Trade and Development Reports (TADR):
Trade and Development Report
Regional cooperation for
The Trade and Development Report 2007,
subtitled "Regional cooperation for development",
recommends that developing countries should
strengthen regional cooperation with other
developing countries, but proceed carefully with
regard to North-South bilateral or regional
preferential trade agreements. Such agreements may
offer gains in terms of market access and higher
foreign direct investment, but they can also limit
national policy space, which can play an important
role in the medium- and long-term growth of
competitive industries. By contrast, strengthened
regional cooperation among developing countries
can help accelerate industrialization and
structural change and ease integration into the
global economy. However, to achieve this, trade
liberalization is not enough; active regional
cooperation should also extend to areas of policy
that strengthen the potential for growth and
structural change, including monetary and
financial arrangements, large infrastructure and
knowledge- generation projects, and industrial
In its analysis of global economic prospects,
the Report says the current global economic
environment provides great opportunities for
catch-up growth and meeting the Millennium
Development Goals. However, the world economy is
overshadowed by serious current-account
imbalances, and by large speculative capital flows
that distort exchange rates and perpetuate these
imbalances. A safe correction of the imbalances
would be much easier with more appropriate global
exchange-rate arrangements, the Report argues.
Exchange rates should be subject to the same kind
of disciplines as tariffs and export subsidies. In
the absence of such disciplines, however, regional
monetary and financial cooperation among
developing countries can fill some of the gaps in
global economic governance.
information |
Symbol: UNCTAD/TDR/2007 |
no.: E.07.II.D.11 |
Date of publication: 05/09/07
ISBN: 978-92-1-112721-8 |
ISSN: 0255-4607 |
No. of pages: 240
Price: |
US$ 55 (Developed countries)
US$ 19 (Developing
countries) |
| | | |
Table of contents:
Chapter I Current Issues in
the World Economy |
A. |
Recent trends
in the world economy |
1. Global
growth |
2. Trade,
commodity prices and terms of trade |
B. |
imbalances and destabilizing speculation
1. Widening
global imbalances |
Speculative flows induced by “carry trade”
3. Changing
opportunities for speculation in emerging market
economies |
Speculative capital flows and real effects
5. National
policies to prevent speculation |
6. Globally
coordinated policies to reduce global imbalances
Notes |
References |
Statistical annex to chapter
I |
I [PDF, 36pp., 1´394KB] |
Chapter II Globalization,
Regionalization and the Development Challenge
A. |
Introduction |
B. |
limitations of conventional thinking |
Theoretical approaches to regional integration
2. The role
of geography, history and politics |
C. |
Regionalization and policy
cooperation |
Industrialization and the integration challenge
2. Bridging
gaps and battling constraints |
3. Global
financial governance and regional cooperation
Notes |
References |
II [PDF, 20pp., 90KB] |
Chapter III The “New
Regionalism” and North-South Trade Agreements
A. |
Regionalism and the proliferation of free
trade agreements |
B. |
relating to North-South free trade agreements,
the WTO and policy space |
Reciprocity |
2. Market
access for goods and government
procurement |
Liberalization of services |
4. Investment
and investor protection |
Intellectual property rights |
Competition policy |
Conclusions |
C. |
Assessing the
development impact of North-South regional
integration: the case of NAFTA |
Introduction |
2. Objectives
and instruments of NAFTA |
3. Expansion
of intraregional trade and financial relations
4. Mexico ´s
economic and social performance after NAFTA
Notes |
References |
III [PDF, 36pp., 531KB] |
Chapter IV Regional
Cooperation and Trade Integration Among
Developing Countries |
A. |
Forms of
regional cooperation and effective trade
integration |
B. |
The relative
importance of trade flows in regional
integration among developing countries
1. Measures
of regional trade integration |
2. Latin
America and the Caribbean |
3. Developing
Asia |
4. Africa
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
C. |
of intraregional trade |
D. |
The potential
role of South-South regional trade agreements
Notes |
References |
IV [PDF, 34pp.,1´626KB] |
Chapter V Regional Financial
and Monetary Cooperation |
A. |
Introduction |
B. |
cooperation for payment facilities and
short-term financing |
C. |
cooperation for development financing |
1. Regional
development banks |
2. Regional
bond markets |
D. |
mechanisms and monetary unions |
Experiences in Africa |
2. The case
of the European Monetary Union |
E. |
Lessons for
monetary cooperation |
1. There is
no alternative to regional cooperation |
2. Regional
macroeconomic policy is key for growth |
F. |
Conclusion |
Notes |
References |
Annexes to chapter V
V [PDF, 46pp., 266KB] |
Chapter VI Regional
Cooperation in Trade Logistics, Energy and
Industrial Policy |
A. |
logistics |
1. Regional
trade and its transport: a virtuous
circle |
2. Trade
facilitation as an instrument to promote
regional trade |
3. Distance, shipping and the geography of
trade |
4. From
landlocked to land-linked: potential gains from
regional cooperation in trade and transport
facilitation |
B. |
regional projects: examples from the energy
sector |
C. |
industrial policy: issues and the European
experience |
D. |
Notes |
References |
VI [PDF, 32pp., 243KB] |
| |
Back to Trade and Development Reports (various years)
UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics:
2002 -
2004 -
2005 -
World Investment Reports (WIR)
World Investment Reports (selected
library of UNCTAD, CD-Roms and on-line data sources
UNCTAD X: documents and papers
UNCTAD investment brief, No. 1, 2007, Foreign
direct investment surged again in 2006 (UNCTAD/ITE/IIA/MISC/2007/2)
01/02/07, 2 Pages, 58 Kb
Transport Newsletter, No. 34, Fourth Quarter
2006 (UNCTAD/SDTE/TLB/2006/5)
31/01/07, 21 Pages, 466 Kb
World economic situation and prospects 2007 (WESP/2007)
Sales no.: E.07.II.C.2
01/01/07, 177 Pages, 1913 Kb
UNCTAD investment brief BRIEF, No. 5, 2006, Top TNCs
present in 40 host countries on average (UNCTAD/WEB/ITE/IIA/2006/10)
01/12/06, 2 Pages, 55 Kb