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World Grain Production
Source: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization-FAO
countries(217)    Grain production   Yield
                 ('000 metric tons) (kg/hectare)      kg/per   population
                   1979-81   1995    1979-81   1995   capita   (millions)
                   average           average

DENMARK              7346     8968     4041     6126   1710.1     5.24
CANADA              42727    49693     2184     2705   1668.4    29.78
AUSTRALIA           21150    26560     1323     1770   1452.4    18.29
UNITED STATES      301405   276999     4150     4647   1043.5   265.46
FRANCE              46078    53606     4700     6457    918.0    58.39
FINLAND              2993     3333     2514     3408    649.5     5.13
AUSTRIA              4388     4477     4131     5542    552.6     8.10
SWEDEN               5407     4819     3593     4450    544.0     8.86
IRELAND              2009     1811     4731     6657    503.2     3.60
GERMANY             32044    39870     4166     6051    486.9    81.89
GREECE               4951     4690     3093     3694    428.6    10.94
UNITED KINGDOM      18840    21987     4794     6978    374.0    58.78
ITALY               18025    19713     3547     4666    342.8    57.50
NORWAY               1129     1435     3633     3952    327.5     4.38
SPAIN               14709    11487     1990     1730    292.5    39.27
NEW ZEALAND           789      855     4076     5740    236.3     3.62
BELGIUM              2069     2311     4857     6654    226.9    10.19
CYPRUS                 87      144     1795     2267    219.2     0.66
SWITZERLAND           843     1281     4884     5971    180.8     7.09
PORTUGAL             1210     1306     1102     1862    131.6     9.93
JAPAN               14318    13437     5256     5737    106.1   126.61
NETHERLANDS          1280     1590     5686     8112    102.0    15.59
MALTA                   8        9     3257     3431     24.2     0.37
ANDORRA                                                   0.0     0.06
SAN MARINO                                                0.0     0.03
ISLE OF MAN                                               0.0     0.07
JERSEY                                                    0.0     0.09
FAROE ISLANDS                                             0.0     0.04
LIECHTENSTEIN                                             0.0     0.03
LUXEMBOURG                                                0.0     0.42
MONACO                                                    0.0     0.03
GUERNSEY                                                  0.0     0.07
GIBRALTAR                                                 0.0     0.03
GREENLAND                                                 0.0     0.06
ICELAND                                                   0.0     0.27
TOTAL IND.         543805   550381                      662.4   830.86

                  Grain production    Yield
                  ('000 metric tons) (kg/hectare)      kg/per   population
                   1979-81   1995     1979-81   1995   capita   (millions)
                   average            average
HUNGARY             13001    11042     4517     4054   1082.4    10.20
ROMANIA             18109    19885     2856     3210    877.2    22.67
YUGOSLAVIA                    8388              3581    800.9    10.47
BULGARIA             8129     5739     3852     3053    686.0     8.37
LITHUANIA            1742     2500     1642     2192    674.4     3.71
SLOVAKIA                      3528              4109    656.7     5.37
POLAND              18466    25106     2345     2940    648.2    38.73
CZECH REPUBLIC                6598              4185    639.7    10.32
KAZAKSTAN           26790    10583     1063      564    634.6    16.68
UKRAINE             33181    32429     2208     2522    632.5    51.27
CROATIA                       2764              4223    578.8     4.78
BELARUS              4108     5927     1438     2304    567.6    10.44
ESTONIA               796      740     1862     2114    501.7     1.48
RUSSIA              82486    61796     1147     1165    417.3   148.07
MOLDOVA              2565     1698     3221     3185    388.4     4.37
MACEDONIA                      726              3002    368.9     1.97
CHINA              286457   416797     3027     4664    342.0  1218.70
VIET NAM            12222    25206     2049     3523    331.0    76.15
SLOVENIA                       570              5029    291.0     1.96
LATVIA                859      701     1278     1835    278.5     2.52
TURKMENISTAN          281     1249     2142     2210    273.1     4.57
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA         717              2841    224.1     3.20
KOREA, NORTH         5536     5241     3406     3386    219.3    23.90
ALBANIA               916      657     2499     2546    202.2     3.25
CAMBODIA             1334     1867     1074     1374    185.2    10.08
KYRGYZSTAN           1413      782     2452     1432    173.0     4.52
AZERBAIJAN           1105      939     2253     1550    124.0     7.57
UZBEKISTAN           2597     2803     2208     1691    120.8    23.21
MONGOLIA              320      261      572      677    111.8     2.33
GEORGIA               573      554     1942     1530    103.3     5.36
ARMENIA               270      259     1783     1519     68.8     3.77
TAJIKISTAN            285      251     1295      930     42.2     5.95
CUBA                  551      181     2458     1392     16.3    11.12
TOTAL F. SOC.               658484                      374.8  1757.04

