
Time to Rethink Privatization in Transition Economies?
John Nellis
Privatization has won the day in transition countries . . . or has it? Where have
privatization effortsparticularly those in Central and Eastern Europe and the former
Soviet Unionsucceeded, where have they failed, and how can these countries best
pursue further privatization?
Privatization appears to have swept the field and won the day. More than a hundred
countries, on every continent, have privatized an estimated 75,000 state-owned companies.
Assessment after assessment has concluded that privatization leads to improved performance
of divested companies and that privately owned firms outperform state-owned enterprises.
This has been conclusively proved in industrial and middle-income countries, and there is
increasing evidence that privatization yields positive results in lower-income and
transition countries as well.
In the transition countries, the evidence of good results comes mainly from Central and
Eastern Europe and the Baltic states. Evidenceearly and fragmentary, but impossible
to ignorefrom farther eastArmenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic,
Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, and Ukraineshows less promising results:
- Private ownership often does not lead to restructuring (that is, making changes to
position a firm to survive and thrive in competitive markets).
- Some partially state-owned firms perform better than privatized companies.
- In some countries, there are few differences in performance between (wholly) state-owned
and privately owned firms.
- In other countries, there are clear performance improvements only in those very few
firms sold to foreign investors.
What is the explanation for these poorer results, and what should the affected
transition governments, and those who assist them, do to improve these results?
Russia's experience
Russia's privatization experience illustrates the problems. The mass privatization
program of 199294 transferred ownership of more than 15,000 firms through a
distribution of ownership vouchers. A worrisome result of this program was that
"insiders"managers and workers combinedgained control of an average
of about two-thirds of the shares of privatized firms. Still, by the fall of 1994, hopes
were modestly high that privatization would lead the way toward rapid transition to a
market economy. Financial discipline would, it was anticipated, start to force secondary
trading in shares of insider-dominated companies and introduce outside ownership, and
transparent and sound methods would be used to privatize the half or more of industries
still in state hands.
This, by and large, did not happen. First, insidersparticularly the workers in
the newly privatized firmsdeeply feared outside ownership and a loss of control (and
jobs). Second, because the financial and physical conditions of many firms were
unattractive, not many outsiders were interested in acquiring their shares. Third, there
was an acute lack of defined property rights, institutional underpinnings, and safeguards
for transparent secondary trading; this further discouraged outside investors. Fourth,
various Russian governments failed to put in place supporting policies and
institutionssuch as hard budget constraints, reasonable taxes and services, and
mechanisms to permit and encourage new business entrantsthat might have channeled
enterprise activity to productive ends.
Worse was to come: a donor-led effort to persuade the Russian government to sell at
least a few large firms using transparent and credible "case-by-case" methods
produced few results. Much of the second wave of privatization that did take placein
particular, the "loans-for-shares" scheme, in which major Russian banks obtained
shares in firms with strong potential as collateral for loans to the stateturned
into a fraudulent shambles, which drew criticism from many, including supporters of the
first, mass phase of Russian privatization.
Others concluded that not just the second phase of privatization but the whole approach
was wrong; that it should have been preceded (not accompanied) by institution building;
and that the proper way forward would be to concentrate on strengthening the structures of
the state, especially mechanisms to manage public firms.
Czech Republic's experience
By 1995, the Czech government had divested more than 1,800 firms in two waves of
voucher issuance, sold a group of high-potential firms to strategic investors, and
transferred a mass of other assets to previous owners or municipalities. In 1996, then
prime minister Vaclav Klaus claimed that transition had been more or less completed and
that henceforth the Czech Republic should be viewed as an ordinary European country
undergoing ordinary economic and political problems. At the time, almost all economic
indicators supported this judgment.
In 1998, however, GDP contracted by more than 2.5 percent. The Czech economy is in
recessionin contrast to 45 percent annual expansion in neighboring countries.
There are many reasons for the slide, but much of the blame is placed on the way
privatization was carried out.
An Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1998) report states that the
Czech voucher approach to privatization produced ownership structures that "impeded
efficient corporate governance and restructuring." The problem was that
insufficiently regulated privatization investment funds ended up owning large or
controlling stakes in many firms privatized through vouchers, as citizens sought to limit
their risk by transferring their vouchers into these funds in exchange for shares in the
latter. But many of the largest funds were owned by the major domestic banks, in which the
Czech state retained a controlling or majority stake. The results, say the critics, were
- Investment funds did not pull the plug on poorly performing firms, because that would
have forced the funds' bank owners to write down the loans they had made to these firms.
The state-influenced, weakly managed, and inexperienced banks tended to extend credit to
high-risk, unpromising privatized firms (whether or not they were owned by subsidiary
funds) and to persistently roll over credits rather than push firms into bankruptcy.
- The bankruptcy framework was weak and the process lengthy, further diminishing financial
market discipline.
