated to
lose momentum in 1997 and 1998, mainly reflecting weak international commodity prices.
Barring unforeseeable economic and market events, agricultural trade is expected to
recover to growth rates of about 6 percent yearly over 1999-2002. Nevertheless,
agricultural trade growth would continue to lag, by two to three percentage points, behind
that of merchandise trade as a whole.
Prospects for agricultural export growth over 1999-2002 appear particularly
favourable for Latin America and the Caribbean, although Asia and the Pacific
especially China and to a lesser extent Africa would also share in the improved
outlook. With agricultural exports and imports following similar trends, no major changes
are expected in developing countries agricultural trade balances overall. Notably,
however, sub-Saharan Africa is expected to strengthen its surplus position somewhat,
continuing a trend initiated in 1993 (in 1992 the subregion had actually become a net
agricultural importer).
According to IMF forecasts, developing countries total terms of trade may
be expected to deteriorate by a cumulative c. 2 percent over 1997 and 1998 and improve
somewhat in 1999. LINK forecasts suggest a similar pattern for agricultural terms of
trade, which would deteriorate markedly in 1998 and broadly stabilize in the following
years up to 2002.
LIFDCs with the lowest capacity to finance food imports14
Economic estimates for the LIFDCs with the lowest capacity to finance food imports
indicate a major improvement in their economic situation in recent years which is expected
to continue in the short term.
The economic situation and prospects of this group of poor countries, for which food
imports represent a particularly high share of total export earnings and total imports, is
periodically reviewed in The State of Food and Agriculture. Economic estimates and
short-term (1998-99) forecasts for these countries, as prepared for FAO by IMF, indicate a
major improvement in their economic situation in recent years which is expected to
continue in the short term at least. Taking as a reference the periods 1991-95 and
1998-99, the forecasts point in particular to the following developments:
An acceleration in GDP growth, from an annual average 3.2 percent in 1991-95 to
about 5.5 percent in 1998 and 1999. Such an acceleration would be sustained by a
significant increase in gross capital formation, from an equivalent of 17.8 percent of GDP
to more than 20 percent during the same period.
A two-thirds reduction in inflation rates, from 18 to 6 percent.
Major progress in fiscal stabilization, with deficits in central
governments fiscal balances falling from an equivalent of 6 percent of GDP to
slightly above 3 percent.
A reduced debt burden, with debt-service payments as a share of total goods and
services exports falling from around 29 to 13 percent. This would result both from
improvements in export purchasing capacity and from the extension of special debt-relief
initiatives, such as that agreed in May 1998 by the Group of Eight (G8) industrialized
economies in favour of the worlds poorest countries several of which are in
this group.
However, the picture appears less bright with regard to external balances. These
countries are expected to face increasingly large trade deficits (from $20 billion to $30
billion), which would be only partially compensated by increased aggregate net transfers
(largely in the form of net official development finance in favour of African countries in
the group). The overall current account balances, which are in chronic deficit in these
countries as a whole, would see such deficits rise from an average $6 billion to nearly
$13 billion. Nevertheless, they would see their terms of trade stabilize after a long
period of unfavourable trends (from 1987 to 1993), while the purchasing power of their
exports would continue to expand significantly, thanks to larger export volumes, after the
large gains recorded in 1995 and 1997.
Measures aimed at macroeconomic stabilization and reform in some countries and the end
of war and civil strife in others have contributed to the improved outlook for these
After a long period of depressed performances, the improved economic situation and
outlook and therefore food security of these countries in recent years is
most encouraging. That such improvement was achieved, despite the depressing effects of
the Asian economic crisis worldwide and less than favourable movements in external
accounts, suggests that domestic factors had a strong offsetting impact.15 These included determined
efforts aimed at macroeconomic stabilization and reform namely in Egypt and the
seven CFA countries in the group, where the initial shock of currency devaluation and
accompanying measures gave way to a period of rapid growth and the end of wars and
civil strife in countries such as Mozambique, Nicaragua and Rwanda although the
recent armed confrontation between Ethiopia and Eritrea was a warning that conflict may
lie latent in countries of this group, which is still afflicted by political tensions,
unresolved collective and ethnic identities and economic and social frustration.
The weakening of commodity prices in the wake of the Asian crisis and expectations of
continued depressed prices for some commodities will have asymmetric effects on these
economies. On the one hand, lower food prices in international markets will have an
immediate positive effect on economies heavily dependent on food imports. On the other
hand, somewhat paradoxically, the export sector in these countries is also
agriculture-based in many cases. For instance, for countries such as Ethiopia, Rwanda and
Sierra Leone, where coffee is a major export item, depressed prices of this commodity mean
significant losses in export earnings and uncertainties over growth prospects in the short