                    Grain production  Yield
                  ('000 metric tons) (kg/hectare)      kg/per  population
                    1979-81   1995    1979-81   1995   capita  (millions)
                    average           average
GUYANA                267      493     2906     3724    692.4     0.71
ARGENTINA           24457    23456     2204     2878    670.3    35.00
SURINAME              258      220     3971     3661    504.6     0.44
URUGUAY              1012     1492     1644     2643    475.2     3.14
BRAZIL              30805    49653     1495     2504    314.5   157.87
PARAGUAY              459     1133     1511     2164    228.2     4.96
CHILE                1742     2804     2125     4533    195.0    14.38
ECUADOR               686     2032     1639     2009    173.7    11.70
BOLIVIA               663     1110     1186     1583    146.2     7.59
COLOMBIA             3339     3509     2453     2560     98.4    35.65
VENEZUELA            1550     2043     1905     2577     91.6    22.31
PERU                 1429     2142     1951     2633     89.4    23.95
TOTAL S. AMERICA    66667    90087                      283.6   317.70

                   Grain production   Yield
                   ('000 metric tons) (kg/hectare)      kg/per population
                    1979-81   1995    1979-81   1995   capita  (millions)
                    average           average
MEXICO              20692    25344     2167     2463    273.4    92.71
BELIZE                 27       38     1934     1824    173.5     0.22
EL SALVADOR           719      893     1702     2026    151.4     5.90
GUATEMALA            1122     1516     1567     1614    138.7    10.93
NICARAGUA             392      592     1473     1871    138.6     4.27
HONDURAS              492      771     1169     1543    136.1     5.67
PANAMA                253      333     1523     1800    124.5     2.67
COSTA RICA            337      160     2471     2424     47.1     3.40
TOTAL C. AMERICA    24034    29647                      235.7   125.77

                   Grain production   Yield
                  ('000 metric tons)  (kg/hectare)     kg/per   population
                    1979-81   1995    1979-81   1995   capita   (millions)
                   average            average
FRENCH GUIANA           1       26     1317     3317    174.5     0.15
DOMINICAN REP.        447      589     3003     4109     78.5     7.50
HAITI                 419      373     1007      871     55.4     6.73
TRINIDAD AND TOBA      13       15     3204     3659     11.9     1.26
ST. VINCENT AND T       1        1     3292     3910      8.8     0.11
BARBADOS                2        2     2537     2500      7.5     0.27
BAHAMAS, THE            1        1     1142     1793      3.6     0.28
JAMAICA                 7        4     1659     1362      1.6     2.51
PUERTO RICO             6        1     8915     8046      0.3     3.77
ST. KITTS AND NEVIS                                       0.0     0.04
GRENADA                                 943     1000      0.0     0.10
ARUBA                                                     0.0     0.07
ST. LUCIA                               703      714      0.0     0.14
DOMINICA                               1427     1308      0.0     0.07
BERMUDA                                                   0.0     0.06
NETHERLANDS ANTILL.                                       0.0     0.20
MARTINIQUE                                                0.0     0.39
GUADELOUPE                                                0.0     0.43
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA                    1848     1607      0.0     0.06
TOTAL CARIBBEAN       897     1012                       41.9    24.15

