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Table 1 (Handbook of International Economic Statistics 1997-CIA)

Selected World Statisticsa

  1970 1980 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Gross domestic productb (billion 1996 US $) 15,700.0 22,900.0 30,700.0 31,000.0 31,700.0 32,400.0 33,500.0 34,600.0 35,900.0
Population (million persons, midyear) 3,706.0 4,455.0 5,276.0 5,359.0 5,441.0 5,522.0 5,603.0 5,686.0 5,767.0
Exports (billion US $) 298.3 1,920.8 3,379.1 3,477.6 3,731.8 3,725.5 4,239.3 5,079.5 5,250.3
Crude oil, excluding natural gas liquids (million b/d) 45.7 59.5 60.6 60.1 60.0 59.8 60.5 61.9 63.4
Natural gas (trillion cubic meters) 1.0 1.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3
Iron ore (million metric tons) 769.0 896.0 893.0 955.6 924.9 953.1 969.4 1,034.8 NA
Bauxite (million metric tons) 57.8 88.8 112.9 110.8 104.6 109.0 104.1 107.5 113.8
Pig ironb (million metric tons) 431.0 510.0 550.0 508.7 522.6 529.9 543.4 562.6 559.4
Crude steel (million metric tons) 594.0 714.0 772.0 736.6 723.7 730.1 730.3 754.4 758.2
Refined copper (thousand metric tons) 7,543.0 8,916.0 10,696.0 10,637.0 11,173.0 11,344.0 11,175.0 11,897.0 12,547.0
Primary aluminum (million metric tons) 9.7 15.4 19.3 19.6 19.5 19.8 19.2 19.9 20.7
Smelter lead (thousand metric tons) 3,292.0 3,205.0 3,098.0 3,008.0 3,042.0 NA NA NA NA
Refined zinc (thousand metric tons) 4,827.0 6,057.0 7,179.0 7,306.6 7,259.3 7,458.9 7,453.4 7,547.5 7,5 33.3
Primary tin (thousand metric tons) 227.0 248.0 223.0 190.1 193.6 193.3 197.5 201.2 190.7
Mineral fertilizerc (million metric tons) 66.3 116.4 152.6 147.9 144.2 138.3 NA NA NA
Nitrogen fertilizerd (million metric tons of N) 30.2 59.6 84.6 81.9 80.6 79.4 80.4 NA NA
Phosphate fertilizerd (million metric tons of P2O5) 20.3 33.3 39.7 39.0 38.6 31.8 32.8 NA NA
Potassium fertilizerd (million metric tons of K2O) 16.7 25.9 28.3 26.1 23.9 20.5 23.3 24.7 NA
Automobiles (thousand units) 22,500.0 28,997.0 35,700.0 36,000.0 35,200 33,800.0 35,400.0 36,050 NA
Grain (million metric tons) 1,171.0 1,535.0 1,930.5 1,872.2 1,920.2 1,848.9 1,898.5 1,887.5 2,044.0
Wheat (million metric tons) 319.0 446.0 589.0 542.0 561.8 559.3 525.3 537.9 583.0
Coarse grain (million metric tons) 540.0 693.0 821.0 805.0 832.0 762.6 832.2 798.6 902.0
Rice (million metric tons) 312.0 396.0 520.5 525.2 526.4 527.0 541.0 551.0 559.0
Sugar (million metric tons) 76.7 87.7 113.6 116.5 112.1 109.8 115.8 122.3 122.3
Coffee (thousand metric tons) 3,566.0 4,810.0 6,028.0 6,223.9 5,573.3 5,598.4 5,896.9 5,349.5 6,043.1
a For more detailed descriptions and definitions, refer to the respective table.
b Data were converted to US dollars by the use of purchasing power parities used by international organizations and academia.
c Includes direct-reduced iron.
d Fertilizer year ending 30 June of the stated year.

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