- The lack of prudential regulation and enforcement mechanisms in the capital markets
opened the door to a variety of highly dubious and some overtly illegal actions that
enriched fund managers at the expense of minority shareholders and harmed firms' financial
While the most visible reasons for inadequate enterprise restructuring are weaknesses
in capital and financial markets, the voucher privatization method itselfwith its
emphasis on speed, postponement of consideration of many aspects of the
legal/institutional framework, and initial atomization of ownershipis seen as the
underlying cause.
Other countries' experiences
Other countries that tried mass privatization schemessuch as Albania, Kazakhstan,
Moldova, and Mongoliahave not yet gained much from their efforts. Dispersing
ownership among inexperienced populations seems not to have led to effective governance of
firm managers, who in all too many cases have not changed, have failed to restructure, and
have remained largely unaccountable for their actions. These experiences and factors are
being used to justify a slower, more cautious, more evolutionary, and more government-led
path to ownership transfer.
Summary of critique
In many transition countries, mass and rapid privatization turned over mediocre assets
to large numbers of people who had neither the skills nor the financial resources to use
them well. Most high-quality assets have gone, in one way or another (sometimes through
the "spontaneous privatization" that preceded official schemes, sometimes
through manipulation of the voucher schemes, and perhaps most often and acutely in the
nonvoucher second phases), to the resourceful, agile, and politically well-connected few,
who have tended not to embark on the restructuring that might have justified their
acquisitions of the assets. In many instances where ordinary citizens managed to obtain
and hold minority blocks of shares in high-quality firms, they have been induced to turn
over these shares to others at modest prices or have seenwithout warning or much
subsequent explanationthe value of their minority shares fall to nothing.
These outcomes have been most pronounced where the post-transition state structures
have been weak and fractured, allowing parts of the government to be captured by groups
whose major objective is to use the state to legitimate or mask their acquisitions of
wealth. (Poor outcomes can also occur when stronger governments fail to create a modicum
of prudential regulation for financial and capital markets.)
The international financial institutions must bear some of the responsibility for these
poor outcomes, because they requested and required transition governments to privatize
rapidly and extensively, assuming that private ownership would, by itself, provide
sufficient incentives to shareholders to monitor managerial behavior and encourage firms'
good performance. Although the international financial institutions recognized the
importance of competitive policies and institutional safeguards, they believed these could
be implemented later. The immediate need was to create a basic constituency of property
owners: to build capitalism, one needed capitalistslots of them, and fast.
But capitalism requires much more than private property; it functions because of the
widespread acceptance and enforcement in an economy of fundamental rules and safeguards
that make the outcomes of exchange secure, predictable, and widely beneficial. Where such
rules and safeguards are absent, what suffer are not only fairness and equity but also
firms' performance. In an institutional vacuum, the chances are high that no one in or
around a privatized firm (workers, managers, creditors, investment fund shareholders, or
civil servants managing the state's residual share) will be interested in or capable of
maintaining the long-run health of its assets. In such circumstances, privatization is as
likely to lead to stagnation and decapitalization as to improved financial results and
enhanced efficiency.
Can the problem be corrected?
In many transition countries with weak institutions, privatization's promise has not
been fulfilled. Some therefore argue that the best course of action for such countries is
to postpone further privatization until competitive forces and an enabling
institutional/governmental framework are in place. With regard to what has already been
done, there have been calls for the renationalization of some or many divested firms, with
the intention of undoing the damage inflicted and managing these assets more in the public
interest, through greater state involvementpossibly with these firms being
"reprivatized" at some later date.
Renationalization may not appear to be a highly likely option, but it has been proposed
in and for Russia and Ukraine and even by some officials of the present government of the
Czech Republic. Despite its prima facie appeal, it would be a desperate measure, with a
high likelihood of failure, particularly in those countries of the former Soviet Union
where its adoption is most likely to be strongly urged. Renationalization would involve
selecting some or all of the most egregiously misprivatized firms; putting them back into
the state's portfolio; managing them adequately while there; and then, eventually, selling
them again, this time correctly.
The problems are obvious. How many transition governments outside (or even inside)
Central and Eastern Europe could reasonably be expected to undertake this process and
handle it well? How many can prevent asset stripping in state-owned companies or have
demonstrated a capacity to divest firms in an open, transparent manner, in accord with the
established standards of international practice? Regrettably, there are few. The irony is
that countries with the skills and will to run state-owned firms effectively and
efficiently are usually the same ones that can privatize well. Conversely, the forces and
conditions that lead governments to botch privatization are the same ones that hinder
decent management of state-owned enterprises. The conclusion: renationalization is not the
alternative; instead, ways must be found to privatize correctly and to set and enforce
performance standards for those firms that are already privatized. The crucial question,
of course, is how this can be done.