                   Grain production   Yield
                  ('000 metric tons) (kg/hectare)      kg/per   population
                    1979-81   1995    1979-81   1995   capita   (millions)
                    average           average
MALI                 1064     2433      790      812    264.3     9.20
BURKINA FASO         1166     2492      576      795    234.8    10.62
NIGER                1702     2221      440      307    234.7     9.47
MADAGASCAR           2178     2780     1663     1984    203.4    13.67
NIGERIA              7480    20943     1229     1124    201.5   103.91
MALAWI               1341     1778     1161     1293    188.1     9.45
GUINEA-BISSAU         102      201      718     1408    183.4     1.10
SOUTH AFRICA        14036     7440     2112     1244    178.2    41.74
TANZANIA             3010     4617     1062     1419    158.9    29.06
CHAD                  508      963      560      650    147.2     6.54
ETHIOPIA                      8245              1505    145.4    56.71
SENEGAL               850     1059      699      874    124.1     8.53
SUDAN, THE           2962     3821      672      473    123.0    31.07
KENYA                2281     3394     1348     1884    116.5    29.14
BENIN                 366      648      697      956    116.3     5.57
COTE D'IVOIRE         866     1685      858     1104    114.4    14.73
GUINEA                678      773      957     1071    112.0     6.90
TOGO                  301      466      723      691    109.2     4.27
UGANDA               1171     2080     1557     1551    108.7    19.14
GHANA                 726     1835      805     1354    108.6    16.90
MAURITANIA             48      246      384      838    105.4     2.33
GAMBIA, THE            78      108     1196     1207     94.1     1.15
CAMEROON              866     1260      848     1346     92.6    13.61
ZAMBIA                990      881     1665     1330     90.7     9.72
ZIMBABWE             2273      980     1392      532     85.1    11.52
SWAZILAND              92       79     1317     1271     84.6     0.93
SIERRA LEONE          542      336     1247     1145     72.8     4.62
MOZAMBIQUE            649     1127      603      653     63.0    17.88
BURUNDI               219      269     1081     1287     45.3     5.94
ERITREA                        153               517     42.2     3.63
SOMALIA               305      285      477      378     41.9     6.80
ZAIRE                 900     1697      807      799     37.5    45.26
COMOROS                18       21     1058     1323     37.4     0.56
NAMIBIA                73       60      626      601     35.1     1.71
CENTRAL AFRICAN R     103      112      530      777     34.2     3.27
SAO TOME AND PRIN       3        4     1505     2105     29.9     0.13
BOTSWANA               35       46      228      372     28.9     1.59
ANGOLA                379      321      533      286     27.0    11.90
CAPE VERDE              6       10      473      302     24.8     0.40
GABON                  11       28     1714     1805     23.9     1.17
LIBERIA               254       50     1252     1111     23.7     2.11
RWANDA                271      151     1132     1632     22.0     6.85
LESOTHO               198       41      975      666     20.8     1.97
CONGO                  15       27      789      937     10.1     2.67
MAURITIUS               1        2     2543     4339      1.8     1.14
EQUATORIAL GUINEA                                         0.0     0.41
SEYCHELLES                                                0.0     0.08
MAYOTTE                                                   0.0     0.12
DJIBOUTI                               2500     1625      0.0     0.60
TOTAL S-S AFRICA    51117    78168                      133.0   587.81

                   Grain production   Yield
                   ('000 metric tons) (kg/hectare)     kg/per   population
                    1979-81   1995    1979-81   1995   capita   (millions)
                    average            average
EGYPT                8134    17182     4052     6048    282.2    60.90
ALGERIA              1958     2194      660      877     76.8    28.57
TUNISIA              1146      637      810      627     70.3     9.06
MOROCCO              3583     1823      812      453     68.2    26.74
LIBYA                 225      318      419      689     58.4     5.45
WESTERN SAHARA          2        2      682      774      7.4     0.27
TOTAL N. AFRICA     15048    22156                      169.2   130.97

                   Grain production   Yield
                   ('000 metric tons) (kg/hectare)     kg/per   population
                    1979-81   1995    1979-81   1995   capita   (millions)
                    average           average
TURKEY              25232    28163     1869     1977    449.5    62.65
SYRIA                3069     6136     1162     1665    414.7    14.80
IRAN                 8855    17312     1098     1767    278.2    62.23
SAUDI ARABIA          303     3420      781     4196    185.6    18.43
AFGHANISTAN          4060     3307     1337     1337    145.9    22.66
IRAQ                 1803     2845      835      908    132.8    21.42
YEMEN, REP.           897      825     1037     1091     49.7    16.60
ISRAEL                239      253     1856     2204     46.2     5.48
WEST BANK              53       45     1293              34.2     1.32
JORDAN                 88      127      556      774     29.3     4.33
LEBANON                41       77     1204     1933     20.3     3.80
QATAR                   1        6     2635     2979     10.2     0.59
UNITED ARAB EMIRA       3        7     6053     7396      2.8     2.50
OMAN                    2        5      962     2180      2.2     2.25
GAZA STRIP              5        1     2811      529      1.2     0.82
KUWAIT                           2     3109     4841      1.0     2.07
BAHRAIN                                                   0.0     0.60
TOTAL W. ASIA       44651    62531                      257.8   242.55

                   Grain production   Yield
                  ('000 metric tons) (kg/hectare)      kg/per   population
                    1979-81   1995    1979-81   1995   capita   (millions)
                    average           average
MYANMAR             12964    20690     2530     2962    450.0    45.98
NEPAL                3640     5440     1617     1795    260.4    20.89
INDIA              138182   214893     1324     2134    225.5   952.97
BANGLADESH          20983    25931     1939     2424    210.7   123.06
PAKISTAN            17200    24586     1609     2017    184.2   133.50
BHUTAN                159      106     1439     1088    125.9     0.84
REUNION                12       17     5071     6124     25.3     0.67
MALDIVES                                783     1000      0.0     0.27
TOTAL S. ASIA      193140   291663                      228.2  1278.18

                   Grain production   Yield
                  ('000 metric tons)  (kg/hectare)     kg/per   population
                    1979-81   1995    1979-81   1995   capita   (millions)
                    average           average
THAILAND            20316    25358     1912     2385    422.6    60.00
LAOS                 1056     1491     1405     2664    296.8     5.02
INDONESIA           33605    58083     2842     3840    293.1   198.19
TAIWAN               4100     6116     3200     4640    285.0    21.46
PHILIPPINES         10942    15163     1611     2214    211.3    71.75
KOREA, SOUTH         8452     6923     5004     5864    153.1    45.23
SRI LANKA            2130     2722     2464     2903    148.6    18.32
MALAYSIA             2061     2169     2828     3077    106.5    20.36
FIJI                   19       18     2002     2388     22.4     0.80
VANUATU                 1        1      514      538      5.8     0.17
NEW CALEDONIA           3        1     2122     2744      5.4     0.19
BRUNEI                  3        1     1659     2133      3.3     0.30
PAPUA NEW GUINEA        4        3     2048     1698      0.7     4.40
KIRIBATI                                                  0.0     0.08
TONGA                                                     0.0     0.10
FRENCH POLYNESIA                                          0.0     0.23
MACAU                                                     0.0     0.45
WESTERN SAMOA                                             0.0     0.17
AMERICAN SAMOA                                            0.0     0.06
MARSHALL ISLANDS                                          0.0     0.06
MICRONESIA                                                0.0     0.11
TUVALU                                                    0.0     0.01
NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS                                  0.0     0.06
HONG KONG                              1681               0.0     6.30
GUAM                                   3000     2000      0.0     0.15
NAURU                                                     0.0     0.01
SINGAPORE                                                 0.0     3.05
PALAU                                                     0.0     0.02
SOLOMON ISLANDS        13              3520               0.0     0.40
VIRGIN ISLANDS                                            0.0     0.10
TOTAL E. ASIA       82705   118049                      258.0   457.53

TOTAL WORLD       1546153  1902177                      330.7  5752.55

                   Grain production   Yield
                  ('000 metric tons) (kg/hectare)      kg/per   population
                   1979-81   1995     1979-81   1995   capita   (millions)
                   average            average
INDUSTR./SEMI-IND  543805   550381                      662.4   830.86
FORMER SOCIALIST            658484                      374.8  1757.04
CHINA              286457   416797     3027     4664    342.0  1218.70
SOUTH AMERICA       66667    90087                      283.6   317.70
CENTRAL AMERICA     24034    29647                      235.7   125.77
THE CARIBBEAN         897     1012                       41.9    24.15
SOUTH AFRICA        14036     7440     2112     1244    178.2    41.74
SUB-SAHARAN AFRIC   51117    78168                      133.0   587.81
NORTH AFRICA        15048    22156                      169.2   130.97
WEST ASIA           44651    62531                      257.8   242.55
SOUTH ASIA         193140   291663                      228.2  1278.18
EAST ASIA           82705   118049                      258.0   457.53

TOTAL WORLD       1546153  1902177                      330.7  5752.55

RRojas Research Unit/1997

NOTE: In spite of the often tragic food shortages in a number of
      countries in recent years, worldwide agricultural production
      is probably more often underreported than overrreported. Many
      countries do not report complete domestic production.
      Some countries, for example, report only crops that are sold
      commercially, and ignore subsistence crops produced for
      family or communal consumption, or barter; others may limit
      reporting to production for export only, to holdings above
      a certain size, or represent a sampling only.
      The FAO's cereals (grain) statistics relate, ideally, to
      weight or volume of crops harvested for dry grain ( excluding
      cereal crops used for grazing, harvested for hay, or harvested
      green for food, feed, or silage.
      Millet and sorghum, which in many European and North American
      countries are used primarily as livestock or poultry feed,
      may be reportable by such countries as animal fodder only,
      while elsewhere many nations use the same grains for human
      consumption and report them as cereals.