One view runs as follows: in institutionally weak and politically fractured transition
countries, long removed from or never fully integrated into the Western commercial
tradition, privatization of the remaining portfolio (majority or minority stakes) should
be halted and efforts shifted toward strengthening market-supporting institutions. The
goal of such efforts would be to channel present "wild east" commercial activity
into socially productive and acceptable modes, and to impose discipline on, and
competition in, the remaining public enterprises. These steps should be accompanied or
followed by staged, incremental shifts in ownership patterns, in a more or less
evolutionary manner, as has been done in China. This proposed solution, too, has a prima
facie appeal. But, again, it assumes the existence of the end at which it aimsan
effective state mechanism and institutional framework.
The overall assessment thus appears bleak: privatize incorrectly and the result will
not be increased production, job creation, and increased incomes but rather stagnation and
decapitalization. But keeping enterprises in the hands of a weak and venal state is likely
to lead to much the same thing. In both instances, the evident medium-to-long-term
solution is to build up the administrative, policymaking, and enforcement capacities of
the government.
Can anything be done in the shorter term? Several transition governments have tried to
compensate for managerial and institutional deficiencies and a lack of political consensus
by contracting out much or all of the privatization process to private agents and
advisors. Armenia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Poland, and Uzbekistan are among the countries that
have tried or are contemplating this approach, the Estonians with documented success.
These efforts attempt to circumvent political constraints and find technical solutions to
perceived political and institutional difficulties by turning over significant
responsibility and decision-making power to the agents employed. This delegation or
contracting out is an option well worth considering, but it is far from a generalor,
indeed, a speedysolution (as Poland can attest). And the effectiveness of the effort
will, as always, depend heavily on the existence of a modicum of governmental capacity.
Based on experience with privatization in Poland, Romania, Russia, and Uzbekistan, the
World Bank's Itzhak Goldberg (1999) argues for a particular form of reprivatization. He
suggests that the principal obstacle to progressive restructuring in privatized firms in
Russia and elsewhere is the excessive concentration of ownership in the hands of insiders,
who lack the means and incentives to lead the firms forward. Goldberg accepts the futility
of renationalization and argues instead for increasing the capital in privatized firms and
then immediately diluting the stakes of insiders by selling the new shares to external
Once again, the political and institutional deficiencies elaborated above deeply affect
both the likelihood that a government will undertake reprivatization or will succeed in
implementing it, even if the government makes a sincere effort to do so. The implication
is that the reforming elements in the transition governments and the international
assistance communityinternational financial institutions, the European Union, and
bilateral donorsshould abandon efforts to privatize firms as rapidly as possible and
instead attempt to carry out slower, case-by-case and tender forms of privatization
following established international procedures.
It is time to rethink privatization, but only in those transition countries where
history, geography, and politics have resulted in seemingly laudable economic policies
producing clearly suboptimal outcomes. In Russia and elsewhere, too much was expected of
But admissions of error should not be overdone. When it can be carried out correctly,
privatization is clearly the right course of action. Recall that in a number of Central
and Eastern European transition countries the policy is an undoubted success, far superior
to letting the firms remain in state hands. It was not clear at the outset of transition
how difficult privatization would prove in institutionally weak countries (and those
commentators who claim they have long perceived this did not offer a clear alternative
strategy), or that a fair amount of time was available in which to carry out reform.
One must continually ask what was and is the alternative to privatization. It is not
clear that Russia would be better off today had it not undertaken the mass privatization
program of 199294. Several other institutionally weak transition economies that
avoided or delayed privatization or approached it more cautiouslysuch as Belarus,
Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukrainehave made little economic progress (though in no case,
of course, is privatization or its absence the whole explanation). Armenian officials, for
example, vigorously argue that despite the problems their privatized firms have
experienced, the absence of domestic or foreign purchasers gave them no choice but to
proceed with voucher privatization. They insist that even weak private owners are better
than state ownership. Were they still in state hands, these firms would be making
irresistible claims on nonexistent public resources, threatening all the hard-won progress
Armenia has made in developing a market-oriented economy. The same argument could be made
for other transition countries.
So, in sum, privatization is the generally preferred course of action, but its
short-term economic effectiveness and social acceptability depend on the institutional
underpinnings of capitalism described earlier. If these underpinnings are missing but
government is effectively working toward their construction or reinforcement, then
delaying privatization until the government's efforts have borne fruit might be the
optimal course of action. Hungary and Poland offer cases in point.
The heart of the matter is whether and how privatization can be achieved where
governments are unwilling or incapable. The necessary long-term course of action is to
support measures enhancing governments' will and capacity (assuming that one knows what
these are). The reasonable short-term course of action is probably to push ahead with
case-by-case and tender privatization and reprivatization, along the lines espoused by
Goldberg and in cooperation with the international assistance community, in hopes of
producing some success stories to emulate.
Itzhak Goldberg, 1999, "The Vicious Circle of Insider Control: A
Proposal for Reprivatization of Russian Enterprises through Investor-Local Government
Cooperation" (unpublished, World Bank, March).
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1998, Czech
Republic (Paris), pp. 5658.
John Nellis is Senior Manager of
the Enterprise Group in the World Bank's Private Sector Development Department. |